Analysis of US Industrial Assessment Centers (IACs) implementation

Kalie Miera, Ahmad I. Abbas, Sachin Nimbalkar, Thomas Wenning

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Industrial energy assessments are a fundamental action toward developing a decarbonization strategy at any level. They provide an understanding of where energy efficiency opportunities exist and help to make informed business decisions about the costs and benefits of implementing sustainable policies and practices. This paper examines the effectiveness of the Department of Energy's Industrial Assessment Centers Program at providing useful energy-efficiency audits as well as the barriers faced by the program and plans for future growth and improvement. This paper presents an analysis of the program between 1981 and 2022, covering 20,290 industrial assessments and 151,198 recommendations, with $2.6 billion of recommended savings. The analysis includes a breakdown of the IAC recommendations and implemented projects based on both the industrial subsectors according to the Standard Industrial Classification code, energy type, and systems evaluated. The results include a 47 % implementation rate, a gap analysis to understand the missed opportunities, and a discussion about reasons for recommendation rejection. A comparison of the IAC Program with other country-level energy auditing or assessment programs was conducted, and suggestions for improving implementation rates were mentioned.

Original languageEnglish
Article number134415
StatePublished - Jan 15 2025


  • Decarbonization
  • Energy-audit
  • Energy-efficiency
  • Industrial-assessment-center
  • Manufacturer
  • Sustainability


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