Analysing the effects of heating and gas puffing in Proto-MPEX helicon and auxiliary heated plasmas

M. S. Islam, J. D. Lore, C. Lau, J. Rapp

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


The Material Plasma Exposure Experiment (MPEX) is being constructed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory to investigate critical fusion reactor issues, such as plasma-material interactions (PMIs) under reactor-relevant conditions and time scales. The linear device Proto-MPEX was used as a test bed to address anticipated research and development issues associated with heating scenarios and establish the physics basis for MPEX. The SOLPS-ITER code suite has been applied to understand plasma and neutral transport in Proto-MPEX and to increase confidence in predictive simulations for MPEX. Coupling between COMSOL and SOLPS is performed to implement a 2D electron heating profile of the helicon source. The simulations show reasonable agreement with the experimental data for plasma with helicon and auxiliary electron cyclotron heating (ECH). Both Bohm and constant diffusion (D ⊥ : 0.5 m2 s−1 and χ ⊥ : 1 m2 s−1) simulations show similar levels of agreement with respect to the sparse experimental data available, assuming a few per cent impurity concentration. ECH significantly increases the target electron temperature, however, the target electron density is reduced compared to helicon-only heated plasmas due to an increase in flow velocity and radial losses. The simulations show that further increasing the ECH power results in an increase in the target electron density due to increased recycling flux and ionization. The results indicate that ECH significantly enhances the target heat flux, with ECH power of 50 kW increasing the target heat flux from 0.4 to 17 MW m−2. It is found that a small amount of gas puffing (GP) near the target plate can further increase the target heat fluxes at the higher ECH power cases, but the target heat flux is reduced at higher GP conditions due to a significant reduction in electron temperature via radiation. ECH and GP scenarios can generate a higher target flux, facilitating improved PMI studies with more reactor-relevant plasma conditions.

Original languageEnglish
Article number095020
JournalPlasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
Issue number9
StatePublished - Sep 2023


The authors would like to thank Dr Ezekial Unterberg, Dr Lauren Nuckols, Dr Atul Kumar, Dr Jae-Sun Park, Dr Curtis Johnson, Dr Sebastian De Pascuale, Dr Mark Cianciosa, Dr Iván Paradela Pérez, ORNL for their valuable suggestions and comments. The authors also want to thank Dr Jorge Gonzalez, DIFFER and Dr Elena Tonello, Politecnico di Milano for their help with the SOLPS simulation setup for a linear fusion device geometry. This manuscript has been authored by UT-Battelle, LLC, under Contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 with the US Department of Energy (DOE). The publisher acknowledges the US government license to provide public access under the DOE Public Access Plan ( This manuscript has been authored by UT-Battelle, LLC, under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 with the US Department of Energy (DOE). The publisher acknowledges the US government license to provide public access under the DOE Public Access Plan ( ).

FundersFunder number
DOE Public Access Plan
U.S. Department of Energy
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Politecnico di MilanoDE-AC05-00OR22725


    • MPEX
    • divertor
    • plasma heating and fuelling
    • plasma transport


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