Radiation Tolerant Nanoclusters

Project: Research

Project Details


The objective of this project is to establish a fundamental understanding of the mechanisms that control the response ofnanostructured materials to intense irradiation. Mechanisms will be elucidated through a synergistic approach of ab initio theory,computer simulation and modeling, and atomic level experimental characterization of nanostructured materials after neutron and ionirradiation by atom probe tomography, analytical transmission electron microscopy, positron annihilation spectroscopy, and smallangle scattering. Initial work will focus on a well-characterized iron based alloy with dispersed nanoclusters to investigatedefect mechanisms and associated radiation stability of the microstructure in a theoretically and experimentally rigorous manner.These nanostructural materials provide a system to investigate vacancy-solute interaction and its relationship to the stability ofthe nanoclusters and solute diffusion under aggressive irradiation environments. This basic research is ultimately aimed atdeveloping the understanding needed to enable fundamental discoveries regarding defect mechanisms at the nanoscale as well as thedevelopment of a variety of remarkably radiation tolerant nanostructured materials to meet the demanding requirements of long-life,reliable components for nuclear systems..

Effective start/end date07/1/0809/30/18


  • U.S. Department of Energy


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