Search results

  • 2024
    Open Access
    3 Scopus citations
  • Active control of Alfvén eigenmodes by external magnetic perturbations with different spatial spectra

    ASDEX Upgrade Team & MST1 Teams, Jul 2024, In: Nuclear Fusion. 64, 7, 076022.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    1 Scopus citations
  • Analysis of beam ion driven Alfvén eigenmode stability induced by Tungsten contamination in EAST

    The EAST Team, Jan 2024, In: Nuclear Fusion. 64, 1, 016028.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    2 Scopus citations

    Yang, M., Wang, P., Del-Castillo-Negrete, D., Cao, Y. & Zhang, G., 2024, In: SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. 46, 4, p. C508-C533

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Core performance predictions in projected SPARC first-campaign plasmas with nonlinear CGYRO

    Rodriguez-Fernandez, P., Howard, N. T., Saltzman, A., Shoji, L., Body, T., Battaglia, D. J., Hughes, J. W., Candy, J., Staebler, G. M. & Creely, A. J., Jun 1 2024, In: Physics of Plasmas. 31, 6, 062501.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    3 Scopus citations
  • Dependence of high-Z redeposition on the field-to-surface pitch angle and other sheath parameters in tokamaks

    Easley, D. C., Diaw, A., Younkin, T. R., Donovan, D. C., Unterberg, E. A., Nichols, J. H., Johnson, C. A. & Kumar, A., May 1 2024, In: Physics of Plasmas. 31, 5, 052503.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • DIII-D research to provide solutions for ITER and fusion energy

    DIII-D Team, Nov 2024, In: Nuclear Fusion. 64, 11, 112003.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    2 Scopus citations
  • Examining transport and integrated modeling predictive capabilities for negative-triangularity scenarios

    McClenaghan, J., Marinoni, A., Nelson, A. O., Neiser, T., Lao, L. L., Staebler, G. M., Smith, S. P., Meneghini, O. M., Lyons, B. C., Snyder, P. B. & Austin, M., Nov 2024, In: Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 66, 11, 115008.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Exploring the effect of ELM and code-coupling frequencies on plasma and material modeling of dynamic recycling in divertors

    Lasa, A., Park, J. S., Lore, J., Blondel, S., Bernholdt, D. E., Canik, J. M., Cianciosa, M., Coburn, J., Curreli, D., Elwasif, W., Guterl, J., Hoffman, J., Park, J. M., Sinclair, G. & Wirth, B. D., Jul 2024, In: Nuclear Fusion. 64, 7, 076006.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    2 Scopus citations
  • From L-mode to the L-H transition, experiments on ASDEX upgrade and related gyrokinetic simulations

    EUROfusion MST1 Team & ASDEX Upgrade Team, Jul 1 2024, In: Physics of Plasmas. 31, 7, 072302.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    1 Scopus citations
  • Impurity transport in PISCES-RF

    Dhamale, G., Baldwin, M. J., Islam, M. S., Kumar, A., Meyer, H. M., Nishijima, D., Nuckols, L., Patino, M. I., Tierens, W., Tynan, G. R. & Rapp, J., Sep 2024, In: Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 66, 9, 095015.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • MHD stability trends and improved performance of LHD inward-shifted configurations: The role of the neutral beam current drive and thermal plasma density

    Varela, J., Nagaoka, K., Takemura, Y., Watanabe, K. Y., Ida, K., Yoshinuma, M., Nagasaki, K., Cappa, A., Sharapov, S., Spong, D. A., Garcia, L., Ghai, Y. & Ortiz, J., Aug 1 2024, In: Physics of Plasmas. 31, 8, 082504.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    1 Scopus citations
  • Modeling of frequency-sweeping Alfvén modes in the TJ-II stellarator

    Ghiozzi, A., Mantsinen, M., Pastells, P., Spong, D., Melnikov, A., Eliseev, L. & Sharapov, S., Mar 2024, In: Nuclear Fusion. 64, 3, 036005.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    1 Scopus citations
  • NSTX-U research advancing the physics of spherical tokamaks

    Berkery, J. W., Adebayo-Ige, P. O., Al Khawaldeh, H., Avdeeva, G., Baek, S. G., Banerjee, S., Barada, K., Battaglia, D. J., Bell, R. E., Belli, E., Belova, E. V., Bertelli, N., Bisai, N., Bonoli, P. T., Boyer, M. D., Butt, J., Candy, J., Chang, C. S., Clauser, C. F. & Corona Rivera, L. D. & 77 others, Curie, M., de Vries, P. C., Diab, R., Diallo, A., Dominski, J., Duarte, V. N., Emdee, E. D., Ferraro, N. M., Fitzpatrick, R., Foley, E. L., Fredrickson, E., Galante, M. E., Gan, K. F., Gerhardt, S., Goldston, R., Guttenfelder, W., Hager, R., Hanson, M. O., Jardin, S. C., Jenkins, T. G., Kaye, S. M., Khodak, A., Kinsey, J., Kleiner, A., Kolemen, E., Ku, S., Lampert, M., Leard, B., LeBlanc, B. P., Lestz, J. B., Levinton, F. M., Liu, C., Looby, T., Lunsford, R., Macwan, T., Maingi, R., McClenaghan, J., Menard, J. E., Munaretto, S., Ono, M., Pajares, A., Parisi, J., Park, J. K., Parsons, M. S., Patel, B. S., Petrov, Y. V., Podestà, M., Poli, F., Porcelli, M., Rafiq, T., Sabbagh, S. A., Sánchez Villar, I., Schuster, E., Schwartz, J., Sharma, A., Shiraiwa, S., Sinha, P., Smith, D., Smith, S., Soukhanovskii, V. A., Staebler, G., Startsev, E., Stratton, B., Thome, K. E., Tierens, W., Tobin, M., Uzun-Kaymak, I. U., Van Compernolle, B., Wai, J., Wang, W., Wehner, W., Welander, A., Yang, J., Zamkovska, V., Zhang, X., Zhu, X. L. & Zweben, S., Nov 2024, In: Nuclear Fusion. 64, 11, 112004.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    10 Scopus citations
  • Observation of magnetic islands in tokamak plasmas during the suppression of edge-localized modes

    the ASDEX Upgrade Team, 2024, (Accepted/In press) In: Nature Physics.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    1 Scopus citations
  • On a High-Mirror Stellarator Reactor Exploratory Concept With Neutrons Concentrated on Centrifuge Liquids

    Queral, V., Fernandez, I., de Castro, A., Spong, D., Cabrera, S., Tribaldos, V., Reynolds, J. M. & Rincon, E., 2024, (Accepted/In press) In: IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science. p. 1-7 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Orbit-following simulations of fast-ion transport and losses due to the Alfvén eigenmode burst in the Large Helical Device

    Seki, R., Todo, Y., Suzuki, Y., Spong, D. A., Ogawa, K., Isobe, M. & Osakabe, M., Oct 1 2024, In: Physics of Plasmas. 31, 10, 102503.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Open Access
    2 Scopus citations
  • Overview of T and D-T results in JET with ITER-like wall

    Maggi, C. F., Abate, D., Abid, N., Abreu, P., Adabonyan, O., Afzal, M., Ahmad, I., Akhtar, M., Albanese, R., Aleiferis, S., Alessi, E., Aleynikov, P., Aleynikov, P., Alguacil, J., Alhage, J., Ali, M., Allen, H., Allinson, M., Alonzo, M. & Alves, E. & 1,063 others, Ambrosino, R., Andersson Sundén, E., Andrew, P., Angelone, M., Angioni, C., Antoniou, I., Appel, L., Appelbee, C., Aramunde, C., Ariola, M., Arnoux, G., Artaserse, G., Artaud, J. F., Arter, W., Artigues, V., Artola, F. J., Ash, A., Asztalos, O., Auld, D., Auriemma, F., Austin, Y., Avotina, L., Ayllón, J., Aymerich, E., Baciero, A., Bähner, L., Bairaktaris, F., Balboa, I., Balden, M., Balshaw, N., Bandaru, V. K., Banks, J., Banon Navarro, A., Barcellona, C., Bardsley, O., Barnes, M., Barnsley, R., Baruzzo, M., Bassan, M., Batista, A., Batistoni, P., Baumane, L., Bauvir, B., Baylor, L., Bearcroft, C., Beaumont, P., Beckett, D., Begolli, A., Beidler, M., Bekris, N., Beldishevski, M., Belli, E., Belli, F., Benkadda, S., Bentley, J., Bernard, E., Bernardo, J., Bernert, M., Berry, M., Bertalot, L., Betar, H., Beurskens, M., Bhat, P. G., Bickerton, S., Bielecki, J., Biewer, T., Bilato, R., Bílková, P., Birkenmeier, G., Bisson, R., Bizarro, J. P. S., Blatchford, P., Bleasdale, A., Bobkov, V., Boboc, A., Bock, A., Bodnar, G., Bohm, P., Bonalumi, L., Bonanomi, N., Bonfiglio, D., Bonnin, X., Bonofiglo, P., Booth, J., Borba, D., Borba, D., Borodin, D., Borodkina, I., Bosman, T. O. S. J., Bourdelle, C., Bowden, M., Božičević Mihalić, I., Bradnam, S. C., Breizman, B., Brezinsek, S., Brida, D., Brix, M., Brown, P., Brunetti, D., Buckley, M., Buermans, J., Bufferand, H., Buratti, P., Burckhart, A., Burgess, A., Buscarino, A., Busse, A., Butcher, D., Calabrò, G., Calacci, L., Calado, R., Canavan, R., Cannas, B., Cannon, M., Cappelli, M., Carcangiu, S., Card, P., Cardinali, A., Carli, S., Carman, P., Carnevale, D., Carvalho, B., Carvalho, I. S., Carvalho, P., Casiraghi, I., Casson, F. J., Castaldo, C., Catalan, J. P., Catarino, N., Causa, F., Cavedon, M., Cecconello, M., Ceelen, L., Challis, C. D., Chamberlain, B., Chandra, R., Chang, C. S., Chankin, A., Chapman, B., Chauhan, P., Chernyshova, M., Chiariello, A., Chira, G. C., Chmielewski, P., Chomiczewska, A., Chone, L., Cieslik, J., Ciraolo, G., Ciric, D., Citrin, J., Ciupinski, Clarkson, R., Cleverly, M., Coates, P., Coccorese, V., Coelho, R., Coenen, J. W., Coffey, I. H., Colangeli, A., Colas, L., Collins, J., Conroy, S., Contré, C., Conway, N. J., Coombs, D., Cooper, P., Cooper, S., Cordaro, L., Corradino, C., Corre, Y., Corrigan, G., Coster, D., Craciunescu, T., Cramp, S., Craven, D., Craven, R., Croci, G., Croft, D., Crombé, K., Cronin, T., Cruz, N., Cufar, A., Cullen, A., Dal Molin, A., Dalley, S., David, P., Davies, A., Davies, J., Davies, S., Davis, G., Dawson, K., Dawson, S., Day, I., De Tommasi, G., Deane, J., Dearing, M., De Bock, M., Decker, J., Dejarnac, R., Delabie, E., de la Cal, E., de la Luna, E., Del Sarto, D., Dempsey, A., Deng, W., Dennett, A., Derks, G. L., De Temmerman, G., Devasagayam, F., de Vries, P., Devynck, P., di Siena, A., Dickinson, D., Dickson, T., Diez, M., Dinca, P., Dittmar, T., Dittrich, L., Dobrashian, J., Dochnal, T., Donné, A. J. H., Dorland, W., Dorling, S., Dormido-Canto, S., Dotse, R., Douai, D., Dowson, S., Doyle, R., Dreval, M., Drews, P., Drummond, G., Duckworth, P., Dudding, H. G., Dumont, R., Dumortier, P., Dunai, D., Dunatov, T., Dunne, M., Ďuran, I., Durodié, F., Dux, R., Eade, T., Eardley, E., Edwards, J., Eich, T., Eksaeva, A., El-Haroun, H., Ellis, R. D., Ellwood, G., Elsmore, C., Emery, S., Ericsson, G., Eriksson, B., Eriksson, F., Eriksson, J., Eriksson, L. G., Eriksson, L. G., Ertmer, S., Evans, G., Evans, S., Fable, E., Fagan, D., Faitsch, M., Fajardo Jimenez, D., Falessi, M., Fanni, A., Farmer, T., Farquhar, I., Faugeras, B., Fazinić, S., Fedorczak, N., Felker, K., Felton, R., Fernandes, H., Ferreira, D. R., Ferreira, J., Ferrò, G., Fessey, J., Février, O., Ficker, O., Field, A. R., Figueiredo, A., Figueiredo, J., Fil, A., Fil, N., Finburg, P., Fischer, U., Fishpool, G., Fittill, L., Fitzgerald, M., Flammini, D., Flanagan, J., Foley, S., Fonnesu, N., Fontana, M., Fontdecaba, J. M., Fortuna, L., Fortuna-Zalesna, E., Fortune, M., Fowler, C., Fox, P., Franklin, O., Fransson, E., Frassinetti, L., Fresa, R., Frigione, D., Fülöp, T., Furseman, M., Gabriellini, S., Gadariya, D., Gadgil, S., Gál, K., Galeani, S., Galkowski, A., Gallart, D., Gambrioli, M., Gans, T., Garcia, J., García-Mun͂oz, M., Garzotti, L., Gaspar, J., Gatto, R., Gaudio, P., Gear, D., Gebhart, T., Gee, S., Gelfusa, M., George, R., Gerasimov, S. N., Gerru, R., Gervasini, G., Gethins, M., Ghani, Z., Gherendi, M., Gherghina, P. I., Ghezzi, F., Giacomelli, L., Gibson, C., Gil, L., Gilbert, M. R., Gillgren, A., Giovannozzi, E., Giroud, C., Giruzzi, G., Goff, J., Goloborodko, V., Gomes, R., Gomez, J. F., Gonçalves, B., Goniche, M., Gonzalez-Martin, J., Goodyear, A., Gore, S., Gorini, G., Görler, T., Gotts, N., Gow, E., Graves, J. P., Green, J., Greuner, H., Grigore, E., Griph, F., Gromelski, W., Groth, M., Grove, C., Grove, R., Gupta, N., Hacquin, S., Hägg, L., Hakola, A., Halitovs, M., Hall, J., Ham, C. J., Hamed, M., Hardman, M. R., Haresawa, Y., Harrer, G., Harrison, J. R., Harting, D., Hatch, D. R., Haupt, T., Hawes, J., Hawkes, N. C., Hawkins, J., Hazael, S., Hearmon, J., Heesterman, P., Heinrich, P., Held, M., Helou, W., Hemming, O., Henderson, S. S., Henriques, R., Henriques, R. B., Hepple, D., Herfindal, J., Hermon, G., Hillesheim, J. C., Hizanidis, K., Hjalmarsson, A., Ho, A., Hobirk, J., Hoenen, O., Hogben, C., Hollingsworth, A., Hollis, S., Hollmann, E., Hölzl, M., Hook, M., Hoppe, M., Horáček, J., Horsten, N., Horsten, N., Horton, A., Horton, L. D., Horvath, L., Hotchin, S., Hu, Z., Huang, Z., Hubenov, E., Huber, A., Huber, V., Huddleston, T., Huijsmans, G. T. A., Husain, Y., Huynh, P., Hynes, A., Iglesias, D., Iliasova, M. V., Imríšek, M., Ingleby, J., Innocente, P., Ioannou-Sougleridis, V., Isernia, N., Ivanova-Stanik, I., Ivings, E., Jachmich, S., Jackson, T., Jacobsen, A. S., Jacquet, P., Järleblad, H., Järvinen, A., Jaulmes, F., Jayasekera, N., Jenko, F., Jepu, I., Joffrin, E., Johnson, T., Johnston, J., Jones, C., Jones, E., Jones, G., Jones, L., Jones, T. T. C., Joyce, A., Juvonen, M., Kallenbach, A., Kalnina, P., Kalupin, D., Kanth, P., Kantor, A., Kappatou, A., Kardaun, O., Karhunen, J., Karsakos, E., Kazakov, Y. O., Kazantzidis, V., Keeling, D. L., Kelly, W., Kempenaars, M., Kennedy, D., Khan, K., Khilkevich, E., Kiefer, C., Kim, H. T., Kim, J., Kim, S. H., King, D. B., Kinna, D. J., Kiptily, V. G., Kirjasuo, A., Kirov, K. K., Kirschner, A., Kiviniemi, T., Kizane, G., Klepper, C., Klix, A., Kneale, G., Knight, M., Knight, P., Knights, R., Knipe, S., Knoche, U., Knolker, M., Kocan, M., Köchl, F., Kocsis, G., Koenders, J. T. W., Kolesnichenko, Y., Kominis, Y., Kong, M., Kool, B., Korovin, V., Korsholm, S. B., Kos, B., Kos, D., Koubiti, M., Kovtun, Y., Kowalska-Strzęciwilk, E., Koziol, K., Krasikov, Y., Krasilnikov, A., Krasilnikov, V., Kresina, M., Kreter, A., Krieger, K., Krivska, A., Kruezi, U., Książek, I., Kumpulainen, H., Kurzan, B., Kwak, S., Kwon, O. J., Labit, B., Lacquaniti, M., Lagoyannis, A., Laguardia, L., Laing, A., Laksharam, V., Lam, N., Lambertz, H. T., Lane, B., Langley, M., Lascas Neto, E., Łaszyńska, E., Lawson, K. D., Lazaros, A., Lazzaro, E., Learoyd, G., Lee, C., Lee, K., Leerink, S., Leeson, T., Lefebvre, X., Leggate, H. J., Lehmann, J., Lehnen, M., Leichtle, D., Leipold, F., Lengar, I., Lennholm, M., Leon Gutierrez, E., Leppin, L. A., Lerche, E., Lescinskis, A., Lesnoj, S., Lewin, L., Lewis, J., Likonen, J., Linsmeier, C., Litaudon, X., Litherland-Smith, E., Liu, F., Loarer, T., Loarte, A., Lobel, R., Lomanowski, B., Lomas, P. J., Lombardo, J., Lorenzini, R., Loreti, S., Loschiavo, V. P., Loughlin, M., Lowe, T., Lowry, C., Luce, T., Lucock, R., Luda Di Cortemiglia, T., Lungaroni, M., Lungu, C. P., Lunt, T., Lutsenko, V., Lyons, B., Macdonald, J., Macusova, E., Mäenpää, R., Maier, H., Mailloux, J., Makarov, S., Manas, P., Manning, A., Mantica, P., Mantsinen, M. J., Manyer, J., Manzanares, A., Maquet, P., Maraschek, M., Marceca, G., Marcer, G., Marchetto, C., Marchuk, O., Mariani, A., Mariano, G., Marin, M., Marin Roldan, A., Marinelli, M., Markovič, T., Marot, L., Marren, C., Marsden, S., Marsen, S., Marsh, J., Marshall, R., Martellucci, L., Martin, A. J., Martin, C., Martone, R., Maruyama, S., Maslov, M., Mattei, M., Matthews, G. F., Matveev, D., Matveeva, E., Mauriya, A., Maviglia, F., Mayer, M., Mayoral, M. L., Mazzi, S., Mazzi, S., Mazzotta, C., McAdams, R., McCarthy, P. J., McCullen, P., McDermott, R., McDonald, D. C., McGuckin, D., McKay, V., McNamee, L., McShee, A., Mederick, D., Medland, M., Medley, S., Meghani, K., Meigs, A. G., Meitner, S., Menmuir, S., Mergia, K., Mianowski, S., Middleton, P., Mietelski, J., Mikszuta-Michalik, K., Milanesio, D., Milani, E., Militello-Asp, E., Militello, F., Milnes, J., Milocco, A., Minucci, S., Miron, I., Mitchell, J., Mlynář, J., Mlynář, J., Moiseenko, V., Monaghan, P., Monakhov, I., Montisci, A., Moon, S., Mooney, R., Moradi, S., Morales, R. B., Morgan, L., Moro, F., Morris, J., Mrowetz, T., Msero, L., Munot, S., Mun͂oz-Perez, A., Muraglia, M., Murari, A., Muraro, A., N’Konga, B., Na, Y. S., Nabais, F., Naish, R., Napoli, F., Nardon, E., Naulin, V., Nave, M. F. F., Neu, R., Ng, S., Nicassio, M., Nicolai, D., Nielsen, A. H., Nielsen, S. K., Nina, D., Noble, C., Nobs, C. R., Nocente, M., Nordman, H., Nowak, S., Nyström, H., O’Callaghan, J., O’Mullane, M., O’Neill, C., Olde, C., Oliver, H. J. C., Olney, R., Ongena, J., Orsitto, G. P., Osipov, A., Otin, R., Pace, N., Packer, L. W., Pajuste, E., Palade, D., Palgrave, J., Pan, O., Panadero, N., Pandya, T., Panontin, E., Papadopoulos, A., Papadopoulos, G., Papp, G., Parail, V. V., Parsloe, A., Paschalidis, K., Passeri, M., Patel, A., Pau, A., Pautasso, G., Pavlichenko, R., Pavone, A., Pawelec, E., Paz-Soldan, C., Peacock, A., Pearce, M., Pearson, I. J., Peluso, E., Penot, C., Pepperell, K., Perdas, A., Pereira, T., Perelli Cippo, E., Perez von Thun, C., Perry, D., Petersson, P., Petravich, G., Petrella, N., Peyman, M., Pigatto, L., Pillon, M., Pinches, S., Pintsuk, G., Piron, C., Pironti, A., Pisano, F., Pitts, R., Planck, U., Platt, N., Plyusnin, V., Podesta, M., Pokol, G., Poli, F. M., Pompilian, O. G., Poradzinski, M., Porkolab, M., Porosnicu, C., Poulipoulis, G., Poulsen, A. S., Predebon, I., Previti, A., Primetzhofer, D., Provatas, G., Pucella, G., Puglia, P., Purahoo, K., Putignano, O., Pütterich, T., Quercia, A., Radulescu, G., Radulovic, V., Ragona, R., Rainford, M., Raj, P., Rasinski, M., Rasmussen, D., Rasmussen, J., Rasmussen, J. J., Raso, A., Rattá, G., Ratynskaia, S., Rayaprolu, R., Rebai, M., Redl, A., Rees, D., Réfy, D., Reichle, R., Reimerdes, H., Reman, B. C. G., Reux, C., Reynolds, S., Rigamonti, D., Righi, E., Rimini, F. G., Risner, J., Rivero-Rodriguez, J. F., Roach, C. M., Roberts, J., Robins, R., Robinson, S., Robson, D., Rode, S., Rodrigues, P., Rodriguez-Fernandez, P., Romanelli, S., Romazanov, J., Rose, E., Rose-Innes, C., Rossi, R., Rowe, S., Rowlands, D., Rowley, C., Rubel, M., Rubinacci, G., Rubino, G., Rud, M., Ruiz Ruiz, J., Ryter, F., Saarelma, S., Sahlberg, A., Salewski, M., Salmi, A., Salmon, R., Salzedas, F., Sanchez, F., Sanders, I., Sandiford, D., Sanni, F., Sauter, O., Sauvan, P., Schettini, G., Shevelev, A., Schekochihin, A. A., Schmid, K., Schmidt, B. S., Schmuck, S., Schneider, M., Schneider, P. A., Schoonheere, N., Schramm, R., Scoon, D., Scully, S., Segato, M., Seidl, J., Senni, L., Seo, J., Sergienko, G., Sertoli, M., Sharapov, S. E., Sharma, R., Shaw, A., Shaw, R., Sheikh, H., Sheikh, U., Shi, N., Shigin, P., Shiraki, D., Sias, G., Siccinio, M., Sieglin, B., Silburn, S. A., Silva, A., Silva, C., Silva, J., Silvagni, D., Simfukwe, D., Simpson, J., Sirén, P., Sirinelli, A., Sjöstrand, H., Skinner, N., Slater, J., Smart, T., Smirnov, R. D., Smith, N., Smith, P., Smith, T., Snell, J., Snoj, L., Solano, E. R., Solokha, V., Sommariva, C., Soni, K., Sos, M., Sousa, J., Sozzi, C., Spelzini, T., Spineanu, F., Spolladore, L., Spong, D., Srinivasan, C., Staebler, G., Stagni, A., Stamatelatos, I., Stamp, M. F., Štancar, Staniec, P. A., Stankūnas, G., Stead, M., Stein-Lubrano, B., Stephen, A., Stephens, J., Stevenson, P., Steventon, C., Stojanov, M., St-Onge, D. A., Strand, P., Strikwerda, S., Stuart, C. I., Sturgeon, S., Sun, H. J., Surendran, S., Suttrop, W., Svensson, J., Svoboda, J., Sweeney, R., Szepesi, G., Szoke, M., Tadić, T., Tal, B., Tala, T., Tamain, P., Tanaka, K., Tang, W., Tardini, G., Tardocchi, M., Taylor, D., Teimane, A. S., Telesca, G., Teplukhina, A., Terra, A., Terranova, D., Terranova, N., Testa, D., Thomas, B., Thompson, V. K., Thorman, A., Thrysoe, A. S., Tierens, W., Tinguely, R. A., Tipton, A., Todd, H., Tomeš, M., Tookey, A., Tsavalas, P., Tskhakaya, D., Turica, L. P., Turner, A., Turner, I., Turner, M., Turner, M. M., Tvalashvili, G., Tykhyy, A., Tyrrell, S., Uccello, A., Udintsev, V., Vadgama, A., Valcarcel, D. F., Valentini, A., Valisa, M., Vallar, M., Valovic, M., Van Berkel, M., van de Plassche, K. L., van Rossem, M., Van Eester, D., Varela, J., Varje, J., Vasilopoulou, T., Vayakis, G., Vecsei, M., Vega, J., Veis, M., Veis, P., Ventre, S., Veranda, M., Verdoolaege, G., Verona, C., Verona Rinati, G., Veshchev, E., Vianello, N., Viezzer, E., Vignitchouk, L., Vila, R., Villari, R., Villone, F., Vincenzi, P., Vitins, A., Vizvary, Z., Vlad, M., Voldiner, I., Von Toussaint, U., Vondráček, P., Wakeling, B., Walker, M., Walker, R., Walsh, M., Walton, R., Wang, E., Warren, F., Warren, R., Waterhouse, J., Watts, C., Webster, T., Weiland, M., Weisen, H., Weiszflog, M., Wendler, N., West, A., Wheatley, M., Whetham, S., Whitehead, A., Whittaker, D., Widdowson, A., Wiesen, S., Willensdorfer, M., Williams, J., Wilson, I., Wilson, T., Wischmeier, M., Withycombe, A., Witts, D., Wojcik-Gargula, A., Wolfrum, E., Wood, R., Woodley, R., Worrall, R., Wyss, I., Xu, T., Yadykin, D., Yakovenko, Y., Yang, Y., Yanovskiy, V., Yi, R., Young, I., Young, R., Zaar, B., Zabolockis, R. J., Zakharov, L., Zanca, P., Zarins, A., Zarzoso Fernandez, D., Zastrow, K. D., Zayachuk, Y., Zerbini, M., Zhang, W., Zimmermann, B., Zlobinski, M., Zocco, A., Zotta, V. K., Zuin, M., Zwingmann, W. & Zychor, I., Nov 1 2024, In: Nuclear Fusion. 64, 11, 112012.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    13 Scopus citations
  • Overview of the KSTAR experiments toward fusion reactor

    KSTAR Team, Nov 1 2024, In: Nuclear Fusion. 64, 11, 112010.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    3 Scopus citations
  • Prediction of transport in the JET DTE2 discharges with TGLF and NEO models using the TGYRO transport code

    JET Contributors, Jul 2024, In: Nuclear Fusion. 64, 7, 076062.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    2 Scopus citations
  • Quasilinear theory and modelling of gyrokinetic turbulent transport in tokamaks

    Staebler, G., Bourdelle, C., Citrin, J. & Waltz, R., Oct 1 2024, In: Nuclear Fusion. 64, 10, 103001.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Open Access
  • Runaway electron plateau current profile reconstruction from synchrotron imaging and Ar-II line polarization angle measurements in DIII-D

    Marini, C., Hollmann, E., Tang, S., Herfindal, J., Shiraki, D., Wilcox, R., del-Castillo-Negrete, D., Yang, M., Eidietis, N. & Hoppe, M., Jul 2024, In: Nuclear Fusion. 64, 7, 076039.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Open Access
  • Successful prediction of tokamak transport in the L-mode regime

    Staebler, G., Park, J., Hassan, E., Angioni, C., Fable, E., Bourdelle, C., Kinsey, J., Holland, C., Belli, E., Neiser, T., Candy, J. & Waltz, R., Aug 2024, In: Nuclear Fusion. 64, 8, 085002.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    2 Scopus citations
  • Surface wave propagation along a narrow transition layer in a slab Voigt geometry

    Girka, I. O. & Tierens, W., Feb 1 2024, In: Physics of Plasmas. 31, 2, 022106.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Time-resolved biphase signatures of quadratic nonlinearity observed in coupled Alfvén eigenmodes on the DIII-D tokamak

    Riggs, G., Koepke, M., Heidbrink, W., Van Zeeland, M. A. & Spong, D., Apr 1 2024, In: Physics of Plasmas. 31, 4, 042305.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Transport and losses of energetic particles in tokamaks in the presence of Alfvén activity using the new full orbit TAPaS code coupled to FAR3d

    Betar, H., Zarzoso, D., Varela, J., Del-Castillo-Negrete, D., Garcia, L. & Du, X., Dec 2024, In: Nuclear Fusion. 64, 12, 126014.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    1 Scopus citations
  • Wall heating by subcritical energetic electrons generated by the runaway electron avalanche source

    Beidler, M., del-Castillo-Negrete, D., Shiraki, D., Baylor, L., Hollmann, E. & Lasnier, C., Jul 2024, In: Nuclear Fusion. 64, 7, 076038.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    2 Scopus citations
  • 2023

    Active Control of Alfvén Eigenmodes by Externally Applied 3D Magnetic Perturbations

    (ASDEX Upgrade Team and Eurofusion MST1 Team), Jan 20 2023, In: Physical Review Letters. 130, 3, 035101.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    9 Scopus citations
  • A divergence-free constrained magnetic field interpolation method for scattered data

    Yang, M., Del-Castillo-Negrete, D., Zhang, G. & Beidler, M. T., Mar 2023, In: Physics of Plasmas. 30, 3, 033901.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • A flexible gyro-fluid system of equations

    Staebler, G. M., Belli, E. A. & Candy, J., Oct 1 2023, In: Physics of Plasmas. 30, 10, 102501.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    3 Scopus citations
  • Analysis of the ECH effect on EPM/AE stability in Heliotron J plasma using a Landau closure model

    Varela, J., Nagasaki, K., Kobayashi, S., Nagaoka, K., Adulsiriswad, P., Cappa, A., Yamamoto, S., Watanabe, K. Y., Spong, D. A., Garcia, L., Ghai, Y. & Ortiz, J., Feb 2023, In: Nuclear Fusion. 63, 2, 026009.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    4 Scopus citations
  • A Performance Upgrade for DIII-D to Resolve the Integrated Tokamak Exhaust and Performance Gap for a Fusion Pilot Plant

    the DIII-D team, 2023, 49th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2023. European Physical Society (EPS), (49th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2023).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


    Yang, M., Zhang, G., Del-Castillo-Negrete, D. & Cao, Y., 2023, In: SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis. 61, 6, p. 2718-2743 26 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    3 Scopus citations
  • Core-Pedestal Plasma Configurations in Advanced Tokamaks

    Hassan, E., Kessel, C. E., Park, J. M., Elwasif, W. R., Whitfield, R. E., Kim, K., Snyder, P. B., Batchelor, D. B., Bernholdt, D. E., Cianciosa, M. R., Green, D. L. & Law, K. J. H., 2023, In: Fusion Science and Technology. 79, 3, p. 189-212 24 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    2 Scopus citations
  • Crystallographic and temperature effects in low-energy collisions for plasma–material interactions

    Samolyuk, G. D., Zarkadoula, E., Lau, C., Kumar, A., Rapp, J., Eisenbach, M. & Osetskiy, Y., Dec 2023, In: Materialia. 32, 101886.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    1 Scopus citations
  • DIII-D’s role as a national user facility in enabling the commercialization of fusion energy

    DIII-D Team, Dec 1 2023, In: Physics of Plasmas. 30, 12, 120603.

    Research output: Contribution to journalShort surveypeer-review

    Open Access
    2 Scopus citations
  • Effect of the neutral beam injector operational regime on the Alfven eigenmode saturation phase in DIII-D plasma

    Varela, J., Spong, D. A., Garcia, L., Ghai, Y., Zarzoso, D., del-Castillo-Negrete, D., Betar, H., Ortiz, J., Pace, D. C., Van Zeeland, M. A., Du, X., Sanchez, R., Tribaldos, V. & Reynolds-Barredo, J. M., Dec 2023, In: Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 65, 12, 125004.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    3 Scopus citations
  • Erratum: Gyrokinetic benchmark of the electron temperature-gradient instability in the pedestal region (Physics of Plasmas (2021) 28 (062505) DOI: 10.1063/5.0043006)

    Hassan, E., Hatch, D. R., Guttenfelder, W., Chen, Y. & Parker, S., Mar 2023, In: Physics of Plasmas. 30, 3, 039902.

    Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debate

    Open Access
  • Full-orbit Toroidal Accelerated PArticle Simulator (TAPAS) to Study the Transport and Losses of Energetic Particles in Fusion Devices: Coupling with Far3D code

    Betar, H., Zarzoso, D., Varela, J. & Del-Castillo-Negrete, D., 2023, 49th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2023. European Physical Society (EPS), (49th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2023).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

  • Imaging the Future Threats of the Sand Dunes Along the Northwestern Coast of Nile Delta Using SAR

    Ramadan, R., Hassan, E., El-Asser, M. A., Yahia, A. & Gaber, A., 2023, Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences. Springer Nature, p. 385-394 10 p. (Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences; vol. Part F1684).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

  • New ASDEX Upgrade ICRF antenna vacuum feedthrough: design review

    Girka, O., Helou, W., Fünfgelder, H., Faugel, H., Paulus, F., Ochoukov, R., Tierens, W. & Bobkov, V., 2023, 49th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2023. European Physical Society (EPS), (49th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2023).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

  • On the origin of the DIII-D L-H power threshold isotope effect

    Callahan, K., Schmitz, L., Carter, T., Belli, E., Chrystal, C., Haskey, S., Grierson, B., Thome, K., Smith, S., McKee, G., Staebler, G., Holland, C., Ashourvan, A. & Yan, Z., Dec 2023, In: Nuclear Fusion. 63, 12, 126009.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    1 Scopus citations
  • Parallel transport modeling of linear divertor simulators with fundamental ion cyclotron heating *

    Kumar, A., Caneses-Marin, J. F., Lau, C. & Goulding, R., Mar 2023, In: Nuclear Fusion. 63, 3, 036004.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    4 Scopus citations
  • Prediction of energetic particle confinement in ITER operation scenarios

    Lin, Z., Bass, E., Brochard, G., Ghai, Y., Gorelenkov, N., Idouakass, M., Liu, C., Liu, P., Podesta, M., Spong, D., Wei, X., Heidbrink, W., Waltz, R., Bao, J., Duarte, V., Gorelenkova, M., Hayward-Schneider, T., Kim, S. H., Nicolau, J. & Pinches, S. D. & 2 others, Polevoi, A. & Schneider, M., 2023, 49th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2023. European Physical Society (EPS), (49th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2023).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

  • Remarkable heat conduction mediated by non-equilibrium phonon polaritons

    Pan, Z., Lu, G., Li, X., McBride, J. R., Juneja, R., Long, M., Lindsay, L., Caldwell, J. D. & Li, D., Nov 9 2023, In: Nature. 623, 7986, p. 307-312 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    19 Scopus citations
  • Resonance cones in cold plasma: Origin, singularities, and power flow

    Tierens, W., Paulus, F. & Bilato, R., Oct 1 2023, In: Physics of Plasmas. 30, 10, 102102.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    1 Scopus citations
  • Searching the Plasma Geometry and Configuration Spaces for Feasible Tokamak Design Point

    Hassan, E., Kessel, C. E., Park, J. M., Snyder, P. B. & Collins, C. S., 2023, In: Transactions of the American Nuclear Society. 128, p. 148-150 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review