Application of Hydra-TH, the CASL T-H code, for computing nuclear reactor spacer grids

Emilian L. Popov, Mark A. Christon, Jozsef Bakosi

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


This work is focused on assessing the Hydra-TH code capabilities for a variety of prototypical CASL applications. Practical size problems were developed and run, ranging from a 3×3 fuel rod test mesh to a full size 17×17 fuel rod bundle. The code was installed and executed mainly on two platforms: FISSION at INL, and TITAN at ORNL. Both of these two large parallel clusters provide sufficient computing power to run the models considered here. Parallel to running the software, several other important activities took significant portion of the time. Those are: mesh preparation and visualization of both the mesh and the results. The commercial tool, HEXPRESS/HYBRID, was used for meshing and open source PARA VIEW for visualization.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEmbedded Topical Meeting on Advances in Thermal Hydraulics, ATH 2014, Held at the American Nuclear Society 2014 Annual Meeting
PublisherAmerican Nuclear Society
Number of pages15
ISBN (Electronic)9781632668509
StatePublished - 2014
EventEmbedded Topical Meeting on Advances in Thermal Hydraulics, ATH 2014, Held at the American Nuclear Society 2014 Annual Meeting - Reno, United States
Duration: Jun 15 2014Jun 19 2014

Publication series

NameEmbedded Topical Meeting on Advances in Thermal Hydraulics, ATH 2014, Held at the American Nuclear Society 2014 Annual Meeting


ConferenceEmbedded Topical Meeting on Advances in Thermal Hydraulics, ATH 2014, Held at the American Nuclear Society 2014 Annual Meeting
Country/TerritoryUnited States


  • CASL
  • CFD
  • Fuel rod bundle
  • Hydra-TH
  • Modeling and simulation
  • Thermal hydraulics


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