Mickey Wade

Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus
1990 …2024

Research activity per year


Search results

  • 2024

    Overview of recent experimental results on the EAST Tokamak

    behalf of EAST Team and Collaborators, Nov 1 2024, In: Nuclear Fusion. 64, 11, ad4270.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    5 Scopus citations
  • 2022

    DIII-D research advancing the physics basis for optimizing the tokamak approach to fusion energy

    Fenstermacher, M. E., Abbate, J., Abe, S., Abrams, T., Adams, M., Adamson, B., Aiba, N., Akiyama, T., Aleynikov, P., Allen, E., Allen, S., Anand, H., Anderson, J., Andrew, Y., Andrews, T., Appelt, D., Arbon, R., Ashikawa, N., Ashourvan, A. & Aslin, M. & 810 others, Asnis, Y., Austin, M., Ayala, D., Bak, J., Bandyopadhyay, I., Banerjee, S., Barada, K., Bardoczi, L., Barr, J., Bass, E., Battaglia, D., Battey, A., Baumgartner, W., Baylor, L., Beckers, J., Beidler, M., Belli, E., Berkery, J., Bernard, T., Bertelli, N., Beurskens, M., Bielajew, R., Bilgili, S., Biswas, B., Blondel, S., Boedo, J., Bogatu, I., Boivin, R., Bolzonella, T., Bongard, M., Bonnin, X., Bonoli, P., Bonotto, M., Bortolon, A., Bose, S., Bosviel, N., Bouwmans, S., Boyer, M., Boyes, W., Bradley, L., Brambila, R., Brennan, D., Bringuier, S., Brodsky, L., Brookman, M., Brooks, J., Brower, D., Brown, G., Brown, W., Burke, M., Burrell, K., Butler, K., Buttery, R., Bykov, I., Byrne, P., Cacheris, A., Callahan, K., Callen, J., Campbell, G., Candy, J., Canik, J., Cano-Megias, P., Cao, N., Carayannopoulos, L., Carlstrom, T., Carrig, W., Carter, T., Cary, W., Casali, L., Cengher, M., Cespedes Paz, G., Chaban, R., Chan, V., Chapman, B., Char, I., Chattopadhyay, A., Chen, R., Chen, J., Chen, X., Chen, X., Chen, J., Chen, M., Chen, J., Chen, Z., Choi, M., Choi, W., Choi, G., Chousal, L., Chrobak, C., Chrystal, C., Chung, Y., Churchill, R., Cianciosa, M., Clark, J., Clement, M., Coda, S., Cole, A., Collins, C., Conlin, W., Cooper, A., Cordell, J., Coriton, B., Cote, T., Cothran, J., Creely, A., Crocker, N., Crowe, C., Crowley, B., Crowley, T., Cruz-Zabala, D., Cummings, D., Curie, M., Curreli, D., Dal Molin, A., Dannels, B., Dautt-Silva, A., Davda, K., De Tommasi, G., De Vries, P., Degrandchamp, G., Degrassie, J., Demers, D., Denk, S., Depasquale, S., Deshazer, E., Diallo, A., Diem, S., Dimits, A., Ding, R., Ding, S., Ding, W., Do, T., Doane, J., Dong, G., Donovan, D., Drake, J., Drews, W., Drobny, J., Du, X., Du, H., Duarte, V., Dudt, D., Dunn, C., Duran, J., Dvorak, A., Effenberg, F., Eidietis, N., Elder, D., Eldon, D., Ellis, R., Elwasif, W., Ennis, D., Erickson, K., Ernst, D., Fasciana, M., Fedorov, D., Feibush, E., Ferraro, N., Ferreira, J., Ferron, J., Fimognari, P., Finkenthal, D., Fitzpatrick, R., Fox, P., Fox, W., Frassinetti, L., Frerichs, H., Frye, H., Fu, Y., Gage, K., Galdon Quiroga, J., Gallo, A., Gao, Q., Garcia, A., Garcia Munoz, M., Garnier, D., Garofalo, A., Gattuso, A., Geng, D., Gentle, K., Ghosh, D., Giacomelli, L., Gibson, S., Gilson, E., Giroud, C., Glass, F., Glasser, A., Glibert, D., Gohil, P., Gomez, R., Gomez, S., Gong, X., Gonzales, E., Goodman, A., Gorelov, Y., Graber, V., Granetz, R., Gray, T., Green, D., Greenfield, C., Greenwald, M., Grierson, B., Groebner, R., Grosnickle, W., Groth, M., Grunloh, H., Gu, S., Guo, W., Guo, H., Gupta, P., Guterl, J., Guttenfelder, W., Guzman, T., Haar, S., Hager, R., Hahn, S., Halfmoon, M., Hall, T., Hallatschek, K., Halpern, F., Hammett, G., Han, H., Hansen, E., Hansen, C., Hansink, M., Hanson, J., Hanson, M., Hao, G., Harris, A., Harvey, R., Haskey, S., Hassan, E., Hassanein, A., Hatch, D., Hawryluk, R., Hayashi, W., Heidbrink, W., Herfindal, J., Hicok, J., Hill, D., Hinson, E., Holcomb, C., Holland, L., Holland, C., Hollmann, E., Hollocombe, J., Holm, A., Holmes, I., Holtrop, K., Honda, M., Hong, R., Hood, R., Horton, A., Horvath, L., Hosokawa, M., Houshmandyar, S., Howard, N., Howell, E., Hoyt, D., Hu, W., Hu, Y., Hu, Q., Huang, J., Huang, Y., Hughes, J., Human, T., Humphreys, D., Huynh, P., Hyatt, A., Ibanez, C., Ibarra, L., Icasas, R., Ida, K., Igochine, V., In, Y., Inoue, S., Isayama, A., Izacard, O., Izzo, V., Jackson, A., Jacobsen, G., Jaervinen, A., Jalalvand, A., Janhunen, J., Jardin, S., Jarleblad, H., Jeon, Y., Ji, H., Jian, X., Joffrin, E., Johansen, A., Johnson, C., Johnson, T., Jones, C., Joseph, I., Jubas, D., Junge, B., Kalb, W., Kalling, R., Kamath, C., Kang, J., Kaplan, D., Kaptanoglu, A., Kasdorf, S., Kates-Harbeck, J., Kazantzidis, P., Kellman, A., Kellman, D., Kessel, C., Khumthong, K., Kim, E., Kim, H., Kim, J., Kim, S., Kim, J., Kim, H., Kim, K., Kim, C., Kimura, W., King, M., King, J., Kinsey, J., Kirk, A., Kiyan, B., Kleiner, A., Klevarova, V., Knapp, R., Knolker, M., Ko, W., Kobayashi, T., Koch, E., Kochan, M., Koel, B., Koepke, M., Kohn, A., Kolasinski, R., Kolemen, E., Kostadinova, E., Kostuk, M., Kramer, G., Kriete, D., Kripner, L., Kubota, S., Kulchar, J., Kwon, K., La Haye, R., Laggner, F., Lan, H., Lantsov, R., Lao, L., Lasa Esquisabel, A., Lasnier, C., Lau, C., Leard, B., Lee, J., Lee, R., Lee, M., Lee, M., Lee, Y., Lee, C., Lee, J., Lee, S., Lehnen, M., Leonard, A., Leppink, E., Lesher, M., Lestz, J., Leuer, J., Leuthold, N., Li, X., Li, K., Li, E., Li, G., Li, L., Li, Z., Li, J., Li, Y., Lin, Z., Lin, D., Liu, X., Liu, J., Liu, Y., Liu, T., Liu, Y., Liu, C., Liu, Z., Liu, C., Liu, D., Liu, A., Liu, D., Loarte-Prieto, A., Lodestro, L., Logan, N., Lohr, J., Lombardo, B., Lore, J., Luan, Q., Luce, T., Luda Di Cortemiglia, T., Luhmann, N., Lunsford, R., Luo, Z., Lvovskiy, A., Lyons, B., Ma, X., Madruga, M., Madsen, B., Maggi, C., Maheshwari, K., Mail, A., Mailloux, J., Maingi, R., Major, M., Makowski, M., Manchanda, R., Marini, C., Marinoni, A., Maris, A., Markovic, T., Marrelli, L., Martin, E., Mateja, J., Matsunaga, G., Maurizio, R., Mauzey, P., Mauzey, D., McArdle, G., McClenaghan, J., McCollam, K., McDevitt, C., McKay, K., McKee, G., McLean, A., Mehta, V., Meier, E., Menard, J., Meneghini, O., Merlo, G., Messer, S., Meyer, W., Michael, C., Michoski, C., Milne, P., Minet, G., Misleh, A., Mitrishkin, Y., Moeller, C., Montes, K., Morales, M., Mordijck, S., Moreau, D., Morosohk, S., Morris, P., Morton, L., Moser, A., Moyer, R., Moynihan, C., Mrazkova, T., Mueller, D., Munaretto, S., Munoz Burgos, J., Murphy, C., Murphy, K., Muscatello, C., Myers, C., Nagy, A., Nandipati, G., Navarro, M., Nave, F., Navratil, G., Nazikian, R., Neff, A., Neilson, G., Neiser, T., Neiswanger, W., Nelson, D., Nelson, A., Nespoli, F., Nguyen, R., Nguyen, L., Nguyen, X., Nichols, J., Nocente, M., Nogami, S., Noraky, S., Norausky, N., Nornberg, M., Nygren, R., Odstrcil, T., Ogas, D., Ogorman, T., Ohdachi, S., Ohtani, Y., Okabayashi, M., Okamoto, M., Olavson, L., Olofsson, E., Omullane, M., Oneill, R., Orlov, D., Orvis, W., Osborne, T., Pace, D., Paganini Canal, G., Pajares Martinez, A., Palacios, L., Pan, C., Pan, Q., Pandit, R., Pandya, M., Pankin, A., Park, Y., Park, J., Park, J., Parker, S., Parks, P., Parsons, M., Patel, B., Pawley, C., Paz-Soldan, C., Peebles, W., Pelton, S., Perillo, R., Petty, C., Peysson, Y., Pierce, D., Pigarov, A., Pigatto, L., Piglowski, D., Pinches, S., Pinsker, R., Piovesan, P., Piper, N., Pironti, A., Pitts, R., Pizzo, J., Plank, U., Podesta, M., Poli, E., Poli, F., Ponce, D., Popovic, Z., Porkolab, M., Porter, G., Powers, C., Powers, S., Prater, R., Pratt, Q., Pusztai, I., Qian, J., Qin, X., Ra, O., Rafiq, T., Raines, T., Raman, R., Rauch, J., Raymond, A., Rea, C., Reich, M., Reiman, A., Reinhold, S., Reinke, M., Reksoatmodjo, R., Ren, Q., Ren, Y., Ren, J., Rensink, M., Renteria, J., Rhodes, T., Rice, J., Roberts, R., Robinson, J., Rodriguez Fernandez, P., Rognlien, T., Rosenthal, A., Rosiello, S., Rost, J., Roveto, J., Rowan, W., Rozenblat, R., Ruane, J., Rudakov, D., Ruiz Ruiz, J., Rupani, R., Saarelma, S., Sabbagh, S., Sachdev, J., Saenz, J., Saib, S., Salewski, M., Salmi, A., Sammuli, B., Samuell, C., Sandorfi, A., Sang, C., Sarff, J., Sauter, O., Schaubel, K., Schmitz, L., Schmitz, O., Schneider, J., Schroeder, P., Schultz, K., Schuster, E., Schwartz, J., Sciortino, F., Scotti, F., Scoville, J., Seltzman, A., Seol, S., Sfiligoi, I., Shafer, M., Sharapov, S., Shen, H., Sheng, Z., Shepard, T., Shi, S., Shibata, Y., Shin, G., Shiraki, D., Shousha, R., Si, H., Simmerling, P., Sinclair, G., Sinha, J., Sinha, P., Sips, G., Sizyuk, T., Skinner, C., Sladkomedova, A., Slendebroek, T., Slief, J., Smirnov, R., Smith, J., Smith, S., Smith, D., Snipes, J., Snoep, G., Snyder, A., Snyder, P., Solano, E., Solomon, W., Song, J., Sontag, A., Soukhanovskii, V., Spendlove, J., Spong, D., Squire, J., Srinivasan, C., Stacey, W., Staebler, G., Stagner, L., Stange, T., Stangeby, P., Stefan, R., Stemprok, R., Stephan, D., Stillerman, J., Stoltzfus-Dueck, T., Stonecipher, W., Storment, S., Strait, E., Su, D., Sugiyama, L., Sun, Y., Sun, P., Sun, Z., Sun, A., Sundstrom, D., Sung, C., Sungcoco, J., Suttrop, W., Suzuki, Y., Suzuki, T., Svyatkovskiy, A., Swee, C., Sweeney, R., Sweetnam, C., Szepesi, G., Takechi, M., Tala, T., Tanaka, K., Tang, X., Tang, S., Tao, Y., Tao, R., Taussig, D., Taylor, T., Teixeira, K., Teo, K., Theodorsen, A., Thomas, D., Thome, K., Thorman, A., Thornton, A., Ti, A., Tillack, M., Timchenko, N., Tinguely, R., Tompkins, R., Tooker, J., Torrezan De Sousa, A., Trevisan, G., Tripathi, S., Trujillo Ochoa, A., Truong, D., Tsui, C., Turco, F., Turnbull, A., Umansky, M., Unterberg, E., Vaezi, P., Vail, P., Valdez, J., Valkis, W., Van Compernolle, B., Van Galen, J., Van Kampen, R., Van Zeeland, M., Verdoolaege, G., Vianello, N., Victor, B., Viezzer, E., Vincena, S., Wade, M., Waelbroeck, F., Wai, J., Wakatsuki, T., Walker, M., Wallace, G., Waltz, R., Wampler, W., Wang, L., Wang, H., Wang, Y., Wang, H., Wang, Z., Wang, H., Wang, Z., Wang, Y., Wang, G., Ward, S., Watkins, M., Watkins, J., Wehner, W., Wei, Y., Weiland, M., Weisberg, D., Welander, A., White, A., White, R., Wiesen, S., Wilcox, R., Wilks, T., Willensdorfer, M., Wilson, H., Wingen, A., Wolde, M., Wolff, M., Woller, K., Wolz, A., Wong, H., Woodruff, S., Wu, M., Wu, Y., Wukitch, S., Wurden, G., Xiao, W., Xie, R., Xing, Z., Xu, X., Xu, C., Xu, G., Yan, Z., Yang, X., Yang, S., Yokoyama, T., Yoneda, R., Yoshida, M., You, K., Younkin, T., Yu, J., Yu, M., Yu, G., Yuan, Q., Zaidenberg, L., Zakharov, L., Zamengo, A., Zamperini, S., Zarnstorff, M., Zeger, E., Zeller, K., Zeng, L., Zerbini, M., Zhang, L., Zhang, X., Zhang, R., Zhang, B., Zhang, J., Zhang, J., Zhao, L., Zhao, B., Zheng, Y., Zheng, L., Zhu, B., Zhu, J., Zhu, Y., Zhu, Y., Zsutty, M. & Zuin, M., Apr 2022, In: Nuclear Fusion. 62, 4, 042024.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    21 Scopus citations
  • 2021

    Cost Drivers for a Tokamak-Based Compact Pilot Plant

    Wade, M. R. & Leuer, J. A., 2021, In: Fusion Science and Technology. 77, 2, p. 119-143 25 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    26 Scopus citations
  • 2020

    Enhanced helium exhaust during edge-localized mode suppression by resonant magnetic perturbations at DIII-D

    Hinson, E. T., Schmitz, O., Abrams, T., Briesemeister, A., Bykov, I., Chrystal, C., Collins, C., Evans, T. E., Frerichs, H., Grierson, B. A., Moyer, R. A., Paz-Soldan, C., Thomas, D., Unterberg, E. A. & Wade, M., May 2020, In: Nuclear Fusion. 60, 5, 054004.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    7 Scopus citations
  • 2019

    Recent advances in EAST physics experiments in support of steady-state operation for ITER and CFETR

    the EAST team and Collaborators, Jun 5 2019, In: Nuclear Fusion. 59, 11, 112003.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    134 Scopus citations
  • 2015

    Advances in the physics understanding of ELM suppression using resonant magnetic perturbations in DIII-D

    Wade, M. R., Nazikian, R., DeGrassie, J. S., Evans, T. E., Ferraro, N. M., Moyer, R. A., Orlov, D. M., Buttery, R. J., Fenstermacher, M. E., Garofalo, A. M., Lanctot, M. A., McKee, G. R., Osborne, T. H., Shafer, M. A., Solomon, W. M., Snyder, P. B., Suttrop, W., Wingen, A., Unterberg, E. A. & Zeng, L., Feb 1 2015, In: Nuclear Fusion. 55, 2, 023002.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    85 Scopus citations
  • Pedestal bifurcation and resonant field penetration at the threshold of edge-localized mode suppression in the DIII-d tokamak

    Nazikian, R., Paz-Soldan, C., Callen, J. D., Degrassie, J. S., Eldon, D., Evans, T. E., Ferraro, N. M., Grierson, B. A., Groebner, R. J., Haskey, S. R., Hegna, C. C., King, J. D., Logan, N. C., McKee, G. R., Moyer, R. A., Okabayashi, M., Orlov, D. M., Osborne, T. H., Park, J. K. & Rhodes, T. L. & 5 others, Shafer, M. W., Snyder, P. B., Solomon, W. M., Strait, E. J. & Wade, M. R., Mar 12 2015, In: Physical Review Letters. 114, 10, 105002.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    152 Scopus citations
  • 2014

    Development of advanced inductive scenarios for ITER

    Luce, T. C., Challis, C. D., Ide, S., Joffrin, E., Kamada, Y., Politzer, P. A., Schweinzer, J., Sips, A. C. C., Stober, J., Giruzzi, G., Kessel, C. E., Murakami, M., Na, Y. S., Park, J. M., Polevoi, A. R., Budny, R. V., Citrin, J., Garcia, J., Hayashi, N. & Hobirk, J. & 11 others, Hudson, B. F., Imbeaux, F., Isayama, A., McDonald, D. C., Nakano, T., Oyama, N., Parail, V. V., Petrie, T. W., Petty, C. C., Suzuki, T. & Wade, M. R., Jan 2014, In: Nuclear Fusion. 54, 1, 013015.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    49 Scopus citations
  • The radial electric field as a measure for field penetration of resonant magnetic perturbations

    Mordijck, S., Moyer, R. A., Ferraro, N. M., Wade, M. R. & Osborne, T. H., Aug 1 2014, In: Nuclear Fusion. 54, 8, 082003.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    18 Scopus citations
  • 2013

    Increase of turbulence and transport with resonant magnetic perturbations in ELM-suppressed plasmas on DIII-D

    McKee, G. R., Yan, Z., Holland, C., Buttery, R. J., Evans, T. E., Moyer, R. A., Mordijck, S., Nazikian, R., Rhodes, T. L., Schmitz, O. & Wade, M. R., Nov 2013, In: Nuclear Fusion. 53, 11, 113011.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    81 Scopus citations
  • Role of plasma response in displacements of the tokamak edge due to applied non-axisymmetric fields

    Ferraro, N. M., Evans, T. E., Lao, L. L., Moyer, R. A., Nazikian, R., Orlov, D. M., Shafer, M. W., Unterberg, E. A., Wade, M. R. & Wingen, A., Jul 2013, In: Nuclear Fusion. 53, 7, 073042.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    61 Scopus citations
  • Sustained suppression of type-I edge-localized modes with dominantly n = 2 magnetic fields in DIII-D

    Lanctot, M. J., Buttery, R. J., De Grassie, J. S., Evans, T. E., Ferraro, N. M., Hanson, J. M., Haskey, S. R., Moyer, R. A., Nazikian, R., Osborne, T. H., Orlov, D. M., Snyder, P. B. & Wade, M. R., Aug 2013, In: Nuclear Fusion. 53, 8, 083019.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    51 Scopus citations
  • 2012

    Measurement of plasma boundary displacement by n = 2 magnetic perturbations using imaging beam emission spectroscopy

    Moyer, R. A., Van Zeeland, M. A., Orlov, D. M., Wingen, A., Evans, T. E., Ferraro, N. M., Hanson, J. M., Nazikian, R., Wade, M. R. & Zeng, L., Dec 2012, In: Nuclear Fusion. 52, 12, 123019.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    47 Scopus citations
  • Spatiotemporal changes in the pressure-driven current densities on DIII-D due to magnetic islands

    Petty, C. C., Jayakumar, R. J., Makowski, M. A., Holcomb, C. T., Humphreys, D. A., La Haye, R. J., Luce, T. C., Politzer, P. A., Prater, R., Wade, M. R. & Welander, A. S., Jan 2012, In: Nuclear Fusion. 52, 1, 013011.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    6 Scopus citations
  • The EPED pedestal model and edge localized mode-suppressed regimes: Studies of quiescent H-mode and development of a model for edge localized mode suppression via resonant magnetic perturbations

    Snyder, P. B., Osborne, T. H., Burrell, K. H., Groebner, R. J., Leonard, A. W., Nazikian, R., Orlov, D. M., Schmitz, O., Wade, M. R. & Wilson, H. R., May 2012, In: Physics of Plasmas. 19, 5, 056115.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    161 Scopus citations
  • 2011

    ITER test blanket module error field simulation experiments at DIII-D

    Schaffer, M. J., Snipes, J. A., Gohil, P., De Vries, P., Evans, T. E., Fenstermacher, M. E., Gao, X., Garofalo, A. M., Gates, D. A., Greenfield, C. M., Heidbrink, W. W., Kramer, G. J., La Haye, R. J., Liu, S., Loarte, A., Nave, M. F. F., Osborne, T. H., Oyama, N., Park, J. K. & Ramasubramanian, N. & 21 others, Reimerdes, H., Saibene, G., Salmi, A., Shinohara, K., Spong, D. A., Solomon, W. M., Tala, T., Zhu, Y. B., Boedo, J. A., Chuyanov, V., Doyle, E. J., Jakubowski, M., Jhang, H., Nazikian, R. M., Pustovitov, V. D., Schmitz, O., Srinivasan, R., Taylor, T. S., Wade, M. R., You, K. I. & Zeng, L., Oct 2011, In: Nuclear Fusion. 51, 10, 103028.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    43 Scopus citations
  • 2010

    Active and passive spectroscopic imaging in the DIII-D tokamak

    Van Zeeland, M. A., Yu, J. H., Brooks, N. H., Heidbrink, W. W., Burrell, K. H., Groebner, R. J., Hyatt, A. W., Luce, T. C., Pablant, N., Solomon, W. M. & Wade, M. R., 2010, In: Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 52, 4, 045006.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    30 Scopus citations
  • Demonstration of ITER operational scenarios on DIII-D

    Doyle, E. J., Deboo, J. C., Ferron, J. R., Jackson, G. L., Luce, T. C., Murakami, M., Osborne, T. H., Park, J. M., Politzer, P. A., Reimerdes, H., Budny, R. V., Casper, T. A., Challis, C. D., Groebner, R. J., Holcomb, C. T., Hyatt, A. W., La Haye, R. J., McKee, G. R., Petrie, T. W. & Petty, C. C. & 8 others, Rhodes, T. L., Shafer, M. W., Snyder, P. B., Strait, E. J., Wade, M. R., Wang, G., West, W. P. & Zeng, L., 2010, In: Nuclear Fusion. 50, 7, 075005.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    42 Scopus citations
  • Imaging key aspects of fast ion physics in the DIII-D tokamak

    Van Zeeland, M. A., Yu, J. H., Heidbrink, W. W., Brooks, N. H., Burrell, K. H., Chu, M. S., Hyatt, A. W., Muscatello, C., Nazikian, R., Pablant, N. A., Pace, D. C., Solomon, W. M. & Wade, M. R., Aug 2010, In: Nuclear Fusion. 50, 8, 084002.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    18 Scopus citations
  • 2009

    Impurity behaviour under puff-and-pump radiating divertor conditions

    Petrie, T. W., Porter, G. D., Brooks, N. H., Fenstermacher, M. E., Ferron, J. R., Groth, M., Hyatt, A. W., La Haye, R. J., Lasnier, C. J., Leonard, A. W., Luce, T. C., Politzer, P. A., Rensink, M. E., Schaffer, M. J., Wade, M. R., Watkins, J. G. & West, W. P., 2009, In: Nuclear Fusion. 49, 6, 065013.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    29 Scopus citations
  • Magnetic-flux pumping in high-performance, stationary plasmas with tearing modes

    Petty, C. C., Austin, M. E., Holcomb, C. T., Jayakumar, R. J., La Haye, R. J., Luce, T. C., Makowski, M. A., Politzer, P. A. & Wade, M. R., Jan 26 2009, In: Physical Review Letters. 102, 4, 045005.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    80 Scopus citations
  • Off-axis neutral beam current drive for advanced scenario development in DIII-D

    Murakami, M., Park, J. M., Petty, C. C., Luce, T. C., Heidbrink, W. W., Osborne, T. H., Prater, R., Wade, M. R., Anderson, P. M., Austin, M. E., Brooks, N. H., Budny, R. V., Challis, C. D., Deboo, J. C., Degrassie, J. S., Ferron, J. R., Gohil, P., Hobirk, J., Holcomb, C. T. & Hollmann, E. M. & 15 others, Hong, R. M., Hyatt, A. W., Lohr, J., Lanctot, M. J., Makowski, M. A., McCune, D. C., Politzer, P. A., Scoville, J. T., St John, H. E., Suzuki, T., Taylor, T. S., West, W. P., Unterberg, E. A., Van Zeeland, M. A. & Yu, J. H., 2009, In: Nuclear Fusion. 49, 6, 065031.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    54 Scopus citations
  • Physics and engineering issues associated with edge localized mode control in ITER

    Wade, M. R., Jun 2009, In: Fusion Engineering and Design. 84, 2-6, p. 178-185 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    5 Scopus citations
  • Plasma impurity content, gas fueling, and exhaust on DIII-D over extended periods between boronizations

    West, W. P., Groth, M., Hyatt, A. W., Brooks, N. H., Jackson, G. L., Wade, M. R. & Greenfield, C. M., Jun 15 2009, In: Journal of Nuclear Materials. 390-391, 1, p. 461-464 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    6 Scopus citations
  • Principal physics developments evaluated in the ITER design review

    Hawryluk, R. J., Campbell, D. J., Janeschitz, G., Thomas, P. R., Albanese, R., Ambrosino, R., Bachmann, C., Baylor, L., Becoulet, M., Benfatto, I., Bialek, J., Boozer, A., Brooks, A., Budny, R., Casper, T., Cavinato, M., Cordier, J. J., Chuyanov, V., Doyle, E. & Evans, T. & 74 others, Federici, G., Fenstermacher, M., Fujieda, H., G'Al, K., Garofalo, A., Garzotti, L., Gates, D., Gribov, Y., Heitzenroeder, P., Hender, T. C., Holtkamp, N., Humphreys, D., Hutchinson, I., Ioki, K., Johner, J., Johnson, G., Kamada, Y., Kavin, A., Kessel, C., Khayrutdinov, R., Kramer, G., Kukushkin, A., Lackner, K., Landman, I., Lang, P., Liang, Y., Linke, J., Lipschultz, B., Loarte, A., Loesser, G. D., Lowry, C., Luce, T., Lukash, V., Maruyama, S., Mattei, M., Menard, J., Merola, M., Mineev, A., Mitchell, N., Nardon, E., Nazikian, R., Nelson, B., Neumeyer, C., Park, J. K., Pearce, R., Pitts, R. A., Polevoi, A., Portone, A., Okabayashi, M., Rebut, P. H., Riccardo, V., Roth, J., Sabbagh, S., Saibene, G., Sannazzaro, G., Schaffer, M., Shimada, M., Sen, A., Sips, A., Skinner, C. H., Snyder, P., Stambaugh, R., Strait, E., Sugihara, M., Tsitrone, E., Urano, J., Valovic, M., Wade, M., Wesley, J., White, R., Whyte, D. G., Wu, S., Wykes, M. & Zakharov, L., 2009, In: Nuclear Fusion. 49, 6, 065012.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    206 Scopus citations
  • Sensitivity of injected argon behavior to changes in magnetic balance in double-null plasmas in DIII-D

    Petrie, T. W., Brooks, N. H., Fenstermacher, M. E., Groth, M., Hyatt, A. W., Lasnier, C. J., Leonard, A. W., Porter, G. D., Schaffer, M. J., Wade, M. R., Watkins, J. G. & West, W. P., Jun 15 2009, In: Journal of Nuclear Materials. 390-391, 1, p. 242-245 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    2 Scopus citations
  • The maintenance of good wall conditions and high performance operation on DIII-D over extended periods without boronization

    West, W. P., Groth, M., Hyatt, A. W., Jackson, G. L., Wade, M. R., Greenfield, C. M. & Politzer, P. A., 2009, In: Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 51, 5, 055014.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Validation of on- and off-axis neutral beam current drive against experiment in DIII-Da

    Park, J. M., Murakami, M., Petty, C. C., Heidbrink, W. W., Osborne, T. H., Holcomb, C. T., Van Zeeland, M. A., Prater, R., Luce, T. C., Wade, M. R., Austin, M. E., Brooks, N. H., Budny, R. V., Challis, C. D., Deboo, J. C., Degrassie, J. S., Ferron, J. R., Gohil, P., Hobirk, J. & Hollmann, E. M. & 12 others, Hong, R. M., Hyatt, A. W., Lohr, J., Lanctot, M. J., Makowski, M. A., McCune, D. C., Politzer, P. A., St John, H. E., Suzuki, T., West, W. P., Unterberg, E. A. & Yu, J. H., 2009, In: Physics of Plasmas. 16, 9, 092508.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    30 Scopus citations
  • 2008

    Comparison of radiating divertor behaviour in single-null and double-null plasmas in DIII-D

    Petrie, T. W., Brooks, N. H., Fenstermacher, M. E., Groth, M., Hyatt, A. W., Isler, R. C., Lasnier, C. J., Leonard, A. W., Porter, G. D., Schaffer, M. J., Watkins, J. G., Wade, M. R. & West, W. P., Apr 1 2008, In: Nuclear Fusion. 48, 4, 045010.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    42 Scopus citations
  • Influence of toroidal rotation on transport and stability in hybrid scenario plasmas in DIII-D

    Politzer, P. A., Petty, C. C., Jayakumar, R. J., Luce, T. C., Wade, M. R., DeBoo, J. C., Ferron, J. R., Gohil, P., Holcomb, C. T., Hyatt, A. W., Kinsey, J., La Haye, R. J., Makowski, M. A. & Petrie, T. W., Jul 1 2008, In: Nuclear Fusion. 48, 7, 075001.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    105 Scopus citations
  • Prospects for off-axis neutral beam current drive in the DIII-D tokamak

    Murakami, M., Park, J. M., Luce, T. C., Wade, M. R. & Hong, R. M., Nov 2008, In: Fusion Science and Technology. 54, 4, p. 994-1002 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    8 Scopus citations
  • 2007

    Chapter 2: Plasma confinement and transport

    Doyle, E. J., Houlberg, W. A., Kamada, Y., Mukhovatov, V., Osborne, T. H., Polevoi, A., Bateman, G., Connor, J. W., Cordey, J. G., Fujita, T., Garbet, X., Hahm, T. S., Horton, L. D., Hubbard, A. E., Imbeaux, F., Jenko, F., Kinsey, J. E., Kishimoto, Y., Li, J. & Luce, T. C. & 20 others, Martin, Y., Ossipenko, M., Parail, V., Peeters, A., Rhodes, T. L., Rice, J. E., Roach, C. M., Rozhansky, V., Ryter, F., Saibene, G., Sartori, R., Sips, A. C. C., Snipes, J. A., Sugihara, M., Synakowski, E. J., Takenaga, H., Takizuka, T., Thomsen, K., Wade, M. R. & Wilson, H. R., Jun 1 2007, In: Nuclear Fusion. 47, 6, p. S18-S127 S02.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    702 Scopus citations
  • Chapter 6: Steady state operation

    Gormezano, C., Sips, A. C. C., Luce, T. C., Ide, S., Becoulet, A., Litaudon, X., Isayama, A., Hobirk, J., Wade, M. R., Oikawa, T., Prater, R., Zvonkov, A., Lloyd, B., Suzuki, T., Barbato, E., Bonoli, P., Phillips, C. K., Vdovin, V., Joffrin, E. & Casper, T. & 11 others, Ferron, J., Mazon, D., Moreau, D., Bundy, R., Kessel, C., Fukuyama, A., Hayashi, N., Imbeaux, F., Murakami, M., Polevoi, A. R. & St. John, H. E., Jun 1 2007, In: Nuclear Fusion. 47, 6, p. S285-S336 S06.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    357 Scopus citations
  • Characteristics of the H-mode pedestal in improved confinement scenarios in ASDEX upgrade, DIII-D, JET and JT-60U

    Maggi, C. F., Groebner, R. J., Oyama, N., Sartori, R., Horton, L. D., Sips, A. C. C., Suttrop, W., Leonard, A., Luce, T. C., Wade, M. R., Kamada, Y., Urano, H., Andrew, Y., Giroud, C., Joffrin, E. & De La Luna, E., Jul 1 2007, In: Nuclear Fusion. 47, 7, p. 535-551 17 p., 005.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    66 Scopus citations
  • Compatibility of the radiating divertor with high performance plasmas in DIII-D

    Petrie, T. W., Wade, M. R., Brooks, N. H., Fenstermacher, M. E., Groth, M., Hyatt, A. W., Isler, R. C., Lasnier, C. J., Leonard, A. W., Mahdavi, M. A., Porter, G. D., Schaffer, M. J., Watkins, J. G. & West, W. P., Jun 15 2007, In: Journal of Nuclear Materials. 363-365, 1-3, p. 416-420 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    43 Scopus citations
  • Development in the DIII-D tokamak of advanced operating scenarios and associated control techniques for ITER

    Wade, M. R., Oct 1 2007, In: Nuclear Fusion. 47, 10, p. S543-S562 S05.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    29 Scopus citations
  • Evidence for anomalous effects on the current evolution in the tokamak hybrid operating scenarios

    Casper, T. A., Jayakumar, R. J., Allen, S. L., Holcomb, C. T., Lodestro, L. L., Makowski, M. A., Pearlstein, L. D., Berk, H. L., Greenfield, C. M., Luce, T. C., Petty, C. C., Politzer, P. A. & Wade, M. R., Aug 1 2007, In: Nuclear Fusion. 47, 8, p. 825-832 8 p., 013.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    15 Scopus citations
  • Overview of recent physics results from the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX)

    Menard, J. E., Bell, M. G., Bell, R. E., Bernabei, S., Bialek, J., Biewer, T., Blanchard, W., Boedo, J., Bush, C. E., Carter, M. D., Choe, W., Crocker, N. A., Darrow, D. S., Davis, W., Delgado-Aparicio, L., Diem, S., Domier, C. W., D'Ippolito, D. A., Ferron, J. & Field, A. & 129 others, Foley, J., Fredrickson, E. D., Gates, D. A., Gibney, T., Harvey, R., Hatcher, R. E., Heidbrink, W., Hill, K. W., Hosea, J. C., Jarboe, T. R., Johnson, D. W., Kaita, R., Kaye, S. M., Kessel, C. E., Kubota, S., Kugel, H. W., Lawson, J., Leblanc, B. P., Lee, K. C., Levinton, F. M., Luhmann, N. C., Maingi, R., Majeski, R. P., Manickam, J., Mansfield, D. K., Maqueda, R., Marsala, R., Mastrovito, D., Mau, T. K., Mazzucato, E., Medley, S. S., Meyer, H., Mikkelsen, D. R., Mueller, D., Munsat, T., Myra, J. R., Nelson, B. A., Neumeyer, C., Nishino, N., Ono, M., Park, H. K., Park, W., Paul, S. F., Peebles, T., Peng, M., Phillips, C., Pigarov, A., Pinsker, R., Ram, A., Ramakrishnan, S., Raman, R., Rasmussen, D., Redi, M., Rensink, M., Rewoldt, G., Robinson, J., Roney, P., Roquemore, A. L., Ruskov, E., Ryan, P., Sabbagh, S. A., Schneider, H., Skinner, C. H., Smith, D. R., Sontag, A., Soukhanovskii, V., Stevenson, T., Stotler, D., Stratton, B. C., Stutman, D., Swain, D., Synakowski, E., Takase, Y., Taylor, G., Tritz, K., Von Halle, A., Wade, M., White, R., Wilgen, J., Williams, M., Wilson, J. R., Yuh, H., Zakharov, L. E., Zhu, W., Zweben, S. J., Akers, R., Beiersdorfer, P., Betti, R., Bigelow, T., Bitter, M., Bonoli, P., Bourdelle, C., Chang, C. S., Chrzanowski, J., Dudek, L., Efthimion, P. C., Finkenthal, M., Fredd, E., Fu, G. Y., Glasser, A., Goldston, R. J., Greenough, N. L., Grisham, L. R., Gorelenkov, N., Guazzotto, L., Hawryluk, R. J., Hogan, J., Houlberg, W., Humphreys, D., Jaeger, F., Kalish, M., Krasheninnikov, S., Lao, L. L., Lawrence, J., Leuer, J., Liu, D., Oliaro, G., Pacella, D., Parsells, R., Schaffer, M., Semenov, I., Shaing, K. C., Shapiro, M. A., Shinohara, K., Sichta, P., Tang, X., Vero, R., Walker, M. & Wampler, W., Oct 1 2007, In: Nuclear Fusion. 47, 10, p. S645-S657 S13.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    44 Scopus citations
  • Stabilization and prevention of the 2/1 neoclassical tearing mode for improved performance in DIII-D

    Prater, R., La Haye, R. J., Luce, T. C., Petty, C. C., Strait, E. J., Ferron, J. R., Humphreys, D. A., Isayama, A., Lohr, J., Nagasaki, K., Politzer, P. A., Wade, M. R. & Welander, A. S., May 1 2007, In: Nuclear Fusion. 47, 5, 001.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    39 Scopus citations
  • 2006

    Access to sustained high-beta with internal transport barrier and negative central magnetic shear in DIII-D

    Garofalo, A. M., Doyle, E. J., Ferron, J. R., Greenfield, C. M., Groebner, R. J., Hyatt, A. W., Jackson, G. L., Jayakumar, R. J., Kinsey, J. E., La Haye, R. J., McKee, G. R., Murakami, M., Okabayashi, M., Osborne, T. H., Petty, C. C., Politzer, P. A., Reimerdes, H., Scoville, J. T., Solomon, W. M. & St. John, H. E. & 4 others, Strait, E. J., Turnbull, A. D., Wade, M. R. & Vanzeeland, M. A., May 2006, In: Physics of Plasmas. 13, 5, 056110.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    57 Scopus citations
  • A comparison of sawtooth oscillations in bean and oval shaped plasmas

    Lazarus, E. A., Waelbroeck, F. L., Luce, T. C., Austin, M. E., Burrell, K. H., Ferron, J. R., Hyatt, A. W., Osborne, T. H., Chu, M. S., Brennan, D. P., Gohil, P., Groebner, R. J., Hsieh, C. L., Jayakumar, R. J., Lao, L. L., Lohr, J., Makowski, M. A., Petty, C. C., Politzer, P. A. & Prater, R. & 8 others, Rhodes, T. L., Scoville, J. T., Strait, E. J., Turnbull, A. D., Wade, M. R., Wang, G., Reimerdes, H. & Zhang, C., Aug 1 2006, In: Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 48, 8, p. L65-L72 L01.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    28 Scopus citations
  • Comparison of H-mode pedestals in different confinement regimes in DIII-D

    Groebner, R. J., Leonard, A. W., Luce, T. C., Fenstermacher, M. E., Jackson, G. L., Osborne, T. H., Thomas, D. M. & Wade, M. R., May 2006, In: Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 48, 5 A, p. A109-A119

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    13 Scopus citations
  • Control of plasma profiles in DIII-D discharges

    Gohil, P., Evans, T. E., Ferron, J. R., Moyer, R. A., Petty, C. C., Burrell, K. H., Casper, T. A., Garofalo, A. M., Hyatt, A. W., Jayakumar, R. J., Kessel, C., Kim, J. Y., La Haye, R. J., Lohr, J., Luce, T. C., Makowski, M. A., Mazon, D., Menard, J., Murakami, M. & Politzer, P. A. & 2 others, Prater, R. & Wade, M. R., May 2006, In: Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 48, 5 A, p. A45-A53

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    16 Scopus citations
  • Effect of plasma shaping on performance in the National Spherical Torus Experiment

    Gates, D. A., Maingi, R., Menard, J., Kaye, S., Sabbagh, S. A., Taylor, G., Wilson, J. R., Bell, M. G., Bell, R. E., Bernabei, S., Bialek, J., Biewer, T., Blanchard, W., Boedo, J., Bush, C., Carter, M. D., Choe, W., Crocker, N., Darrow, D. S. & Davis, W. & 79 others, Delgado-Aparicio, L., Diem, S., Ferron, J., Field, A., Foley, J., Fredrickson, E. D., Harvey, R., Hatcher, R. E., Heidbrink, W., Hill, K., Hosea, J. C., Jarboe, T. R., Johnson, D. W., Kaita, R., Kessel, C., Kubota, S., Kugel, H. W., Lawson, J., LeBlanc, B. P., Lee, K. C., Levinton, F., Manickam, J., Maqueda, R., Marsala, R., Mastrovito, D., Mau, T. K., Medley, S. S., Meyer, H., Mikkelsen, D. R., Mueller, D., Munsat, T., Nelson, B. A., Neumeyer, C., Nishino, N., Ono, M., Park, H., Park, W., Paul, S., Peebles, W., Peng, M., Phillips, C., Pigarov, A., Pinsker, R., Ram, A., Ramakrishnan, S., Raman, R., Rasmussen, D., Redi, M., Rensink, M., Rewoldt, G., Robinson, J., Roney, P., Roquemore, L., Ruskov, E., Ryan, P., Schneider, H., Skinner, C. H., Smith, D. R., Sontag, A., Soukhanovskii, V., Stevenson, T., Stotler, D., Stratton, B., Stutman, D., Swain, D., Synakowski, E., Takase, Y., Tritz, K., von Halle, A., Wade, M., White, R., Wilgen, J., Williams, M., Zhu, W., Zweben, S. J., Akers, R., Beiersdorfer, P., Betti, R. & Bigelow, T., May 2006, In: Physics of Plasmas. 13, 5, 056122.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    38 Scopus citations
  • Experimental test of the neoclassical theory of impurity poloidal rotation in tokamaks

    Solomon, W. M., Burrell, K. H., Andre, R., Baylor, L. R., Budny, R., Gohil, P., Groebner, R. J., Holcomb, C. T., Houlberg, W. A. & Wade, M. R., May 2006, In: Physics of Plasmas. 13, 5, 056116.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    97 Scopus citations
  • Feedback control of the safety factor profile evolution during formation of an advanced tokamak discharge

    Ferron, J. R., Gohil, P., Greenfield, C. M., Lohr, J., Luce, T. C., Makowski, M. A., Mazon, D., Murakami, M., Petty, C. C., Politzer, P. A. & Wade, M. R., Oct 1 2006, In: Nuclear Fusion. 46, 10, p. L13-L17 L01.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    47 Scopus citations
  • Progress on advanced tokamak and steady-state scenario development on DIII-D and NSTX

    Doyle, E. J., Garofalo, A. M., Greenfield, C. M., Kaye, S. M., Menard, J. E., Murakami, M., Sabbagh, S. A., Austin, M. E., Bell, R. E., Burrell, K. H., Ferron, J. R., Gates, D. A., Groebner, R. J., Hyatt, A. W., Jayakumar, R. J., Kinsey, J. E., Leblanc, B. P., Luce, T. C., Mckee, G. R. & Okabayashi, M. & 6 others, Peng, Y. K. M., Petty, C. C., Politzer, P. A., Rhodes, T. L., Wade, M. R. & Waltz, R. E., Dec 2006, In: Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 48, 12 B, p. B39-B52

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    13 Scopus citations
  • Progress toward fully noninductive, high beta conditions in DIII-D

    Murakami, M., Wade, M. R., Greenfield, C. M., Luce, T. C., Ferron, J. R., John, H. E. S., Deboo, J. C., Heidbrink, W. W., Luo, Y., Makowski, M. A., Osborne, T. H., Petty, C. C., Politzer, P. A., Allen, S. L., Austin, M. E., Burrell, K. H., Casper, T. A., Doyle, E. J., Garofalo, A. M. & Gohil, P. & 22 others, Gorelov, I. A., Groebner, R. J., Hyatt, A. W., Jayakumar, R. J., Kajiwara, K., Kessel, C. E., Kinsey, J. E., La Haye, R. J., Lao, L. L., Leonard, A. W., Lohr, J., Petrie, T. W., Pinsker, R. I., Prater, R., Rhodes, T. L., Sips, A. C. C., Staebler, G. M., Taylor, T. S., Vanzeeland, M. A., Wang, G., West, W. P. & Zeng, L., May 2006, In: Physics of Plasmas. 13, 5, 056106.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    62 Scopus citations
  • Progress towards high-performance steady-state operation on DIII-D

    Greenfield, C. M., Murakami, M., Garofalo, A. M., Doyle, E. J., Ferron, J. R., Wade, M. R., Austin, M. E., Allen, S. L., Burrell, K. H., Casper, T. A., DeBoo, J. C., Gohil, P., Gorelov, I. A., Groebner, R. J., Heidbrink, W. W., Hyatt, A. W., Jackson, G. L., Jayakumar, R. J., Kajiwara, K. & Kessel, C. E. & 31 others, Kinsey, J. E., Kim, J. Y., La Haye, R. J., Lao, L. L., Lohr, J., Luce, T. C., Luo, Y., Makowski, M. A., Mazon, D., McKee, G. R., Okabayashi, M., Osborne, T. H., Petty, C. C., Petrie, T. W., Pinsker, R. I., Prater, R., Politzer, P. A., Reimerdes, H., Rhodes, T. L., Sips, A. C. C., Scoville, J. T., Solomon, W. M., Staebler, G. M., St. John, H. E., Strait, E. J., Taylor, T. S., Turnbull, A. D., Van Zeeland, M. A., Wang, G., West, W. P. & Zeng, L., Nov 2006, In: Fusion Engineering and Design. 81, 23-24, p. 2807-2815 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    1 Scopus citations
  • Progress towards steady state on NSTX

    Gates, D. A., Kessel, C., Menard, J., Taylor, G., Wilson, J. R., Bell, M. G., Bell, R. E., Bernabei, S., Bialek, J., Biewer, T., Blanchard, W., Boedo, J., Bush, C., Carter, M. D., Choe, W., Crocker, N., Darrow, D. S., Davis, W., Delgado-Aparicio, L. & Diem, S. & 80 others, Ferron, J., Field, A., Foley, J., Fredrickson, E. D., Gibney, T., Harvey, R., Hatcher, R. E., Heidbrink, W., Hill, K., Hosea, J. C., Jarboe, T. R., Johnson, D. W., Kaita, R., Kaye, S., Kubota, S., Kugel, H. W., Lawson, J., LeBlanc, B. P., Lee, K. C., Levinton, F., Maingi, R., Manickam, J., Maqueda, R., Marsala, R., Mastrovito, D., Mau, T. K., Medley, S. S., Meyer, H., Mikkelsen, D. R., Mueller, D., Munsat, T., Nelson, B. A., Neumeyer, C., Nishino, N., Ono, M., Park, H., Park, W., Paul, S., Peebles, T., Peng, M., Phillips, C., Pigarov, A., Pinsker, R., Ram, A., Ramakrishnan, S., Raman, R., Rasmussen, D., Redi, M., Rensink, M., Rewoldt, G., Robinson, J., Roney, P., Roquemore, L., Ruskov, E., Ryan, P., Sabbagh, S. A., Schneider, H., Skinner, C. H., Smith, D. R., Sontag, A., Soukhanovskii, V., Stevenson, T., Stotler, D., Stratton, B., Stutman, D., Swain, D., Synakowski, E., Takase, Y., Tritz, K., von Halle, A., Wade, M., White, R., Wilgen, J., Williams, M., Zhu, W., Zweben, S. J., Akers, R., Beiersdorfer, P., Betti, R. & Bigelow, T., Mar 1 2006, In: Nuclear Fusion. 46, 3, p. S22-S28

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    23 Scopus citations