A Neural Network-Based Power Mismatch Elimination Strategy for Integrated Solar and ESS AC/DC Systems (MARS)

Qianxue Xia, Suman Debnath, Maryam Saeedifard

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The multiport autonomous reconfigurable solar power plant (MARS) is a promising concept for the integration of photovoltaic (PV) and energy storage system (ESS) to the transmission ac grid and a high-voltage direct current (HVdc) link. The presence of PV and ESS in each arm of the MARS results in uneven distribution of active power among different submodules (SMs), thereby leading to unbalanced SM capacitor voltages and potentially compromising the system stability. Moreover, in the case of partial shadings, shaded PV SMs will suffer from decreased power injections causing power mismatch in the MARS system. To address this issue, a neural-network-based power mismatch elimination (NNPME) strategy is proposed in this article. The proposed NNPME strategy optimizes ESS usage and leverages both dc and ac circulating currents to facilitate power transfer among the SMs, arms, and phases of the MARS system. Simulation and control hardware-in-the-loop (cHIL) experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed NNPME strategy. Compared with the traditional approaches, the proposed NNPME strategy can significantly enhance system efficiency and ensure stable and continuous operation, even in the presence of uneven power distribution within the MARS system.

Original languageEnglish
JournalIEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
StateAccepted/In press - 2024


  • Capacitor voltage balancing
  • energy storage system (ESS)
  • neural network
  • photovoltaic (PV)
  • power mismatch


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