Anisotropic magnetic field responses of ferroelectric polarization in the trigonal multiferroic CuFe1-x Alx O2 (x=0.015 )

Taro Nakajima, Setsuo Mitsuda, Shunsuke Kanetsuki, Motoyoshi Yamano, Shunsuke Iwamoto, Yukihiko Yoshida, Hiroyuki Mitamura, Yoshiki Sawai, Masashi Tokunaga, Koichi Kindo, Karel Prokeš, Andrey Podlesnyak

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9 Scopus citations


We have investigated magnetic field dependences of a ferroelectric incommensurate-helimagnetic order in a trigonal magnetoelectric multiferroic CuFe1-x Alx O2 with x=0.015, which exhibits the ferroelectric phase as a ground state, by means of neutron diffraction, magnetization, and dielectric polarization measurements under magnetic fields applied along various directions. From the present results, we have established the H-T magnetic phase diagrams for the three principal directions of magnetic fields; (i) parallel to the c axis, (ii) parallel to the helical axis, and (iii) perpendicular to the c and the helical axes. While the previous dielectric polarization (P) measurements on CuFe1-x Alx O2 with x=0.035 have demonstrated that the magnetic field dependence of the "magnetic domain structure" results in distinct magnetic field responses of P, the present study have revealed that the anisotropic magnetic field dependence of the ferroelectric helimagnetic order "in each magnetic domain" can be also a source of a variety of magnetic field responses of P in CuFe1-x Alx O2 systems (A=Al,Ga).

Original languageEnglish
Article number014422
JournalPhysical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 26 2010
Externally publishedYes


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