Catalyst-layer ionomer imaging of fuel cells

Laure Guetaz, Miguel Lopez-Haro, Sylvie Escribano, Arnaud Morin, Gerard Gebel, David A. Cullen, Karren L. More, Rod L. Borup

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

41 Scopus citations


Investigation of membrane/electrode assembly (MEA) microstructure has become an essential step to optimize the MEA components and manufacturing processes or to study the MEA degradation. For these investigations, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is a tool of choice as it provides direct imaging of the different components. TEM is then widely used for analyzing the catalyst nanoparticles and their carbon support. However, the ionomer inside the electrode is more difficult to be imaged. The difficulties come from the fact that the ionomer forms an ultrathin layer surrounding the carbon particles and in addition, these two components, having similar density, present no difference in contrast. In this work, we show how the recent progresses in TEM techniques as spherical aberration (Cs) corrected HRTEM, electron tomography and X-EDS elemental mapping provide new possibilities for imaging this ionomer network and consequently to study its degradation.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationPolymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells 15, PEFC 15
EditorsH. A. Gasteiger, A. Z. Weber, V. K. Ramani, T. F. Fuller, R. A. Mantz, H. Uchida, F. N. Buchi, M. Edmundson, C. Coutanceau, J. M. Fenton, S. Mitsushima, T. J. Schmidt, K. Shinohara, K. Swider-Lyons, D. J. Jones, B. S. Pivovar, K. E. Ayers, K. A. Perry, S. R. Narayanan, P. Strasser
PublisherElectrochemical Society Inc.
Number of pages10
ISBN (Electronic)9781607685395
StatePublished - 2015
EventSymposium on Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells 15, PEFC 2015 - 228th ECS Meeting - Phoenix, United States
Duration: Oct 11 2015Oct 15 2015

Publication series

NameECS Transactions
ISSN (Print)1938-6737
ISSN (Electronic)1938-5862


ConferenceSymposium on Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells 15, PEFC 2015 - 228th ECS Meeting
Country/TerritoryUnited States


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