Benchmark calculations for H3, He4, O16, and Ca40 with ab initio coupled-cluster theory

G. Hagen, D. J. Dean, M. Hjorth-Jensen, T. Papenbrock, A. Schwenk

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91 Scopus citations


We present ab initio calculations for H3, He4, O16, and Ca40 based on two-nucleon low-momentum interactions Vlowk within coupled-cluster theory. For H3 and He4, our results are within 70 and 10 keV of the corresponding Faddeev and Faddeev-Yakubovsky energies. We study in detail the convergence with respect to the size of the model space and the single-particle basis. For the heavier nuclei, we report practically converged binding energies and compare with other approaches.

Original languageEnglish
Article number044305
JournalPhysical Review C - Nuclear Physics
Issue number4
StatePublished - Oct 8 2007


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