A comparison of microstructures in copper irradiated with fission, fusion and spallation neutrons

T. Muroga, H. L. Heinisch, W. F. Sommer, P. D. Ferguson

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

16 Scopus citations


The microstructures of pure copper irradiated to low doses at 36-90°C with spallation neutrons, fusion neutrons and fission neutrons are compared. The defect cluster densities for the spallation and fusion neutrons are very similar when compared on the basis of displacement per atom (dpa). In both cases, the density increases in proportion to the square root of the dpa. The difference in defect density between fusion neutrons and fission neutrons corresponds with differences observed in data on the yield stress changes.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1150-1154
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of Nuclear Materials
Issue numberPART B
StatePublished - Sep 1992
Externally publishedYes


The transmissioenl ectronm icroscopyo bservations of the ~rradlatesdp ecimenws erep erformedd urmga stay of one of the authors (TMa)t Pacific Northwest Laboratorya s a halsono f the Japan-USA Fusion Co-operationin "FundamentaSlt udieso f Irra&atlonE f-fects in Fusion MaterialsU tlhzmgF ~sslonR eactors" sponsorebdy Monbushot,h eJ apaneseM imstryo f Education,S ciencea nd Culture.T his workw as also sup-portedi n part by the US Departmenotf Energyu nder contracDt E-AC06-76RLO1 830

FundersFunder number
US Departmenotf Energyu nder contracDt E-AC06-76RLO1 830E-AC06-76RLO1 830


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