A mechanistic interpretation of Nelson curves for PVP failures under high temperature hydrogen attack

Dong Han, Yanfei Gao, Phillip E. Loya, Michael Swindeman, Jorge Penso, Zhili Feng

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1 Scopus citations


As an empirically established design criterion, Nelson curves that relate the service temperature and the allowable hydrogen partial pressure have been developed and utilized for more than sixty years in pressure vessels and piping (PVP) safety design. Despite a relatively clear thermodynamic understanding of the high-temperature-hydrogen-attack (HTHA) problem, the detailed fracture process on the microstructural length scales, however, remains elusive, and a quantitative assessment of the PVP lifetime under HTHA from the available creep fracture dataset is still not possible. This work develops a microstructure-informed and micromechanics-based model by incorporating a synergy between hydrogen transport and intergranular-cavity-based fracture process. Based on the available creep lifetime data of C-0.5Mo steels, we are able to calibrate material constitutive parameters, and then conduct nonlinear finite element simulations that reveal a real-time stress-induced hydrogen diffusional transport along grain boundaries, coupled with a microstructure-explicit failure process, from which Nelson curves can be computed. Such failure analyses allow us to delineate two distinct regimes on the Nelson curves, i.e., dislocation-creep-controlled or grain boundary diffusion-assisted cavity growth. More importantly, we found that a small change of the pipe thickness and applied stresses can significantly shift these lifetime curves. However, these two parameters are usually not provided in Nelson curves, thus limiting their usage in material selection and safety design. This discrepancy can clearly be mitigated by extensive parametric studies from our micromechanical modeling/simulation framework.

Original languageEnglish
Article number105079
JournalMechanics of Materials
StatePublished - Sep 2024


  • High temperature hydrogen attack (HTHA)
  • Intergranular fracture
  • Microstructure-informed and micromechanics-based model
  • Nelson curves


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