An evaluation of tri-valent oxide (Cr2O3) as a grain enlarging dopant for UO2 nuclear fuels fabricated under reducing environment

Chinthaka M. Silva, Rodney D. Hunt, Kiel S. Holliday

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

10 Scopus citations


A study was performed to evaluate the microstructure and crystallography of nominally 500–2000 Cr2O3-doped UO2 fabricated in a temperature range of 1150–1750°C under reducing experimental conditions. An increase in grain size of the samples was observed with the increase in heat treating temperature as expected. For a given sintering temperature (1700–1750°C), an increase in the grain size was also observed with the increase in Cr2O3 concentration up to a value of ~1000–1200 wppm. A decrease in fission gas release as a function of grain size was estimated for the Cr2O3-doped UO2 samples assuming specified post-irradiation annealing conditions. A nearly linear decrease was obtained in the lattice parameter of the Cr2O3-doped UO2 fcc phase with the increase in Cr2O3 concentration, especially up to a nominal value of 1000 wppm. The lattice parameter decrease was also persistent with the increase in the average grain size as a result of addition of Cr2O3 into the UO2 lattice. An increase in the crystallite size and a decrease in the microstrain of the fcc phase were observed with the increase in the average grain size of the samples, indicating a higher crystallinity of the Cr2O3-doped samples than that of the undoped UO2 sample.

Original languageEnglish
Article number153053
JournalJournal of Nuclear Materials
StatePublished - Sep 2021


The funding for this research was provided by the Advanced Fuels Campaign (AFC) of the US Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy (DOE-NE), and the experimental work was performed at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory . This work was also performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) under Contract No. DE-AC52–07NA27344. Authors would like to extend the gratitude to Dr. Andrew Nelson for his support in the research project and the ORNL staff, especially to, Chris Hobbs, Bryan Eckart, Alicia Raftery, Rachel Seibert, Becky Johnson, and Kelly King for their support in the completion of this work and the manuscript.


  • CrO-doped UO
  • Crystallite size
  • Doping UO
  • Lattice parameter
  • Microstrain
  • Nuclear fuel


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