Ac dynamics of ferroelectric domains from an investigation of the frequency dependence of hysteresis loops

S. M. Yang, J. Y. Jo, T. H. Kim, J. G. Yoon, T. K. Song, H. N. Lee, Z. Marton, S. Park, Y. Jo, T. W. Noh

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    107 Scopus citations


    We investigated the pinning dominated domain-wall dynamics under an ac field by studying the frequency (f) dependence of hysteresis loops of a uniaxial ferroelectric (FE) system. We measured the fully saturated polarization- electric field (P-E) hysteresis loops of high-quality epitaxial 100-nm-thick PbZr0.2 Ti0.8 O3 capacitors at various f (5-2000 Hz) and temperatures T (10-300 K). We observed that the coercive field EC is proportional to fβ with two scaling regions, which was also reported earlier in magnetic systems, to the disordered FE systems, we obtained analytical expressions for the dynamic crossovers between the relaxation and creep, and between the creep and flow regimes. By comparing with the experimental data from our fully saturated P-E hysteresis loop measurements, we could construct a T-E dynamic phase diagram with f as a parameter for hysteretic FE domain dynamics in the presence of an ac field.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number174125
    JournalPhysical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
    Issue number17
    StatePublished - Nov 30 2010


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