A Scalable, Modular Degasser for Passive In-Line Removal of Bubbles from Biomicrofluidic Devices

Hannah B. Musgrove, Amirus Saleheen, Jonathan M. Zatorski, Abhinav Arneja, Chance John Luckey, Rebecca R. Pompano

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


Bubbles are a common cause of microfluidic malfunction, as they can perturb the fluid flow within the micro-sized features of a device. Since gas bubbles form easily within warm cell culture reagents, degassing is often necessary for biomicrofluidic systems. However, fabrication of a microscale degasser that can be used modularly with pre-existing chips may be cumbersome or challenging, especially for labs not equipped for traditional microfabrication, and current commercial options can be expensive. Here, we address the need for an affordable, accessible bubble trap that can be used in-line for continuous perfusion of organs-on-chip and other microfluidic cultures. We converted a previously described, manually fabricated PDMS degasser to allow scaled up, reproducible manufacturing by commercial machining or fused deposition modeling (FDM) 3D printing. After optimization, the machined and 3D printed degassers were found to be stable for >2 weeks under constant perfusion, without leaks. With a ~140 µL chamber volume, trapping capacity was extrapolated to allow for ~5–20 weeks of degassing depending on the rate of bubble formation. The degassers were biocompatible for use with cell culture, and they successfully prevented bubbles from reaching a downstream microfluidic device. Both degasser materials showed little to no leaching. The machined degasser did not absorb reagents, while the FDM printed degasser absorbed a small amount, and both maintained fluidic integrity from 1 µL/min to >1 mL/min of pressure-driven flow. Thus, these degassers can be fabricated in bulk and allow for long-term, efficient bubble removal in a simple microfluidic perfusion set-up.

Original languageEnglish
Article number435
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 2023
Externally publishedYes


  • 3D printing
  • bubble removal
  • bubble trap
  • CNC machined
  • FDM printing
  • microfluidics


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