Control of the Plasma-Material Interface for Long Pulse Optimization in EAST and KSTAR

  • Maingi, R. (PI)
  • Wirth, Brian D. (CoPI)
  • Canik, John (CoPI)
  • Andruczyk, D. (CoPI)
  • Wright, G. M. (CoPI)
  • Tritz, K. (CoPI)
  • Wang, Z. (CoPI)

Project: Research

Project Details


optimize lithium delivery tools

Analyze the roles of the lithium and the divertor cryopump in long pulse recycling and density control, and provide a physics-based re-design of the lower divertor plenum to optimize cryopump particle exhaust

Measure net erosion and material migration with the use of marker tiles, and enhanced impurity density diagnostics

Because long pulse recycling control is needed for next step devices, the knowledge will be used to improve reactor designs, while also advancing the EAST program.

Effective start/end date12/15/1608/28/20


  • Fusion Energy Sciences


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