Activating low-temperature diesel oxidation by single-atom Pt on TiO2 nanowire array

Son Hoang, Yanbing Guo, Andrew J. Binder, Wenxiang Tang, Sibo Wang, Jingyue (Jimmy) Liu, Tran D. Huan, Xingxu Lu, Yu Wang, Yong Ding, Eleni A. Kyriakidou, Ji Yang, Todd J. Toops, Thomas J. Pauly, Rampi Ramprasad, Pu Xian Gao

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117 Scopus citations


Supported metal single atom catalysts (SACs) present an emerging class of low-temperature catalysts with high reactivity and selectivity, which, however, face challenges on both durability and practicality. Herein, we report a single-atom Pt catalyst that is strongly anchored on a robust nanowire forest of mesoporous rutile titania grown on the channeled walls of full-size cordierite honeycombs. This Pt SAC exhibits remarkable activity for oxidation of CO and hydrocarbons with 90% conversion at temperatures as low as ~160 oC under simulated diesel exhaust conditions while using 5 times less Pt-group metals than a commercial oxidation catalyst. Such an excellent low-temperature performance is sustained over hydrothermal aging and sulfation as a result of highly dispersed and isolated active single Pt ions bonded at the Ti vacancy sites with 5 or 6 oxygen ions on titania nanowire surfaces.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1062
JournalNature Communications
Issue number1
StatePublished - Dec 1 2020


We are grateful for the financial support from the Scalable Nanomanufacturing Program at the US National Science Foundation under CBET1344792 and the Vehicle Technologies Incubator Program at the US Department of Energy under DE-EE0006854. X.L. is partially supported by a ThermoFisher Scientific Graduate Fellowship. The SEM and partial TEM studies were performed using the facilities in the University of Connecticut ThermoFisher Scientific Center for Advanced Microscopy and Materials Analysis (CAMMA). Computational support from XSEDE is acknowledged through the Grant No. TG-DMR170031. J.L. acknowledges funding by the US National Science Foundation under CHE-1465057 and the use of the John M. Cowley Center for High Resolution Electron Microscopy at Arizona State University. Y.G. acknowledges the financial support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 21777051). The X-ray absorption fine structure data was collected at BL14W1 station in Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF). The authors acknowledge Shuo Zhang at SSRF and Chang-Yong Nam at the Brookhaven National Laboratory for technical support. The authors also thank the technical help and insightful discussion on the TPR experiments from Dr. Jilei Liu and the late Prof. Maria Flytzani-Stephanopoulos at the Tufts University.


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