Application of numerical and empirical approaches in optimizing hygrothermal performance of building enclosures

Marcin Pazera, Mikael Salonvaara

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Thermal comfort and energy performance of buildings are affected by the performance of the building enclosure (BE). From a hygrothermal performance standpoint, building enclosures function to control the flow of heat, air and moisture between the interior and the exterior. Control of these elements becomes imperative in hospitals where high levels of interior humidity are expected. In the presence of high interior moisture loads the design of BE requires more scrutiny to ensure adequate performance and durability during their service life. Potential consequences of inadequately designed BE include thermal bridges, condensation problems and excessive energy losses. A case study is presented to show how building science principles and computer software are used in developing viable remedial options to resolve condensing window problems in a hospital.

Original languageEnglish
StatePublished - 2009
Externally publishedYes
Event9th International Healthy Buildings Conference and Exhibition, HB 2009 - Syracuse, NY, United States
Duration: Sep 13 2009Sep 17 2009


Conference9th International Healthy Buildings Conference and Exhibition, HB 2009
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CitySyracuse, NY


  • Building enclosure
  • Computer modeling
  • Condensation
  • Heat transfer
  • Thermal performance


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