Accurate simulation of surfaces and interfaces of ten FCC metals and steel using Lennard–Jones potentials

Krishan Kanhaiya, Seonghan Kim, Wonpil Im, Hendrik Heinz

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64 Scopus citations


The earlier integration of validated Lennard–Jones (LJ) potentials for 8 fcc metals into materials and biomolecular force fields has advanced multiple research fields, for example, metal–electrolyte interfaces, recognition of biomolecules, colloidal assembly of metal nanostructures, alloys, and catalysis. Here we introduce 12-6 and 9-6 LJ parameters for classical all-atom simulations of 10 further fcc metals (Ac, Ca (α), Ce (γ), Es (β), Fe (γ), Ir, Rh, Sr (α), Th (α), Yb (β)) and stainless steel. The parameters reproduce lattice constants, surface energies, water interfacial energies, and interactions with (bio)organic molecules in 0.1 to 5% agreement with experiment, as well as qualitative mechanical properties under standard conditions. Deviations are reduced up to a factor of one hundred in comparison to earlier Lennard–Jones parameters, embedded atom models, and density functional theory. We also explain a quantitative correlation between atomization energies from experiments and surface energies that supports parameter development. The models are computationally very efficient and applicable to an exponential space of alloys. Compatibility with a wide range of force fields such as the Interface force field (IFF), AMBER, CHARMM, COMPASS, CVFF, DREIDING, OPLS-AA, and PCFF enables reliable simulations of nanostructures up to millions of atoms and microsecond time scales. User-friendly model building and input generation are available in the CHARMM-GUI Nanomaterial Modeler. As a limitation, deviations in mechanical properties vary and are comparable to DFT methods. We discuss the incorporation of reactivity and features of the electronic structure to expand the range of applications and further increase the accuracy.

Original languageEnglish
Article number17
Journalnpj Computational Materials
Issue number1
StatePublished - Dec 2021
Externally publishedYes


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