Benchmarking of the 3-D CAD-based Discrete Ordinates code "aTTILA" for dose rate calculations against experiments and Monte Carlo calculations

Mahmoud Youssef, Russell Feder, Paola Batistoni, Ulrich Fischer, Shrichand Jakhar, Chikara Konno, Michael Loughlin, Rosaria Villari, Yican Wu

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

7 Scopus citations


Shutdown dose rate (SDDR) inside and around the diagnostics ports of ITER is performed at PPPL/UCLA using the 3-D, FEM, Discrete Ordinates code, ATTILA, along with its updated FORNAX transmutation/decay gamma library. Other ITER partners assess SDDR using codes based on the Monte Carlo (MC) approach (e.g. MCNP code) for transport calculation and the radioactivity inventory code FISPACT or other equivalent decay data libraries for dose rate assessment. To reveal the range of discrepancies in the results obtained by various analysts, an extensive experimental and calculation benchmarking effort has been undertaken to validate the capability of ATTILA for dose rate assessment. On the experimental validation front, the comparison was performed using the measured data from two SDDR experiments performed at the FNG facility, Italy. Comparison was made to the experimental data and to MC results obtained by other analysts. On the calculation validation front, the ATTILA's predictions were compared to other results at key locations inside a calculation benchmark whose configuration duplicates an upper diagnostics port plug (UPP) in ITER. Both serial and parallel version of ATTILA-7.1.0 are used in the PPPL/UCLA analysis performed with FENDL-2.1/FORNAX databases. In the FNG 1st experimental, it was shown that ATTILA's dose rates are largely over estimated (by ∼30-60%) with the ANSI/ANS-6.1.1 flux-to-dose factors whereas the ICRP-74 factors give better agreement (10-20%) with the experimental data and with the MC results at all cooling times. In the 2nd experiment, there is an under estimation in SDDR calculated by both MCNP and ATTILA based on ANSI/ANS-6.1.1 for cooling times up to ∼4 days after irradiation. Thereafter, an over estimation is observed (∼5-10% with MCNP and ∼10-15% with ATTILA). As for the calculation benchmark, the agreement is much better based on ICRP-74 1996 data. The divergence among all dose rate results at ∼11 days cooling time is no more than 15% among all participants.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3033-3040
Number of pages8
JournalFusion Engineering and Design
Issue number11
StatePublished - Nov 2013
Externally publishedYes


This work is funded by the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory under contract # S006987-R through US ITER Project and USITER 15300-PD0002-R00. The work performed in support of this report was made possible by the United States Department of Energy through PPPL Prime Contract Number DE-AC02-09CH11466. All US ITER activities are managed by the US ITER Project Office, hosted by Oak Ridge National Laboratory with partner labs Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory and Savannah River National Laboratory. The project is being accomplished through a collaboration of DOE Laboratories, Universities and industry.

FundersFunder number
US ITERUSITER 15300-PD0002-R00
United States Department of EnergyDE-AC02-09CH11466
Princeton Plasma Physics LaboratoryS006987-R


    • 14-MeV integral experiments
    • ATTILA 3-D Discrete Ordinates
    • Calculation benchmarking
    • FNG facility
    • ITER diagnostics ports
    • Shutdown dose rates


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