A mean-field analysis of the exchange coupling (J) for noncubic Prussian blue analogue magnets

Jack G. DaSilva, Amber C. McConnell, Randy S. Fishman, Joel S. Miller

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2 Scopus citations


Mean field expressions based on the simple Heisenberg model were derived to correlate the intra-and interlayer exchange couplings to the critical temperatures, Tc, for three metallocyanide-based magnets with extended 2-and 3-D structure types. These expressions were used to estimate the exchange coupling, J, for 2-D ferrimagnetic [NEt4]2Mn II3(CN)8, 3-D antiferromagnetic [NEt 4]MnII3(CN)7, and 3-D antiferromagnetic interpenetrating 3-D MnII(CN)2. The type and magnitude of the exchange coupling are in accord with the previously reported magnetic data.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)24752-24756
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of Physical Chemistry C
Issue number46
StatePublished - Nov 26 2012


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