A new technique for measuring astrophysically important (α,p) reactions

K. Y. Chae, D. W. Bardayan, C. D. Nesaraja, M. S. Smith, S. H. Ahn, A. Ayres, A. Bey, K. L. Jones, S. T. Pittman, M. E. Howard, P. D. O'Malley, R. L. Kozub, M. Matoš, B. H. Moazen, W. A. Peters

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


    Studying (α,p) reactions of astrophysical interest with radioactive beams presents serious challenges because of the difficult nature of the target. We have developed a new approach for the measurement of (α,p) reactions using heavy ion beams in inverse kinematics and have measured the 4He(19F,1H)22Ne reaction as a demonstration. 19F beams were used at the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility (HRIBF) tandem accelerator in Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) to bombard a large scattering chamber filled with 4He gas. Recoiling protons from the reactions were detected by the large area annular silicon strip detector array (SIDAR). The 19F(α,p) and 19F(α,p') excitation functions were measured over the energy range of E c.m. ∼1-2.1 MeV, demonstrating the viability of the technique.

    Original languageEnglish
    JournalProceedings of Science
    StatePublished - 2010
    Event11th Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos, NIC 2010 - Heidelberg, Germany
    Duration: Jul 19 2010Jul 23 2010


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