Calculated magnetic exchange interactions in high-temperature superconductors

Xiangang Wan, Thomas A. Maier, Sergej Y. Savrasov

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34 Scopus citations


Using a first-principles linear-response approach, we study the magnetic exchange interactions J for a series of superconducting cuprates. We reproduce the observed spin-wave dispersions together with other experimental trends, and show that different cuprates have similar J′ s regardless of their Tc. The nearest-neighbor J is not sensitive to the hole doping, which agrees with recent experiments. For the undoped cuprates, the second-nearest-neighbor J is ferromagnetic, but changes its sign with hole doping. We also find that, in contrast to the hopping integral, the exchange interaction is not sensitive to the position of apical oxygen. To see the effect of the long-range nature of the exchange on the superconducting Tc, we study the dynamical spin susceptibility χ (q,ω) within the t-J model using a dynamical cluster approximation.

Original languageEnglish
Article number155114
JournalPhysical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Issue number15
StatePublished - Apr 17 2009


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