Characterization of solution grown 3D polycrystalline methylammonium lead tribromide for x-ray detection

Ryan Tan, Jessica Charest, Bogdan Dryzhakov, Chris Busch, Lance Drouet, Bin Hu, Mahshid Ahmadi, Eric Lukosi

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1 Scopus citations


Solution grown metal halide perovskites (MHPs) are a class of low-cost, direct conversion semiconducting materials with the potential to meet the need for large areas, high stopping power, and high sensitivity x-ray detectors. While polycrystalline MHP thin films have shown significant potential for meeting this need, their efficiencies for detecting x rays are limited by their thickness. This article presents an MHP variant, methylammonium lead tribromide (MAPB) in the form of 3D polycrystalline mosaic wafers with relatively high hole transport properties that demonstrated stable sensitivity during irradiation. An expedited and efficient detector fabrication method that did not include polishing or sintering was evaluated, and a radiograph of a brass key was produced using electron collection from the resulting wafer. However, a high dose rate was required due to very low sensitivity values. The effects of surface inhomogeneity and radiation damage were investigated as explanatory factors, and these phenomena were further characterized through IV measurements, current response as a function of electric field and x-ray dose rate, and alpha particle irradiation. The results indicated that although compromising surface quality for fabrication efficiency was the primary hindrance to the x-ray detection performance of 3D polycrystalline MAPB, stable performance could still be achieved under reasonable dose rates.

Original languageEnglish
Article number204503
JournalJournal of Applied Physics
Issue number20
StatePublished - Nov 28 2022
Externally publishedYes


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