2020 R&D 100 Award for Amanzi-ATS

  • Coon, Ethan (Recipient), Jan, Ahmad (Recipient), Painter, Scott (Recipient), Moulton, David (Recipient) & Garimella, Rao (Recipient)

Prize: Honorary award


This powerful and adaptable simulation software provides an avenue for holistic analysis of complex environmental systems.

Environmental systems are immensely intricate collections of interdependent subsystems that ebb, flow, and interact with each other, with small changes in one part impacting other factors as well. Amanzi-ATS provides a flexible, comprehensive open-source software solution that can be quickly adapted to model environmental systems across scales, addressing problems ranging from climate change impacts to contaminant mitigation.

Funding for this project was provided by the DOE Office of Science Biological and Environmental Research Program, the DOE Office of Environmental Management and laboratory directed research funds from ORNL and LANL.

ORNL’s Ethan Coon, Ahmad Jan and Scott Painter contributed to the development along with David Moulton and Rao Garimella at LANL and the broader Amanzi-ATS team at LANL, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
