Biocompatible Nanocoatings of Fluorinated Polyphosphazenes through Aqueous Assembly

Victor Selin, Victoria Albright, John F. Ankner, Alexander Marin, Alexander K. Andrianov, Svetlana A. Sukhishvili

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29 Scopus citations


Nonionic fluorinated polyphosphazenes, such as poly[bis(trifluoroethoxy)phosphazene] (PTFEP), display superb biocompatibility, yet their deposition to surfaces has been limited to solution casting from organic solvents or thermal molding. Herein, hydrophobic coatings of fluorinated polyphosphazenes are demonstrated through controlled deposition of ionic fluorinated polyphosphazenes (iFPs) from aqueous solutions using the layer-by-layer (LbL) technique. Specifically, the assemblies included poly[(carboxylatophenoxy)(trifluoroethoxy)phosphazenes] with varied content of fluorine atoms as iFPs (or poly[bis(carboxyphenoxy)phosphazene] (PCPP) as a control nonfluorinated polyphosphazene) and a variety of polycations. Hydrophobic interactions largely contributed to the formation of LbL films of iFPs with polycations, leading to linear growth and extremely low water uptake. Hydrophobicity-enhanced ionic pairing within iFP/BPEI assemblies gave rise to large-amplitude oscillations in surface wettability as a function of capping layer, which were the largest for the most fluorinated iFP, while control PCPP/polycation systems remained hydrophilic regardless of the film top layer. Neutron reflectometry (NR) studies indicated superior layering and persistence of such layering in salt solution for iFP/BPEI films as compared to control PCPP/polycation systems. Hydrophobicity of iFP-capped LbL coatings could be further enhanced by using a highly porous polyester surgical felt rather than planar substrates for film deposition. Importantly, iFP/polycation coatings displayed biocompatibility which was similar to or superior to that of solution-cast coatings of a clinically validated material (PTFEP), as demonstrated by the hemolysis of the whole blood and protein adsorption studies.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)9756-9764
Number of pages9
JournalACS Applied Materials and Interfaces
Issue number11
StatePublished - Mar 21 2018
Externally publishedYes


We acknowledge financial support from Texas A&M University/Association of Former Students Graduate Merit Fellowship. This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Award DMR-1610725 (S.S.) and MPower Maryland (A.M. and A.A.) and intramural IBBR funding (A.M. and A.A.). Neutron measurements were performed at the Spallation Neutron Source at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, managed by UT-Battelle LLC, for the DOE under contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725. We acknowledge financial support from Texas A&M University/Association of Former Students Graduate Merit Fellowship. This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Award DMR-1610725 (S.S.) and MPower Maryland (A.M. and A.A.) and intramural IBBR funding (A.M. and A.A.). Neutron measurements were performed at the Spallation Neutron Source at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, for the DOE under contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725.


  • biocompatibility
  • layer-by-layer films
  • polyelectrolytes
  • polyphosphazenes
  • surface wettability


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