Analysis of dynamic tilt stiffness and damping coefficients of externally pressurized porous gas journal bearings.

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A theoretical estimate of dynamic characteristics in terms of stiffness and damping of an externally pressurized gas-lubricated porous journal bearing under tilting mode of vibration is made. The governing nonlinear partial differential equations in the porous medium and in the bearing clearance are linearized using a first-order perturbation analysis. The tilt stiffness and damping are then determined from the solution of the resulting linear partial differential equations numerically. The effect of feeding parameter, supply pressure, porosity parameter, L/D ratio and eccentricity ratio on these two above characteristics is shown. (A)

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)359-363
Number of pages5
JournalJ Lubr Technol Trans ASME
Issue number2 , Jul.1978
StatePublished - 1978


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