Biaxial flexural strength of poled lead zirconate titanate under high electric field with extended field range

Kewei Zhang, Fan Wen Zeng, Hong Wang, Hua Tay Lin

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Scopus citations


In the present work, as-received poled lead zirconate titanate, or PZT, was examined using ball-on-ring (BoR) mechanical testing coupled with an electric field. Electric fields in the range of ±4EC (EC, coercive field) with controlled loading paths were applied, and mechanical tests at a substantial number of characteristic electric field levels were conducted. Commercial electronic liquid FC-40 was used to prevent the setup from dielectric breakdown under a high electric field. Weibull strength distribution was used to interpret the mechanical strength data. The data showed that the strength levels of the PZT tested under OC (open circuit) in air and in FC-40 were almost the same. It was further revealed that, for the studied cases, the effect of loading history on the biaxial flexural strength of the PZT was significant in -EC, but not in OC or zero field as well as 4E C. An asymmetric V curve was observed for the characteristic strength-electric field graph, and the bottom of V curve was located near the negative coercive field. Microscopic analysis showed that surface-located volume-distributed flaws were the strength limiter and responsible for the failure of the tested PZT under electromechanical loadings.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2023-2030
Number of pages8
JournalCeramics International
Issue number2
StatePublished - Mar 2013


The authors are grateful to Drs. Michael Lance and Fei Ren for reviewing the manuscript and giving useful suggestions. This research was sponsored by the US Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy , Vehicle Technologies Program, as part of the Propulsion Materials Program under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 with UT-Battelle, LLC.


  • C. Fracture
  • C. Strength
  • D. PZT


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