A new paradigm for e × B velocity shear suppression of gyro-kinetic turbulence and the momentum pinch

G. M. Staebler, J. Candy, R. E. Waltz, J. E. Kinsey, W. M. Solomon

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31 Scopus citations


Detailed studies of the non-linear radial wavenumber spectrum of electric potential fluctuations in gyro-kinetic plasma turbulence simulations have led to a new paradigm that is capable of computing the momentum pinch quasilinearly. It is found that shear in the E × B velocity Doppler shift suppresses turbulence by inducing a shift in the peak of the radial wavenumber spectrum, and a reduction in the amplitude. An analytic model of the process is used to understand the roles of the sheared velocity and the non-linear mode coupling. The analytic model leads to a simple formula that fits the non-linear spectrum and only depends on the spectral average shift in the radial wavenumber. This 'spectral shift' model is a new paradigm that radial parity breaking is the fundamental mechanism that suppresses the turbulence through a radial wavenumber shift. The E × B velocity shear is one of a number of radial parity breaking mechanisms. Using a model of the spectral shift the toroidal Reynolds stress due to the E × B velocity shear can be computed for the first time with a quasilinear model. It is shown that, when diamagnetic and neoclassical contributions to the parallel flows are included, the E × B velocity shear term in the toroidal Reynolds stress allows the sign of the intrinsic toroidal rotation to change. Simulations of the co-current and balanced neutral beam injection phase of a DIII-D discharge using the quasilinear model show good agreement with experiment.

Original languageEnglish
Article number113017
JournalNuclear Fusion
Issue number11
StatePublished - Nov 2013
Externally publishedYes


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