Performance of SiC-SiC Cladding and Endplug Joints Under Neutron Irradiation with a Thermal Gradient

Project: Research

Project Details


Silicon carbide (SiC) composites (SiC-SiC) that offer high-temperature strength, low gas permeability, and stable behavior under neutron irradiation are being developed for accident tolerant fuel (ATF) cladding applications. Techniques to produce high-performance, irradiation-stable joints between SiC components are a critical enabling technology for SiC-based materials. However, a SiC joint material property database must be established to enable more accurate simulation and design of SiC joints. Under the project contemplated in US Department of Energy Funding Opportunity Announcement No. DE-FOA 0001515, GA and ORNL will measure key thermal and mechanical properties, and joint performance will be assessed in novel experiments under realistic conditions and in representative geometries.
Effective start/end date01/1/17 → …


  • Nuclear Energy University Program


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