An improved measurement of Rb using a double tagging method

K. Ackerstaff, G. Alexander, J. Allison, N. Altekamp, K. Ametewee, K. J. Anderson, S. Anderson, S. Arcelli, S. Asai, D. Axen, G. Azuelos, A. H. Ball, E. Barberio, R. J. Barlow, R. Bartoldus, J. R. Batley, J. Bechtluft, C. Beeston, T. Behnke, A. N. BellK. W. Bell, G. Bella, S. Bentvelsen, P. Berlich, S. Bethke, O. Biebel, A. Biguzzi, V. Blobel, I. J. Bloodworth, J. E. Bloomer, M. Bobinski, P. Bock, H. M. Bosch, M. Boutemeur, B. T. Bouwens, S. Braibant, R. M. Brown, H. J. Burckhart, C. Burgard, R. Bürgin, P. Capiluppi, R. K. Carnegie, A. A. Carter, J. R. Carter, C. Y. Chang, D. G. Charlton, D. Chrisman, P. E.L. Clarke, I. Cohen, J. E. Conboy, O. C. Cooke, M. Cuffiani, S. Dado, C. Dallapiccola, G. M. Dallavalle, S. De Jong, L. A. Del Pozo, K. Desch, M. S. Dixit, E. Do Couto E Silva, M. Doucet, E. Duchovni, G. Duckeck, I. P. Duerdoth, J. E.G. Edwards, P. G. Estabrooks, H. G. Evans, M. Evans, F. Fabbri, P. Fath, F. Fiedler, M. Fierro, H. M. Fischer, R. Folman, D. G. Fong, M. Foucher, A. Fürtjes, P. Gagnon, A. Gaidot, J. W. Gary, J. Gascon, S. M. Gascon-Shotkin, N. I. Geddes, C. Geich-Gimbel, F. X. Gentit, T. Geralis, G. Giacomelli, P. Giacomelli, R. Giacomelli, V. Gibson, W. R. Gibson, D. M. Gingrich, D. Glenzinski, J. Goldberg, M. J. Goodrick, W. Gorn, C. Grandi, E. Gross, J. Grunhaus, M. Gruwé, C. Hajdu, G. G. Hanson, M. Hansroul, M. Hapke, C. K. Hargrove, P. A. Hart, C. Hartmann, M. Hauschild, C. M. Hawkes, R. Hawkings, R. J. Hemingway, M. Herndon, G. Herten, R. D. Heuer, M. D. Hildreth, J. C. Hill, S. J. Hillier, T. Hilse, P. R. Hobson, R. J. Homer, A. K. Honma, D. Horváth, R. Howard, R. E. Hughes-Jones, D. E. Hutchcroft, P. Igo-Kemenes, D. C. Imrie, M. R. Ingram, K. Ishii, A. Jawahery, P. W. Jeffreys, H. Jeremie, M. Jimack, A. Joly, C. R. Jones, G. Jones, M. Jones, R. W.L. Jones, U. Jost, P. Jovanovic, T. R. Junk, D. Karlen, K. Kawagoe, T. Kawamoto, R. K. Keeler, R. G. Kellogg, B. W. Kennedy, B. J. King, J. Kirk, S. Kluth, T. Kobayashi, M. Kobel, D. S. Koetke, T. P. Kokott, M. Kolrep, S. Komamiya, T. Kress, P. Krieger, J. Von Krogh, P. Kyberd, G. D. Lafferty, H. Lafoux, R. Lahmann, W. P. Lai, D. Lanske, J. Lauber, S. R. Lautenschlager, J. G. Layter, D. Lazic, A. M. Lee, E. Lefebvre, D. Lellouch, J. Letts, L. Levinson, C. Lewis, S. L. Lloyd, F. K. Loebinger, G. D. Long, M. J. Losty, J. Ludwig, A. Malik, M. Mannelli, S. Marcellini, C. Markus, A. J. Martin, J. P. Martin, G. Martinez, T. Mashimo, W. Matthews, P. Mättig, W. J. McDonald, J. McKenna, E. A. Mckigney, T. J. McMahon, A. I. McNab, R. A. McPherson, F. Meijers, S. Menke, F. S. Merritt, H. Mes, J. Meyer, A. Michelini, G. Mikenberg, D. J. Miller, R. Mir, W. Mohr, A. Montanari, T. Mori, M. Morii, U. Müller, K. Nagai, I. Nakamura, H. A. Neal, B. Nellen, B. Nijjhar, R. Nisius, S. W. O'Neale, F. G. Oakham, F. Odorici, H. O. Ogren, N. J. Oldershaw, T. Omori, M. J. Oreglia, S. Orito, J. Pálinkás, G. Pásztor, J. R. Pater, G. N. Patrick, J. Patt, M. J. Pearce, S. Petzold, P. Pfeifenschneider, J. E. Pilcher, J. Pinfold, D. E. Plane, P. Poffenberger, B. Poli, A. Posthaus, H. Przysiezniak, D. L. Rees, D. Rigby, S. Robertson, S. A. Robins, N. Rodning, J. M. Roney, A. Rooke, E. Ros, A. M. Rossi, M. Rosvick, P. Routenburg, Y. Rozen, K. Runge, O. Runolfsson, U. Ruppel, D. R. Rust, R. Rylko, K. Sachs, E. K.G. Sarkisyan, M. Sasaki, C. Sbarra, A. D. Schaile, O. Schaile, F. Scharf, P. Scharff-Hansen, P. Schenk, B. Schmitt, S. Schmitt, M. Schröder, H. C. Schultz-Coulon, M. Schulz, M. Schumacher, P. Schütz, W. G. Scott, T. G. Shears, B. C. Shen, C. H. Shepherd-Themistocleous, P. Sherwood, G. P. Siroli, A. Sittler, A. Skillman, A. Skuja, A. M. Smith, T. J. Smith, G. A. Snow, R. Sobie, S. Söldner-Rembold, R. W. Springer, M. Sproston, A. Stahl, M. Steiert, K. Stephens, J. Steuerer, B. Stockhausen, D. Strom, F. Strumia, P. Szymanski, R. Tafirout, S. D. Talbot, S. Tanaka, P. Taras, S. Tarem, M. Thiergen, M. A. Thomson, E. Von Törne, S. Towers, I. Trigger, T. Tsukamoto, E. Tsur, A. S. Turcot, M. F. Turner-Watson, P. Utzat, R. Van Kooten, G. Vasseur, M. Verzocchi, P. Vikas, M. Vincter, E. H. Vokurka, F. Wäckerle, A. Wagner, C. P. Ward, D. R. Ward, J. J. Ward, P. M. Watkins, A. T. Watson, N. K. Watson, P. S. Wells, N. Wermes, J. S. White, B. Wilkens, G. W. Wilson, J. A. Wilson, G. Wolf, S. Wotton, T. R. Wyatt, S. Yamashita, G. Yekutieli, V. Zacek

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

30 Scopus citations


This paper describes an update of the double tagging measurement of the fraction, Rb, of Z0 → bb̄ events in hadronic Z0 decays, with statistics improved by including the data collected in 1994. The presence of electrons or muons from semileptonic decays of bottom hadrons and the detection of bottom hadron decay vertices were used together to obtain an event sample enriched in Z0 → bb̄ decays. The efficiency of the bb̄ event tagging was obtained from the data by comparing the numbers of events having a bottom signature in either one or both thrust hemispheres. Efficiency correlations between opposite event hemispheres are small (< 0.5%) and well understood through comparisons between the real and simulated data samples. A value of Rb = 0.2175 ± 0.0014 ± 0.0017 was obtained, where the first error is statistical and the second systematic. The uncertainty on the decay width Γ(Z0 → cc̄) is not included in these errors. The result depends on Rc as follows: ΔRb/Rb = -0.084 ΔRc/Rc, where ΔRc is the deviation of Rc from the value 0.172 predicted by the Standard Model.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-17
Number of pages17
JournalZeitschrift fur Physik C-Particles and Fields
Issue number1
StatePublished - Mar 1997
Externally publishedYes


Acknowledgements. We particularly wish to thank the SL Division for the efficient operation of the LEP accelerator and for their continuing close cooperation with our experimental group. In addition to the support staff at our own institutions we are pleased to acknowledge the Department of Energy, USA, National Science Foundation, USA, Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council, UK, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Canada, Israel Science Foundation, administered by the Israel Academy of Science and Humanities, Minerva Gesellschaft, Japanese Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (the Monbusho) and a grant under the Monbusho International Science Research Program, German Israeli Bi-national Science Foundation (GIF), Direction des Sciences de la Matière du Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique, France, Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie, Germany, National Research Council of Canada, Hungarian Foundation for Scientific Research, OTKA T-016660, and OTKA F-015089.

FundersFunder number
Direction des Sciences de la Matière du Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique
German Israeli Bi-national Science Foundation
Hungarian Foundation for Scientific ResearchOTKA F-015089, OTKA T-016660
Minerva Gesellschaft
National Science Foundation
U.S. Department of Energy
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
National Research Council Canada
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Israel Science Foundation


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