Analysis of sex-linked, sequence-characterized amplified region markers in Salix eriocephala

L. E. Gunter, R. F. Kopp, R. P. McCord, G. A. Tuskan

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8 Scopus citations


Two DNA markers, sequence-characterized amplified region (SCAR) AE08 780 and SCAR 354520, known to be linked to and flanking a putative sex determination locus in Salix viminalis L., were tested in another shrubform willow, Salix eriocephala Michx. Marker analysis of seven female and eight male S. eriocephala clones used to produce 34 fullsib families reveals that five pairs of parents are alternatively polymorphic relative to reciprocal male and female combinations for the two marker loci. A goodness-of-fit test of marker presence or absence and relationship to gender suggests that the occurrence of SCAR 354520 is not significantly different (χ 2 = 3.18, df = 1, P > 0.05) from the expected ratio of marker presence:absence in the male and female progenies across all five families, indicating no relationship to gender. However, the occurrence of SCAR AE08 780 differs significantly from expected (χ2 = 21.05, df = 1, P < 0.001) in the five families and seems to be linked to femaleness in S. eriocephala. Within a single family, 984 (n = 54), both markers show a significant deviation from expected at P < 0.01 (SCAR AE08780: χ2 = 11.37, df = 1; SCAR 354520: χ2 = 9.49, df = 1). These data support the hypothesis that there is an association between the markers and a locus associated with gender in two divergent species and that there may be a common sex determination mechanism in willow.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1785-1790
Number of pages6
JournalCanadian Journal of Forest Research
Issue number9
StatePublished - Sep 2003


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