Donald Spong

Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus
1974 …2024

Research activity per year


Search results

  • 2019

    Forward modeling of collective Thomson scattering for Wendelstein 7-X plasmas: Electrostatic approximation

    W7-X Team, Feb 1 2019, In: Review of Scientific Instruments. 90, 2, 023501.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    9 Scopus citations
  • Low-frequency whistler waves in quiescent runaway electron plasmas

    Heidbrink, W. W., Paz-Soldan, C., Spong, D. A., Du, X. D., Thome, K. E., Austin, M. E., Lvovskiy, A., Moyer, R. A., Pinsker, R. I. & Zeeland, M. A. V., Jan 2019, In: Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 61, 1, 014007.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    26 Scopus citations
  • Modelling of beam-driven Alfvén modes in TJ-II plasmas

    Rakha, A., Mantsinen, M. J., Melnikov, A. V., Sharapov, S. E., Spong, D. A., López-Fraguas, A., Castejón, F., Gutiérrez-Millá, A., De Pablos, J. L. & Sáez, X., Mar 14 2019, In: Nuclear Fusion. 59, 5, 056002.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    5 Scopus citations
  • Modification of the Alfvén wave spectrum by pellet injection

    Oliver, H. J. C., Sharapov, S. E., Breizman, B. N., Fontanilla, A. K., Spong, D. A. & Terranova, D., Sep 4 2019, In: Nuclear Fusion. 59, 10, 106031.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    5 Scopus citations
  • Observation of a beam-driven low-frequency mode in Heliotron J

    Zang, L. G., Yamamoto, S., Spong, D. A., Nagasaki, K., Ohshima, S., Kobayashi, S., Minami, T., Lu, X. X., Nishino, N., Kado, S., Adulsiriswad, P., Okada, H., Kenmochi, N., Inagaki, S., Zhu, J. X., Weir, G. M., Mizuuchi, T., Konoshima, S., Ishizawa, A. & Yu, D. L. & 8 others, Shi, Z. B., Liu, Y., Yan, L. W., Li, J. Q., Yang, Q. W., Xu, M., Duan, X. R. & Liu, Y., Mar 14 2019, In: Nuclear Fusion. 59, 5, 056001.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    1 Scopus citations
  • Observation of rapid frequency chirping instabilities driven by runaway electrons in a tokamak

    Lvovskiy, A., Heidbrink, W. W., Paz-Soldan, C., Spong, D. A., Dal Molin, A., Eidietis, N. W., Nocente, M., Shiraki, D. & Thome, K. E., Sep 26 2019, In: Nuclear Fusion. 59, 12, 124004.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    30 Scopus citations
  • Performance of Wendelstein 7-X stellarator plasmas during the first divertor operation phase

    Wendelstein 7-X Teamb, Aug 1 2019, In: Physics of Plasmas. 26, 8, 082504.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    96 Scopus citations
  • Recent DIII-D advances in runaway electron measurement and model validation

    Paz-Soldan, C., Eidietis, N. W., Hollmann, E. M., Aleynikov, P., Carbajal, L., Heidbrink, W. W., Hoppe, M., Liu, C., Lvovskiy, A., Shiraki, D., Spong, D., Brennan, D. P., Cooper, C. M., Del-Castillo-Negrete, D., Du, X., Embreus, O., Fulop, T., Herfindal, J., Moyer, R. & Parks, P. & 1 others, Thome, K. E., May 8 2019, In: Nuclear Fusion. 59, 6, 066025.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    25 Scopus citations
  • Shear Alfvén wave continuum spectrum with bifurcated helical core equilibria

    Rakha, A., Lauber, P., Mantsinen, M. J. & Spong, D. A., Sep 9 2019, In: Nuclear Fusion. 59, 10, 106042.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Study of Alfven eigenmodes stability in plasma with multiple NBI driven energetic particle species

    Varela, J., Spong, D. A., Garcia, L., Todo, Y., Huang, J. & Murakami, M., Jun 1 2019, In: Physics of Plasmas. 26, 6, 062502.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    12 Scopus citations
  • Subdominant modes and optimization trends of DIII-D reverse magnetic shear configurations

    Varela, J., Spong, D. A., Murakami, M., Garcia, L., D'Azevedo, E., Van Zeeland, M. A. & Munaretto, S., Feb 27 2019, In: Nuclear Fusion. 59, 4, 046017.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    14 Scopus citations
  • Verification and validation of integrated simulation of energetic particles in fusion plasmas

    Taimourzadeh, S., Bass, E. M., Chen, Y., Collins, C., Gorelenkov, N. N., Könies, A., Lu, Z. X., Spong, D. A., Todo, Y., Austin, M. E., Bao, J., Biancalani, A., Borchardt, M., Bottino, A., Heidbrink, W. W., Kleiber, R., Lin, Z., Mishchenko, A., Shi, L. & Varela, J. & 4 others, Waltz, R. E., Yu, G., Zhang, W. L. & Zhu, Y., Apr 26 2019, In: Nuclear Fusion. 59, 6, 066006.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    55 Scopus citations
  • 2018

    Analysis of Alfven eigenmode destabilization in DIII-D high poloidal β discharges using a Landau closure model

    Varela, J., Spong, D. A., Garcia, L., Huang, J., Murakami, M., Garofalo, A. M., Qian, J. P., Holcomb, C. T., Hyatt, A. W., Ferron, J. R., Collins, C. S., Ren, Q. L., McClenaghan, J. & Guo, W., Jun 1 2018, In: Nuclear Fusion. 58, 7, 076017.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    22 Scopus citations
  • Benchmark of gyrokinetic, kinetic MHD and gyrofluid codes for the linear calculation of fast particle driven TAE dynamics

    Könies, A., Briguglio, S., Gorelenkov, N., Fehér, T., Isaev, M., Lauber, P., Mishchenko, A., Spong, D. A., Todo, Y., Cooper, W. A., Hatzky, R., Kleiber, R., Borchardt, M., Vlad, G., Biancalani, A. & Bottino, A., Oct 22 2018, In: Nuclear Fusion. 58, 12, 126027.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    42 Scopus citations
  • Dynamic neutral beam current and voltage control to improve beam efficacy in tokamaks

    Pace, D. C., Austin, M. E., Bardoczi, L., Collins, C. S., Crowley, B., Davis, E., Du, X., Ferron, J., Grierson, B. A., Heidbrink, W. W., Holcomb, C. T., McKee, G. R., Pawley, C., Petty, C. C., Podestà, M., Rauch, J., Scoville, J. T., Spong, D. A., Thome, K. E. & Van Zeeland, M. A. & 2 others, Varela, J. & Victor, B., May 1 2018, In: Physics of Plasmas. 25, 5, 056109.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    22 Scopus citations
  • First Direct Observation of Runaway-Electron-Driven Whistler Waves in Tokamaks

    Spong, D. A., Heidbrink, W. W., Paz-Soldan, C., Du, X. D., Thome, K. E., Van Zeeland, M. A., Collins, C., Lvovskiy, A., Moyer, R. A., Austin, M. E., Brennan, D. P., Liu, C., Jaeger, E. F. & Lau, C., Apr 11 2018, In: Physical Review Letters. 120, 15, 155002.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    84 Scopus citations
  • Initial Exploration of High-Field Pulsed Stellarator Approach to Ignition Experiments

    Queral, V., Volpe, F. A., Spong, D., Cabrera, S. & Tabarés, F., Dec 1 2018, In: Journal of Fusion Energy. 37, 6, p. 275-290 16 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    10 Scopus citations
  • Magnetic configuration effects on the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator

    the W7-X Team, Aug 1 2018, In: Nature Physics. 14, 8, p. 855-860 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    130 Scopus citations
  • Numerical simulation of runaway electrons: 3-D effects on synchrotron radiation and impurity-based runaway current dissipation

    Del-Castillo-Negrete, D., Carbajal, L., Spong, D. & Izzo, V., May 1 2018, In: Physics of Plasmas. 25, 5, 056104.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    21 Scopus citations
  • Observation of Alfvén eigenmodes driven by fast electrons during lower hybrid wave heating in EAST plasmas

    Hu, W., Li, J., Xiao, B., Heidbrink, W. W., Shi, T., Hu, Y., Chen, J., Spong, D. A., Liu, H., Wang, S., Lin, S., Li, Y., Yuan, Y. & Zhou, R., Jul 17 2018, In: Nuclear Fusion. 58, 9, 096032.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    8 Scopus citations
  • Open Access
    15 Scopus citations
  • 2017

    Analysis of Alfvén eigenmode destabilization by energetic particles in Large Helical Device using a Landau-closure model

    Varela, J., Spong, D. A. & Garcia, L., Mar 6 2017, In: Nuclear Fusion. 57, 4, 046018.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    35 Scopus citations
  • Analysis of Alfven eigenmodes destabilization by energetic particles in TJ-II using a Landau-closure model

    Varela, J., Spong, D. A. & Garcia, L., Sep 21 2017, In: Nuclear Fusion. 57, 12, 126019.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    27 Scopus citations
  • Comprehensive magnetohydrodynamic hybrid simulations of fast ion driven instabilities in a Large Helical Device experiment

    Todo, Y., Seki, R., Spong, D. A., Wang, H., Suzuki, Y., Yamamoto, S., Nakajima, N. & Osakabe, M., Aug 1 2017, In: Physics of Plasmas. 24, 8, 081203.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    38 Scopus citations
  • Effect of resonant magnetic perturbations on microturbulence in DIII-D pedestal

    Holod, I., Lin, Z., Taimourzadeh, S., Nazikian, R., Spong, D. & Wingen, A., Jan 2017, In: Nuclear Fusion. 57, 1, 016005.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    31 Scopus citations
  • Global linear gyrokinetic simulation of energetic particle-driven instabilities in the LHD stellarator

    Spong, D. A., Holod, I., Todo, Y. & Osakabe, M., Jun 23 2017, In: Nuclear Fusion. 57, 8, 086018.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    16 Scopus citations
  • Major results from the first plasma campaign of the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator

    Wolf, R. C., Ali, A., Alonso, A., Baldzuhn, J., Beidler, C., Beurskens, M., Biedermann, C., Bosch, H. S., Bozhenkov, S., Brakel, R., Dinklage, A., Feng, Y., Fuchert, G., Geiger, J., Grulke, O., Helander, P., Hirsch, M., Höfel, U., Jakubowski, M. & Knauer, J. & 438 others, Kocsis, G., König, R., Kornejew, P., Kràmer-Flecken, A., Krychowiak, M., Landreman, M., Langenberg, A., Laqua, H. P., Lazerson, S., Maaßberg, H., Marsen, S., Marushchenko, M., Moseev, D., Niemann, H., Pablant, N., Pasch, E., Rahbarnia, K., Schlisio, G., Stange, T., Sunn Pedersen, T., Svensson, J., Szepesi, T., Trimino Mora, H., Turkin, Y., Wauters, T., Weir, G., Wenzel, U., Windisch, T., Wurden, G., Zhang, D., Abramovic, I., Äkàslompolo, S., Aleynikov, P., Aleynikova, K., Alzbutas, R., Anda, G., Andreeva, T., Ascasibar, E., Assmann, J., Baek, S. G., Banduch, M., Barbui, T., Barlak, M., Baumann, K., Behr, W., Benndorf, A., Bertuch, O., Biel, W., Birus, D., Blackwell, B., Blanco, E., Blatzheim, M., Bluhm, T., Böckenhoff, D., Bolgert, P., Borchardt, M., Borsuk, V., Boscary, J., Böttger, L. G., Brand, H., Brandt, C., Bràuer, T., Braune, H., Brezinsek, S., Brunner, K. J., Brünner, B., Burhenn, R., Buttenschön, B., Bykov, V., Calvo, I., Cannas, B., Cappa, A., Carls, A., Carraro, L., Carvalho, B., Castejon, F., Charl, A., Chernyshev, F., Cianciosa, M., Citarella, R., Ciupiński, Claps, G., Cole, M., Cole, M. J., Cordella, F., Cseh, G., Czarnecka, A., Czermak, A., Czerski, K., Czerwinski, M., Czymek, G., Da Molin, A., Da Silva, A., Dammertz, G., Funaba, T., De La Pena, A., Degenkolbe, S., Denner, P., Dhard, D. P., Dostal, M., Drevlak, M., Drewelow, P., Drews, P., Dudek, A., Dundulis, G., Durodie, F., Van Eeten, P., Effenberg, F., Ehrke, G., Endler, M., Ennis, D., Erckmann, E., Esteban, H., Estrada, T., Fahrenkamp, N., Feist, J. H., Fellinger, J., Fernandes, H., Fietz, W. H., Figacz, W., Fontdecaba, J., Ford, O., Fornal, T., Frerichs, H., Freund, A., Führer, M., Funaba, T., Galkowski, A., Gantenbein, G., Gao, Y., García Regaña, J., Garcia-Munoz, M., Gates, D., Gawlik, G., Geiger, B., Giannella, V., Gierse, N., Gogoleva, A., Goncalves, B., Goriaev, A., Gradic, D., Grahl, M., Green, J., Grosman, A., Grote, H., Gruca, M., Guerard, C., Haiduk, L., Han, X., Harberts, F., Harris, J. H., Hartfuß, H. J., Hartmann, D., Hathiramani, D., Hein, B., Heinemann, B., Heitzenroeder, P., Henneberg, S., Hennig, C., Hernandez Sanchez, J., Hidalgo, C., Hölbe, H., Hollfeld, K. P., Hölting, A., Höschen, D., Houry, M., Howard, J., Huang, X., Huber, M., Huber, V., Hunger, H., Ida, K., Ilkei, T., Illy, S., Israeli, B., Ivanov, A., Jablonski, S., Jagielski, J., Jelonnek, J., Jenzsch, H., Junghans, P., Kacmarczyk, J., Kaliatka, T., Kallmeyer, J. P., Kamionka, U., Karalevicius, R., Kasahara, H., Kasparek, W., Kenmochi, N., Keunecke, M., Khilchenko, A., Kinna, D., Kleiber, R., Klinger, T., Knaup, M., Kobarg, T., Köchl, F., Kolesnichenko, Y., Könies, A., Köppen, M., Koshurinov, J., Koslowski, R., Köster, F., Koziol, R., Kràmer, M., Krampitz, R., Kraszewsk, P., Krawczyk, N., Kremeyer, T., Krings, T., Krom, J., Krzesinski, G., Ksiazek, I., Kubkowska, M., Kühner, G., Kurki-Suonio, T., Kwak, S., Lang, R., Langish, S., Laqua, H., Laube, R., Lechte, C., Lennartz, M., Leonhardt, W., Lewerentz, L., Liang, Y., Linsmeier, C., Liu, S., Lobsien, J. F., Loesser, D., Loizu Cisquella, J., Lore, J., Lorenz, A., Losert, M., Lubyako, L., Lücke, A., Lumsdaine, A., Lutsenko, V., Majano-Brown, J., Marchuk, O., Mardenfeld, M., Marek, P., Massidda, S., Masuzaki, S., Maurer, D., McCarthy, K., McNeely, P., Meier, A., Mellein, D., Mendelevitch, B., Mertens, P., Mikkelsen, D., Mishchenko, O., Missal, B., Mittelstaedt, J., Mizuuchi, T., Mollen, A., Moncada, V., Mönnich, T., Morizaki, T., Munk, R., Murakami, S., Musielok, F., Náfrádi, G., Nagel, M., Naujoks, D., Neilson, H., Neubauer, O., Neuner, U., Ngo, T., Nocentini, R., Nührenberg, C., Nührenberg, J., Obermayer, S., Offermanns, G., Ogawa, K., Ongena, J., Oosterbeek, J. W., Orozco, G., Otte, M., Pacios Rodriguez, L., Pan, W., Panadero, N., Panadero Alvarez, N., Panin, A., Papenfuß, D., Paqay, S., Pavone, A., Pawelec, E., Pelka, G., Peng, X., Perseo, V., Peterson, B., Pieper, A., Pilopp, D., Pingel, S., Pisano, F., Plaum, B., Plunk, G., Povilaitis, M., Preinhaelter, J., Proll, J., Puiatti, M. E., Puig Sitjes, A., Purps, F., Rack, M., Récsei, S., Reiman, A., Reiter, D., Remppel, F., Renard, S., Riedl, R., Riemann, J., Rimkevicius, S., Riße, K., Rodatos, A., Röhlinger, H., Romé, M., Rong, P., Roscher, H. J., Roth, B., Rudischhauser, L., Rummel, K., Rummel, T., Runov, A., Rust, N., Ryc, L., Ryosuke, S., Sakamoto, R., Samartsev, A., Sanchez, M., Sano, F., Satake, S., Satheeswaran, G., Schacht, J., Schauer, F., Scherer, T., Schlaich, A., Schlüter, K. H., Schmitt, J., Schmitz, H., Schmitz, O., Schmuck, S., Schneider, M., Schneider, W., Scholz, M., Scholz, P., Schrittwieser, R., Schröder, M., Schröder, T., Schroeder, R., Schumacher, H., Schweer, B., Shanahan, B., Shikhovtsev, I. V., Sibilia, M., Sinha, P., Siplià, S., Skodzik, J., Slaby, C., Smith, H., Spiess, W., Spong, D. A., Spring, A., Stadler, R., Standley, B., Stephey, L., Stoneking, M., Stridde, U., Sulek, Z., Da Molin, A., Suzuki, Y., Szabó, V., Szabolics, T., Szökefalvi-Nagy, Z., Tamura, N., Terra, A., Terry, J., Thomas, J., Thomsen, H., Thumm, M., Von Thun, C. P., Timmermann, D., Titus, P., Toi, K., Travere, J. M., Traverso, P., Tretter, J., Tsuchiya, H., Tsujimura, T., Tulipán, S., Turnyanskiy, M., Unterberg, B., Urban, J., Urbonavicius, E., Vakulchyk, I., Valet, S., Van Millingen, B., Vela, L., Velasco, J. L., Vergote, M., Vervier, M., Vianello, N., Viebke, H., Vilbrandt, R., Vorkörper, A., Wadle, S., Wagner, F., Wang, E., Wang, N., Warmer, F., Wegener, L., Weggen, J., Wei, Y., Wendorf, J., Werner, A., Wiegel, B., Wilde, F., Winkler, E., Winters, V., Wolf, S., Wolowski, J., Wright, A., Xanthopoulos, P., Yamada, H., Yamada, I., Yasuhara, R., Yokoyama, M., Zajac, J., Zarnstorff, M., Zeitler, A., Zhang, H., Zhu, J., Zilker, M., Zimbal, A., Zocco, A., Zoletnik, S. & Zuin, M., Jul 27 2017, In: Nuclear Fusion. 57, 10, 102020.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    175 Scopus citations
  • Rotation and neoclassical ripple transport in ITER

    Paul, E. J., Landreman, M., Poli, F. M., Spong, D. A., Smith, H. M. & Dorland, W., Aug 18 2017, In: Nuclear Fusion. 57, 11, 116044.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    14 Scopus citations
  • Space dependent, full orbit effects on runaway electron dynamics in tokamak plasmas

    Carbajal, L., Del-Castillo-Negrete, D., Spong, D., Seal, S. & Baylor, L., Apr 1 2017, In: Physics of Plasmas. 24, 4, 042512.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    34 Scopus citations
  • Two species drag/diffusion model for energetic particle driven modes

    Aslanyan, V., Sharapov, S. E., Spong, D. A. & Porkolab, M., Dec 1 2017, In: Physics of Plasmas. 24, 12, 122511.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    5 Scopus citations
  • 2016

    Catalyzed D-D stellarator reactor

    Sheffield, J. & Spong, D. A., Jul 2016, In: Fusion Science and Technology. 70, 1, p. 36-53 18 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    4 Scopus citations
  • Electron cyclotron heating can drastically alter reversed shear Alfvén eigenmode activity in DIII-D through finite pressure effects

    Van Zeeland, M. A., Heidbrink, W. W., Sharapov, S. E., Spong, D., Cappa, A., Chen, X., Collins, C., Garća-Muñoz, M., Gorelenkov, N. N., Kramer, G. J., Lauber, P., Lin, Z. & Petty, C., Jul 22 2016, In: Nuclear Fusion. 56, 11, 112007.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    54 Scopus citations
  • Identification of island-induced Alfvén eigenmodes in a reversed field pinch

    Cook, C. R., Hegna, C. C., Anderson, J. K., McCollam, K. J., Boguski, J., Feng, R., Koliner, J. J., Spong, D. A. & Hirshman, S. P., Apr 8 2016, In: Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 58, 5, 054004.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    13 Scopus citations
  • Mitigation of Alfvénic activity by 3D magnetic perturbations on NSTX

    Kramer, G. J., Bortolon, A., Ferraro, N. M., Spong, D. A., Crocker, N. A., Darrow, D. S., Fredrickson, E. D., Kubota, S., Park, J. K., Podestà, M. & Heidbrink, W. W., Jul 5 2016, In: Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 58, 8, 085003.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    26 Scopus citations
  • 2015

    3D toroidal physics: Testing the boundaries of symmetry breaking

    Spong, D. A., May 1 2015, In: Physics of Plasmas. 22, 5, 055602.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    25 Scopus citations
  • Overview of results from the MST reversed field pinch experiment

    Sarff, J. S., Almagri, A. F., Anderson, J. K., Borchardt, M., Cappechi, W., Carmody, D., Caspary, K., Chapman, B. E., Den Hartog, D. J., Duff, J., Eilerman, S., Falkowski, A., Forest, C. B., Galante, M., Goetz, J. A., Holly, D. J., Koliner, J., Kumar, S., Lee, J. D. & Liu, D. & 53 others, McCollam, K. J., McGarry, M., Mirnov, V. V., Morton, L., Munaretto, S., Nornberg, M. D., Nonn, P. D., Oliva, S. P., Parke, E., Pueschel, M. J., Reusch, J. A., Sauppe, J., Seltzman, A., Sovinec, C. R., Stone, D., Theucks, D., Thomas, M., Triana, J., Terry, P. W., Waksman, J., Whelan, G. C., Brower, D. L., Ding, W. X., Lin, L., Demers, D. R., Fimognari, P., Titus, J., Auriemma, F., Cappello, S., Franz, P., Innocente, P., Lorenzini, R., Martines, E., Momo, B., Piovesan, P., Puiatti, M., Spolaore, M., Terranova, D., Zanca, P., Davydenko, V. I., Deichuli, P., Ivanov, A. A., Polosatkin, S., Stupishin, N. V., Spong, D., Craig, D., Stephens, H., Harvey, R. W., Cianciosa, M., Hanson, J. D., Breizman, B. N., Li, M. & Zheng, L. J., Mar 27 2015, In: Nuclear Fusion. 55, 10, 104006.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    17 Scopus citations
  • Overview of the RFX-mod contribution to the international Fusion Science Program

    Puiatti, M. E., Dal Bello, S., Marrelli, L., Martin, P., Agostinetti, P., Agostini, M., Antoni, V., Auriemma, F., Barbisan, M., Barbui, T., Baruzzo, M., Battistella, M., Belli, F., Bettini, P., Bigi, M., Bilel, R., Boldrin, M., Bolzonella, T., Bonfiglio, D. & Brombin, M. & 122 others, Buffa, A., Canton, A., Cappello, S., Carraro, L., Cavazzana, R., Cester, D., Chacon, L., Chapman, B. E., Chitarin, G., Ciaccio, G., Cooper, W. A., Dalla Palma, M., Deambrosis, S., Delogu, R., De Lorenzi, A., De Masi, G., Dong, J. Q., Escande, D. F., Esposito, B., Fassina, A., Fellin, F., Ferro, A., Finotti, C., Franz, P., Frassinetti, L., Furno Palumbo, M., Gaio, E., Ghezzi, F., Giudicotti, L., Gnesotto, F., Gobbin, M., Gonzales, W. A., Grando, L., Guo, S. C., Hanson, J. D., Hirshman, S. P., Innocente, P., Jackson, J. L., Kiyama, S., Komm, M., Laguardia, L., Li, C., Liu, S. F., Liu, Y. Q., Lorenzini, R., Luce, T. C., Luchetta, A., Maistrello, A., Manduchi, G., Mansfield, D. K., Marchiori, G., Marconato, N., Marocco, D., Marcuzzi, D., Martines, E., Martini, S., Matsunaga, G., Mazzitelli, G., Miorin, E., Momo, B., Moresco, M., Okabayashi, M., Olofsson, E., Paccagnella, R., Patel, N., Pavei, M., Peruzzo, S., Pilan, N., Pigatto, L., Piovan, R., Piovesan, P., Piron, C., Piron, L., Predebon, I., Rea, C., Recchia, M., Rigato, V., Rizzolo, A., Roquemore, A. L., Rostagni, G., Ruset, C., Ruzzon, A., Sajó-Bohus, L., Sakakita, H., Sanchez, R., Sarff, J. S., Sartori, E., Sattin, F., Scaggion, A., Scarin, P., Schmitz, O., Sonato, P., Spada, E., Spagnolo, S., Spolaore, M., Spong, D. A., Spizzo, G., Stevanato, L., Takechi, M., Taliercio, C., Terranova, D., Trevisan, G. L., Urso, G., Valente, M., Valisa, M., Veranda, M., Vianello, N., Viesti, G., Villone, F., Vincenzi, P., Visona', N., Wang, Z. R., White, R. B., Xanthopoulos, P., Xu, X. Y., Yanovskiy, V., Zamengo, A., Zanca, P., Zaniol, B., Zanotto, L., Zilli, E. & Zuin, M., Jul 29 2015, In: Nuclear Fusion. 55, 10, 104012.

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    19 Scopus citations
  • 2014

    Effect of magnetic configuration on frequency of NBI-driven Alfvén modes in TJ-II

    Melnikov, A. V., Ochando, M., Ascasibar, E., Castejon, F., Cappa, A., Eliseev, L. G., Hidalgo, C., Krupnik, L. I., Lopez-Fraguas, A., Liniers, M., Lysenko, S. E., De Pablos, J. L., Perfilov, S. V., Sharapov, S. E., Spong, D. A., Jimenez, J. A., Ufimtsev, M. V. & Breizman, B. N., Dec 1 2014, In: Nuclear Fusion. 54, 12, 123002.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    39 Scopus citations
  • Energetic ion losses caused by magnetohydrodynamic activity resonant and non-resonant with energetic ions in Large Helical Device

    Ogawa, K., Isobe, M., Toi, K., Shimizu, A., Spong, D. A., Osakabe, M. & Yamamoto, S., Sep 1 2014, In: Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 56, 9, 094005.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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    10 Scopus citations
  • Long-term Landau-fluid simulation of Alfvén Eigenmode instabilities

    Spong, D. A., 2014, In: Plasma and Fusion Research. 9, SpecialIssue2, 3403077.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    11 Scopus citations
  • Proto-CIRCUS tilted-coil tokamak-torsatron hybrid: Design and construction

    Clark, A. W., Doumet, M., Hammond, K. C., Kornbluth, Y., Spong, D. A., Sweeney, R. & Volpe, F. A., Nov 1 2014, In: Fusion Engineering and Design. 89, 11, p. 2732-2737 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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    5 Scopus citations
  • 2013

    A study on the TAE-induced fast-ion loss process in LHD

    Ogawa, K., Isobe, M., Toi, K., Shimizu, A., Spong, D. A., Osakabe, M. & Yamamoto, S., May 2013, In: Nuclear Fusion. 53, 5, 053012.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    26 Scopus citations
  • Fast ion confinement and stability in a neutral beam injected reversed field pinch

    Anderson, J. K., Almagri, A. F., Den Hartog, D. J., Eilerman, S., Forest, C. B., Koliner, J. J., Mirnov, V. V., Morton, L. A., Nornberg, M. D., Parke, E., Reusch, J. A., Sarff, J. S., Waksman, J., Belykh, V., Davydenko, V. I., Ivanov, A. A., Polosatkin, S. V., Tsidulko, Y. A., Lin, L. & Liu, D. & 4 others, Fiksel, G., Sakakita, H., Spong, D. A. & Titus, J., May 2013, In: Physics of Plasmas. 20, 5, 056102.

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    20 Scopus citations
  • Overview of results from the MST reversed field pinch experiment

    Sarff, J. S., Almagri, A. F., Anderson, J. K., Borchardt, M., Carmody, D., Caspary, K., Chapman, B. E., Den Hartog, D. J., Duff, J., Eilerman, S., Falkowski, A., Forest, C. B., Goetz, J. A., Holly, D. J., Kim, J. H., King, J., Ko, J., Koliner, J., Kumar, S. & Lee, J. D. & 50 others, Liu, D., Magee, R., McCollam, K. J., McGarry, M., Mirnov, V. V., Nornberg, M. D., Nonn, P. D., Oliva, S. P., Parke, E., Reusch, J. A., Sauppe, J. P., Seltzman, A., Sovinec, C. R., Stephens, H., Stone, D., Theucks, D., Thomas, M., Triana, J., Terry, P. W., Waksman, J., Bergerson, W. F., Brower, D. L., Ding, W. X., Lin, L., Demers, D. R., Fimognari, P., Titus, J., Auriemma, F., Cappello, S., Franz, P., Innocente, P., Lorenzini, R., Martines, E., Momo, B., Piovesan, P., Puiatti, M., Spolaore, M., Terranova, D., Zanca, P., Belykh, V., Davydenko, V. I., Deichuli, P., Ivanov, A. A., Polosatkin, S., Stupishin, N. V., Spong, D., Craig, D., Harvey, R. W., Cianciosa, M. & Hanson, J. D., Oct 2013, In: Nuclear Fusion. 53, 10, 104017.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    35 Scopus citations
  • Simulation of Alfvén frequency cascade modes in reversed shear-discharges using a Landau-closure model

    Spong, D. A., May 2013, In: Nuclear Fusion. 53, 5, 053008.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    40 Scopus citations
  • Technical challenges in the construction of the steady-state stellarator Wendelstein 7-X

    Bosch, H. S., Wolf, R. C., Andreeva, T., Baldzuhn, J., Birus, D., Bluhm, T., Bräuer, T., Braune, H., Bykov, V., Cardella, A., Durodié, F., Endler, M., Erckmann, V., Gantenbein, G., Hartmann, D., Hathiramani, D., Heimann, P., Heinemann, B., Hennig, C. & Hirsch, M. & 301 others, Holtum, D., Jagielski, J., Jelonnek, J., Kasparek, W., Klinger, T., König, R., Kornejew, P., Kroiss, H., Krom, J. G., Kühner, G., Laqua, H., Laqua, H. P., Lechte, C., Lewerentz, M., Maier, J., McNeely, P., Messiaen, A., Michel, G., Ongena, J., Peacock, A., Pedersen, T. S., Riedl, R., Riemann, H., Rong, P., Rust, N., Schacht, J., Schauer, F., Schroeder, R., Schweer, B., Spring, A., Stäbler, A., Thumm, M., Turkin, Y., Wegener, L., Werner, A., Zhang, D., Zilker, M., Akijama, T., Alzbutas, R., Ascasibar, E., Balden, M., Banduch, M., Baylard, C., Behr, W., Beidler, C., Benndorf, A., Bergmann, T., Biedermann, C., Bieg, B., Biel, W., Borchardt, M., Borowitz, G., Borsuk, V., Bozhenkov, S., Brakel, R., Brand, H., Brown, T., Brucker, B., Burhenn, R., Buscher, K. P., Caldwell-Nichols, C., Cappa, A., Cardella, A., Carls, A., Carvalho, P., Ciupiński, Cole, M., Collienne, J., Czarnecka, A., Czymek, G., Dammertz, G., Dhard, C. P., Davydenko, V. I., Dinklage, A., Drevlak, M., Drotziger, S., Dudek, A., Dumortier, P., Dundulis, G., Eeten, P. V., Egorov, K., Estrada, T., Faugel, H., Fellinger, J., Feng, Y., Fernandes, H., Fietz, W. H., Figacz, W., Fischer, F., Fontdecaba, J., Freund, A., Funaba, T., Fünfgelder, H., Galkowski, A., Gates, D., Giannone, L., García Regaña, J. M., Geiger, J., Geißler, S., Greuner, H., Grahl, M., Groß, S., Grosman, A., Grote, H., Grulke, O., Haas, M., Haiduk, L., Hartfuß, H. J., Harris, J. H., Haus, D., Hein, B., Heitzenroeder, P., Helander, P., Heller, R., Hidalgo, C., Hildebrandt, D., Höhnle, H., Holtz, A., Holzhauer, E., Holzthüm, R., Huber, A., Hunger, H., Hurd, F., Ihrke, M., Illy, S., Ivanov, A., Jablonski, S., Jaksic, N., Jakubowski, M., Jaspers, R., Jensen, H., Jenzsch, H., Kacmarczyk, J., Kaliatk, T., Kallmeyer, J., Kamionka, U., Karaleviciu, R., Kern, S., Keunecke, M., Kleiber, R., Knauer, J., Koch, R., Kocsis, G., Könies, A., Köppen, M., Koslowski, R., Koshurinov, J., Krämer-Flecken, A., Krampitz, R., Kravtsov, Y., Krychowiak, M., Krzesinski, G., Ksiazek, I., Kubkowska, F., Kus, A., Langish, S., Laube, R., Laux, M., Lazerson, S., Lennartz, M., Li, C., Lietzow, R., Lohs, A., Lorenz, A., Louche, F., Lubyako, L., Lumsdaine, A., Lyssoivan, A., Maaßberg, H., Marek, P., Martens, C., Marushchenko, N., Mayer, M., Mendelevitch, B., Mertens, P., Mikkelsen, D., Mishchenko, A., Missal, B., Mizuuchi, T., Modrow, H., Mönnich, T., Morizaki, T., Murakami, S., Musielok, F., Nagel, M., Naujoks, D., Neilson, H., Neubauer, O., Neuner, U., Nocentini, R., Noterdaeme, J. M., Nührenberg, C., Obermayer, S., Offermanns, G., Oosterbeek, H., Otte, M., Panin, A., Pap, M., Paquay, S., Pasch, E., Peng, X., Petrov, S., Pilopp, D., Pirsch, H., Plaum, B., Pompon, F., Povilaitis, M., Preinhaelter, J., Prinz, O., Purps, F., Rajna, T., Récsei, S., Reiman, A., Reiter, D., Remmel, J., Renard, S., Rhode, V., Riemann, J., Rimkevicius, S., Riße, K., Rodatos, A., Rodin, I., Romé, M., Roscher, H. J., Rummel, K., Rummel, T., Runov, A., Ryc, L., Sachtleben, J., Samartsev, A., Sanchez, M., Sano, F., Scarabosio, A., Schmid, M., Schmitz, H., Schmitz, O., Schneider, M., Schneider, W., Scheibl, L., Scholz, M., Schröder, G., Schröder, M., Schruff, J., Schumacher, H., Shikhovtsev, I. V., Shoji, M., Siegl, G., Skodzik, J., Smirnow, M., Speth, E., Spong, D. A., Stadler, R., Sulek, Z., Szabó, V., Szabolics, T., Szetefi, T., Szökefalvi-Nagy, Z., Tereshchenko, A., Thomsen, H., Thumm, M., Timmermann, D., Tittes, H., Toi, K., Tournianski, M., Toussaint, U. V., Tretter, J., Tulipán, S., Turba, P., Uhlemann, R., Urban, J., Urbonavicius, E., Urlings, P., Valet, S., Van Eester, D., Van Schoor, M., Vervier, M., Viebke, H., Vilbrandt, R., Vrancken, M., Wauters, T., Weissgerber, M., Weiß, E., Weller, A., Wendorf, J., Wenzel, U., Windisch, T., Winkler, E., Winkler, M., Wolowski, J., Wolters, J., Wrochna, G., Xanthopoulos, P., Yamada, H., Yokoyama, M., Zacharias, D., Zajac, J., Zangl, G., Zarnstorff, M., Zeplien, H., Zoletnik, S. & Zuin, M., Dec 2013, In: Nuclear Fusion. 53, 12, 126001.

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    Open Access
    101 Scopus citations
  • The effect of the fast-ion profile on Alfvén eigenmode stability

    Heidbrink, W. W., Van Zeeland, M. A., Austin, M. E., Bass, E. M., Ghantous, K., Gorelenkov, N. N., Grierson, B. A., Spong, D. A. & Tobias, B. J., Sep 2013, In: Nuclear Fusion. 53, 9, 093006.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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    50 Scopus citations
  • 2012

    Alfvén eigenmode properties and dynamics in the TJ-II stellarator

    Melnikov, A. V., Eliseev, L. G., Ascasibar, E., Chmyga, A. A., Hidalgo, C., Ido, T., Jiménez-Gómez, R., Komarov, A. D., Kozachek, A. S., Krupnik, L. I., Khrebtov, S. M., Könies, A., Kuznetsov, Y. K., López-Fraguas, A., Lysenko, S. E., Mavrin, V. A., Nagaoka, K., De Pablos, J. L., Pedrosa, M. A. & Perfilov, S. V. & 4 others, Smolyakov, A. I., Spong, D. A., Ufimtsev, M. V. & Yamamoto, S., Dec 2012, In: Nuclear Fusion. 52, 12, 123004.

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    51 Scopus citations
  • Alfvén eigenmode stability and fast ion loss in DIII-D and ITER reversed magnetic shear plasmas

    Van Zeeland, M. A., Gorelenkov, N. N., Heidbrink, W. W., Kramer, G. J., Spong, D. A., Austin, M. E., Fisher, R. K., García Muñoz, M., Gorelenkova, M., Luhmann, N., Murakami, M., Nazikian, R., Pace, D. C., Park, J. M., Tobias, B. J. & White, R. B., 2012, In: Nuclear Fusion. 52, 9, 094023.

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    50 Scopus citations
  • Alfvén eigenmode structure during off-axis neutral beam injection

    Tobias, B., Bass, E. M., Classen, I. G. J., Domier, C. W., Grierson, B. A., Heidbrink, W. W., Luhmann, N. C., Nazikian, R., Park, H. K., Spong, D. A. & Van Zeeland, M. A., 2012, In: Nuclear Fusion. 52, 10, 103009.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    7 Scopus citations