Automation of Image Analysis Software for Evaluation of Seed Vigor

Erin G. Wilkerson, Robert L. Geneve, Richard S. Gates

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Seedling vigor tests are used by researchers and seed companies to predict seedling emergence under field conditions. Germination rate, or the time to radicle emergence, under given conditions is an important measure of vigor. SEEDSCAN, an image analysis program developed for seedling vigor tests, was shown to be successful in repetitively measuring the projected areas of germinating seeds at given time intervals. By utilizing a flatbed scanner as the image capture device it was possible to obtain clear images of even the smallest seeds. Other important features of this system are the improved time resolution over manual germination rate tests, reduction in the labor costs associated with these tests, and the ability to analyze seeds in petri dishes. Limitations of the system that have been identified are limited repeatability of measurements, dark halos surrounding some seeds causing false measurements, and the effect of seedling orientation on the projected area.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages11
StatePublished - 2000
Externally publishedYes
Event2000 ASAE Annual International Meeting, Technical Papers: Engineering Solutions for a New Century - Milwaukee, WI, United States
Duration: Jul 9 2000Jul 12 2000


Conference2000 ASAE Annual International Meeting, Technical Papers: Engineering Solutions for a New Century
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityMilwaukee, WI


  • Image analysis
  • Seed germination
  • Seeds
  • Vigor


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