Automated Resonance Fitting for Nuclear Data Evaluation

Noah A.W. Walton, Oleksii Zivenko, Amanda M. Lewis, William Fritsch, Jacob Forbes, Jesse M. Brown, David A. Brown, Gustavo P.A. Nobre, Vladimir Sobes

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Global and national efforts to deliver high-quality nuclear data to users have a wide-ranging impact, affecting applications in national security, reactor operations, basic science, medicine, and more. Cross-section evaluation is a major part of this effort, combining theory and experimentation to produce recommended values and uncertainties for reaction probabilities. Resonance region evaluation is a specialized type of nuclear data evaluation that can require significant manual effort and months of time from expert scientists. In this article, nonconvex, nonlinear optimization methods are combined with concepts of inferential statistics to infer a resonance model from experimental data in an automated manner that is not dependent on prior evaluation(s). This methodology aims to enhance the workflow of a resonance evaluator by minimizing time, effort, and the potential for bias from prior assumptions, while enhancing reproducibility and documentation, thereby addressing well-known challenges in the field.

Original languageEnglish
JournalNuclear Science and Engineering
StateAccepted/In press - 2025


  • automation
  • evaluation
  • reproducibility
  • Resonance


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