Artificial intelligence for accelerating time integrations in multiscale modeling

Changnian Han, Peng Zhang, Danny Bluestein, Guojing Cong, Yuefan Deng

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

18 Scopus citations


We developed a novel data-driven Artificial Intelligence-enhanced Adaptive Time Stepping algorithm (AI-ATS) that can adapt timestep sizes to underlying biophysical dynamics. We demonstrated its values in solving a complex biophysical problem, at multiple spatiotemporal scales, that describes platelet dynamics in shear blood flow. In order to achieve a significant speedup of this computationally demanding problem, we integrated a framework of novel AI algorithms into the solution of the platelet dynamics equations. Our framework involves recurrent neural network-based autoencoders by the Long Short-Term Memory and the Gated Recurrent Units as the first step for memorizing the dynamic states in long-term dependencies for the input time series, followed by two fully-connected neural networks to optimize timestep sizes and step jumps. The computational efficiency of our AI-ATS is underscored by assessing the accuracy and speed of a multiscale simulation of the platelet with the standard time stepping algorithm (STS). By adapting the timestep size, our AI-ATS guides the omission of multiple redundant time steps without sacrificing significant accuracy of the dynamics. Compared to the STS, our AI-ATS achieved a reduction of 40% unnecessary calculations while bounding the errors of mechanical and thermodynamic properties to 3%.

Original languageEnglish
Article number110053
JournalJournal of Computational Physics
StatePublished - Feb 15 2021
Externally publishedYes


This publication was made possible by a grant from the National Institutes of Health NHLBI 5U01 HL13105205 (PI: D. Bluestein, Co-Investigators: Y. Deng, M.J. Slepian) and a grant from the SUNY-IBM Consortium Award, IPDyna: Intelligent Platelet Dynamics, FP00004096 (PI: Y. Deng, Co-Investigator: P. Zhang). The simulations in this study were conducted on the WSC Cluster at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center through an IBM Faculty Award FP0002468 (PI: Y. Deng). This publication was made possible by a grant from the National Institutes of Health NHLBI 5U01 HL13105205 (PI: D. Bluestein, Co-Investigators: Y. Deng, M.J. Slepian) and a grant from the SUNY-IBM Consortium Award, IPDyna: Intelligent Platelet Dynamics, FP00004096 (PI: Y. Deng, Co-Investigator: P. Zhang). The simulations in this study were conducted on the WSC Cluster at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center through an IBM Faculty Award FP0002468 (PI: Y. Deng).


  • Adaptive time stepping
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Multiscale modeling
  • Platelet dynamics


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