A combined modified opportunisticneighbor selection and vehicle localization routing approach for improved connectivity in Indian road scenario

N. Jothy, K. Jayanthi, R. Gunasundari

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In the recent years, VANET is becoming a spectacular research area in wireless networks. The high mobility vehicular node in VANET dynamically changes the network topology resulting in highly unstable vehicle connectivity. This induces network partitioning and hence ensuring link availability remains to be a challenging task. To surpass these issues, design of efficient VANET routing algorithms is necessary. The routing design for VANET scenario is highly complex and challenging making the existing AODV, greedy, cluster based routing algorithms to suffer from degraded link quality resulting in high end-to-end delay and significant packet loss. Although Opportunistic Neighbor Selection (ONS) scheme proves to be a better routing logic, it does not seem to always ensure link availability at road intersections, particularly in Indian road scenario, where multi road lane discipline is very hard to implement. To overcome these limitations, a combination of Modified Opportunistic Neighbor Selection (MONS) and Vehicle Localization (VL) routing logic for adoption in Indian road sector has been proposed in this paper. This paper addresses the connectivity challenges and provides better solution to achieve improved performance. In this work, two specific scenarios namely: varied mobility/node density rates is considered by treating the other fixed inorder to evaluate the suitability of the proposed logic in terms of packet delivery ratio, end-to-end delay.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)52-56
Number of pages5
JournalInternational Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE)
Issue number3.16 Special Issue 16
StatePublished - 2018
Externally publishedYes


  • Modified Opportunistic Neighbor Selection (MONS)
  • Routing in VANETs
  • Vehicle Localization (VL)


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