Bioluminescent bioreporter integrated circuits (BBICs): Whole-cell environmental monitoring devices 1

Michael L. Simpson, Michael J. Paulus, Gerald E. Jellison, Gary S. Sayler, Bruce M. Applegate, Steven Ripp, David E. Nivens

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


We report a chemical sensing technology composed of engineered bioluminescent bacteria placed on an integrated microluminometer. The bacteria have been engineered to luminesce when the targeted compound is metabolized, while the microluminometer detects, processes, and then reports the magnitude of this optical signal. In this work we report our progress in the development of these biosensors and present data from our early prototypes.

Original languageEnglish
JournalSAE Technical Papers
StatePublished - 1999
Event29th International Conference on Environmental Systems - Denver, CO, United States
Duration: Jul 12 1999Jul 15 1999


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