
Search results

  • 2022

    Impact of pellets on SOL-pedestal coupling in JET-ILW

    JET Contributors, 2022.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

  • Isotope Effects on Intrinsic Toroidal Rotation and Rotation Reversals

    JET Contributors, 2022.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

  • 2016

    Core confinement in wendelstein 7-X limiter plasmas

    Dinklage, A., Alonso, A., Baldzuhn, J., Beidler, C. D., Biedermann, C., Blackwell, B., Bozhenkov, S., Brakel, R., Buttenschön, B., Feng, Y., Fuchert, G., Geiger, J., Helander, P., Hirsch, M., Hoefel, U., Knauer, J., Krämer-Flecken, A., Landreman, M., Langenberg, A. & Laqua, H. P. & 66 others, Maaßberg, H., Pablant, N. A., Pasch, E., Rahbarnia, K., Rudischhauser, L., Smith, H., Stange, T., Stephey, L., Trimino-Mora, H., Turkin, Y., Velasco, J. L., Wurden, G., Zhang, D., Andreeva, T., Beurskens, M., Blanco, E., Bosch, H. S., Burhenn, R., Cappa, A., Czarnecka, A., Dostal, M., Drews, P., Endler, M., Estrada, T., Fornal, T., Grulke, O., Hartmann, D., Harris, J. H., Jakubowski, M., Klinger, T., Klose, S., Kocsis, G., König, R., Kornejew, P., Krawczyk, N., Krychowiak, M., Kubkowska, M., Ksiazek, I., Lazerson, S., Liang, Y., Liu, S., Marchuk, O., Marsen, S., Marushchenko, N., Moncada, V., Moseev, D., Naujoks, D., Niemann, H., Otte, M., Pedersen, T. S., Pisano, F., Riße, K., Rummel, T., Schmitz, O., Satake, S., Schröder, T., Szepesi, T., Thomsen, H., Traverso, P., Tsuchiya, H., Valson, P., Wang, N., Wauters, T., Weir, G., Wolf, R. & Yokoyama, M., 2016.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

    2 Scopus citations
  • Development of a thermal helium beam emission diagnostic for WEST

    Jones, O. M., Meyer, O., Xu, H., Sorrentino, S., Baude, R., Escarguel, A., Harris, J. H., Hatchressian, J. C., Klepper, C. C., Larroque, S., Lotte, P., Pascal, J. Y. & Pégourié, B., 2016.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

    1 Scopus citations
  • Reconstruction of 3-D VMEC equilibria with helical cores in DIII-D

    Wingen, A., Wilcox, R. S., Cianciosa, M. R., Seal, S. K., Unterberg, E. A., Hirshman, S. P., Piovesan, P. & Turco, F., 2016.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

    1 Scopus citations
  • 1990

    Initial measurements of edge plasma turbulence on ATF

    Uckan, T., Hidalgo, C., Bell, J. D., Dyer, G. R., Harris, J. H., Wilgen, J. B., Ritz, C. P., Carter, K., Rhodes, T. L. & Wootton, A. J., 1990, p. 79. 1 p.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

  • 1989

    Role of stellarators in understanding toroidal transport physics

    Rasmussen, D. A., Anderson, F. S. B., Bell, G. L., Bell, J. D., Bengtson, R. D., Bigelow, T. S., Carreras, B. A., Carter, K. R., Colchin, R. J., Crume, E. C., Dominguez, N., Dunlap, J. L., England, A. C., Fowler, R. H., Gandy, R. F., Glowienka, J. C., Hiroe, S., Harris, J. H., Hillis, D. L. & Horton, L. D. & 24 others, Howe, H. C., Isler, R. C., Jernigan, T. C., Kaneko, H., Kindsfather, R. R., Leboeuf, J. N., Lynch, V. E., Lyon, J. F., Ma, C. H., Menon, M. M., Mioduszewski, P. K., Morris, R. N., Murakami, M., Neilson, G. H., Pare, V. K., Rhodes, T. L., Richards, R. K., Ritz, C. P., Rome, J. A., Thomas, C. E., Uckan, T., Wade, M. C., Wilgen, J. B. & Wing, W. R., 1989, p. 59-60. 2 p.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review