AGR-1 UCO Kernel Phase Analysis Imaging Archive

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


UCO kernels in tri-structural isotropic (TRISO) particles consist of a heterogeneous mixture of uranium oxide and uranium carbide. During the Advanced Gas Reactor Fuel Development and Qualification (AGR) Program, mean kernel composition was specified based on bulk measurements of uranium, oxygen, and carbon content, as well as the resulting O/U, C/U, and O+C/U ratios. Further development of quality control characterization methods has resulted in a method for more direct measurement of phase fractions on a per-kernel basis using optical microscopy of polished kernel cross sections. This report provides benchmark values for this analysis method when applied to kernels from the AGR-1 campaign and to the raw images used.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationUnited States
StatePublished - 2024


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