Capturing the fire: Flame energetics and neutronization for type la supernova simulations

A. C. Calder, D. M. Townsley, I. R. Seitenzahl, F. Peng, O. E.B. Messer, N. Vladimirova, E. F. Brown, J. W. Truran, D. Q. Lamb

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

79 Scopus citations


We develop and calibrate a realistic model flame for hydrodynamic simulations of deflagrations in white dwarf (Type Ia) supernovae. Our flame model builds on the advection-diffusion-reaction model of Khokhlov and includes electron screening and Coulomb corrections to the equation of state in a self-consistent way. We calibrate this model flame - its energetics and timescales for energy release and neutralization - with self-heating reaction network calculations that include both these Coulomb effects and up-to-date weak interactions. The burned material evolves postflame due to both weak interactions and hydrodynamic changes in density and temperature. We develop a scheme to follow the evolution, including neutralization, of the NSE state subsequent to the passage of the flame front. As a result, our model flame is suitable for deflagration simulations over a wide range of initial central densities and can track the temperature and electron fraction of the burned material through the explosion and into the expansion of the ejecta.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)313-332
Number of pages20
JournalAstrophysical Journal
Issue number1 I
StatePublished - Feb 10 2007


  • Hydrodynamics
  • Nuclear reactions, nucleosynthesis, abundances
  • Supernovae: general
  • White dwarfs


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