Accurate Nanoscale Crystallography in Real-Space Using Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy

J. Houston Dycus, Joshua S. Harris, Xiahan Sang, Chris M. Fancher, Scott D. Findlay, Adedapo A. Oni, Tsung Ta E. Chan, Carl C. Koch, Jacob L. Jones, Leslie J. Allen, Douglas L. Irving, James M. Le Beau

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

30 Scopus citations


Here, we report reproducible and accurate measurement of crystallographic parameters using scanning transmission electron microscopy. This is made possible by removing drift and residual scan distortion. We demonstrate real-space lattice parameter measurements with <0.1% error for complex-layered chalcogenides Bi2Te3, Bi2Se3, and a Bi2Te2.7Se0.3 nanostructured alloy. Pairing the technique with atomic resolution spectroscopy, we connect local structure with chemistry and bonding. Combining these results with density functional theory, we show that the incorporation of Se into Bi2Te3 causes charge redistribution that anomalously increases the van der Waals gap between building blocks of the layered structure. The results show that atomic resolution imaging with electrons can accurately and robustly quantify crystallography at the nanoscale.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)946-952
Number of pages7
JournalMicroscopy and Microanalysis
Issue number4
StatePublished - Apr 30 2015
Externally publishedYes


  • BiTe
  • atomic resolution spectroscopy
  • nanoscale metrology
  • scanning transmission electron microscopy


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