An exploration of online-simulation-driven portfolio scheduling in Workflow Management Systems

Jesse McDonald, John Dobbs, Yick Ching Wong, Rafael Ferreira da Silva, Henri Casanova

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Workflow Management Systems used to automate the execution of scientific workflow applications on parallel and distributed computing platforms must make scheduling decisions at runtime. A large number of workflow scheduling algorithms have been proposed in the literature, but often these algorithms are evaluated based on simplifying assumptions that may not hold in practice. Furthermore, published algorithm evaluation and/or comparison results are necessarily only for a subset of all possible scenarios, and thus may not include scenarios relevant to particular use-cases. Consequently, it is difficult for Workflow Management Systems (WMSs) developers to decide which scheduling algorithm should be implemented. To obviate this difficulty, one possible approach is to implement a portfolio of scheduling algorithms and select the most effective algorithm at runtime. One method for performing this selection is to run an online simulation for each algorithm in the portfolio. The algorithm that leads to the best performance, in simulation, is selected for future use. The above simulation-driven portfolio scheduling (SDPS) approach has been proposed in a few parallel and distributed computing contexts. The main objective of this work is to evaluate the feasibility and potential merit of SDPS if implemented in WMSs. We perform this evaluation using simulated WMS executions, where the simulations are instantiated from real-world platform and workflow configurations. Our main finding is that SDPS is on par with or outperforms an approach in which a single algorithm is used, where this algorithm is the one that performs best on average across all our experimental scenarios. Furthermore, we find that SDPS remains an attractive proposition even in the presence of high levels of simulation error and for simulators with relatively low levels of sophistication. In many of our experimental scenarios we find that mitigating simulation error at runtime can further improve performance. Finally, we show that simulation overhead can be made sufficiently low for SDPS to be feasible in practice.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)345-360
Number of pages16
JournalFuture Generation Computer Systems
StatePublished - Dec 2024


  • Portfolio scheduling
  • Scientific workflows
  • Simulation
  • Workflow Management Systems


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