Additively manufactured novel Al-Cu-Sc-Zr alloy: Microstructure and mechanical properties

Priyanka Agrawal, Sanya Gupta, Saket Thapliyal, Shivakant Shukla, Ravi Sankar Haridas, Rajiv S. Mishra

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

48 Scopus citations


An in-depth understanding of microstructure and resultant properties is paramount in the design of a novel alloy system, especially for additive manufacturing (AM). The present investigation aims to characterize a prototypical AM Al alloy with great potential for structural applications. An Al-1.5Cu-0.8Sc-0.4Zr alloy designed using integrated computational material engineering was printed using the laser powder bed fusion AM process. This novel alloy shows promising combination of strength and ductility in as-built and peak-aged conditions. This improvement in the tensile properties is attributed to the presence of both coherent L12 Al3Sc/Al3(Sc,Zr) precipitates and Cu-rich regions. The microstructures were studied via extensive microscopy at different length scales using X-ray microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy. Fractography revealed that the columnar grain boundaries in as-built condition allow easy slip transfer as compared to the equiaxed grains, with the apex of the melt pool acting as the crack nucleation site. However, the peak aged condition resulted in improved strength while marginally sacrificing ductility due to precipitates decorating dislocations, grain boundaries and melt pool boundaries thus acting as obstacles to slip transfer.

Original languageEnglish
Article number101623
JournalAdditive Manufacturing
StatePublished - Jan 2021
Externally publishedYes


The work was sponsored by the Office of Naval Research (ONR), USA under the ONR Award #N00014-17-1-2559. The authors thank the Materials Research Facility (MRF) and Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Processes Institute (AMMPI) at the University of North Texas for access to the microscopy facilities. The authors also thank Amalia Siller and Patrick Toll for preparing the samples for testing and microscopy.


  • Additive manufacturing
  • Aluminum alloys
  • Fractography
  • Texture
  • X-ray microscopy


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