Min Tsung Kao, Thomas J. McManamy, Igor Remec, Lukas Zavorka

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


The Second Target Station at Oak Ridge National Laboratory is designed to produce the world's highest peak brightness neutron source with a short-pulse 700 kW proton beam at 15 Hz using solid rotating tungsten (W) target segments. The W is hipped with tantalum (Ta) clad to minimize corrosion. Advanced computational fluid dynamics models were developed in STAR-CCM+, and multiple cooling channel arrangements were studied to improve heat transfer performance for different proton beam profiles, including normal, off-center, peaked, and diffuse proton beams. The energy depositions in the target segments were calculated from the neutronic analysis. The results from transient heat sources that modeled all proton pulses and equivalent steady-state heat sources were compared, and the peak temperature difference was within ±5°C. This paper discusses the effect of Coriolis and centrifugal forces on the rotating target. The results from displacements per atom-dependent thermal conductivity are also compared with that from irradiated W with constant thermal conductivity. The simulation results indicate that the curved side channel design has the best cooling performance and that 34% of bypass flow could occur due to a 1 mm gap from manufacturing tolerance. The two-phase flow simulation also shows that the air trapped in the target during the initial fill-up can be successfully evacuated during normal operation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)353-362
Number of pages10
JournalProceedings of the Thermal and Fluids Engineering Summer Conference
StatePublished - 2023
Event8th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference, TFEC 2023 - Hybrid, College Park, United States
Duration: Mar 26 2023Mar 29 2023


Notice: This manuscript has been authored by UT-Battelle, LLC, under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 with the US Department of Energy (DOE). The US government retains and the publisher, by accepting the article for publication, acknowledges that the US government retains a nonexclusive, paid-up, irrevocable, worldwide license to publish or reproduce the published form of this manuscript, or allow others to do so, for US government purposes. DOE will provide public access to these results of federally sponsored research in accordance with the DOE Public Access Plan (


  • CFD
  • Coriolis force
  • STS
  • Spallation Neutron Source
  • air-water two-phase flow
  • cooling channel


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