
Search results

  • 2023

    Flow of the normal component of He-II about bluff objects observed with He2∗ excimers

    Wen, X., Pierce, J., Lavrik, N., Randolph, S. J., Guo, W. & Fitzsimmons, M. R., May 1 2023, In: Physical Review B. 107, 17, 174501.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • 2022

    Observing flow of He II with unsupervised machine learning

    Wen, X., McDonald, L., Pierce, J., Guo, W. & Fitzsimmons, M. R., Dec 2022, In: Scientific Reports. 12, 1, 20383.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    3 Scopus citations
  • Proton spin structure and generalized polarizabilities in the strong quantum chromodynamics regime

    Ruth, D., Zielinski, R., Gu, C., Allada (Cummings), M., Badman, T., Huang, M., Liu, J., Zhu, P., Allada, K., Zhang, J., Camsonne, A., Chen, J. P., Slifer, K., Aniol, K., Annand, J., Arrington, J., Averett, T., Baghdasaryan, H., Bellini, V. & Boeglin, W. & 78 others, Brock, J., Carlin, C., Chen, C., Cisbani, E., Crabb, D., Daniel, A., Day, D., Duve, R., Fassi, L. E., Friedman, M., Fuchey, E., Gao, H., Gilman, R., Glamazdin, S., Gueye, P., Hafez, M., Han, Y., Hansen, O., Shabestari, M. H., Hen, O., Higinbotham, D., Horn, T., Iqbal, S., Jensen, E., Kang, H., Keith, C. D., Kelleher, A., Keller, D., Khanal, H., Korover, I., Kumbartzki, G., Li, W., Lichtenstadt, J., Lindgren, R., Long, E., Malace, S., Markowitz, P., Maxwell, J., Meekins, D. M., Meziani, Z. E., McLean, C., Michaels, R., Mihovilovič, M., Muangma, N., Camacho, C. M., Musson, J., Myers, K., Oh, Y., Carmignotto, M. P., Perdrisat, C., Phillips, S., Piasetzky, E., Pierce, J., Punjabi, V., Qiang, Y., Reimer, P. E., Roblin, Y., Ron, G., Rondon, O., Russo, G., Saenboonruang, K., Sawatzky, B., Shahinyan, A., Shneor, R., Širca, S., Sjoegren, J., Solvignon-Slifer, P., Sparveris, N., Sulkosky, V., Wesselmann, F., Yan, W., Yang, H., Yao, H., Ye, Z., Yurov, M., Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y. X. & Zheng, X., Dec 2022, In: Nature Physics. 18, 12, p. 1441-1446 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    6 Scopus citations
  • 2020

    Imaging Fluorescence of He2∗ Excimers Created by Neutron Capture in Liquid Helium II

    Wen, X., Bao, S. R., McDonald, L., Pierce, J., Greene, G. L., Crow, L., Tong, X., Mezzacappa, A., Glasby, R., Guo, W. & Fitzsimmons, M. R., Apr 3 2020, In: Physical Review Letters. 124, 13, 134502.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    3 Scopus citations
  • 2019

    A prototype system for dynamically polarized neutron protein crystallography

    Pierce, J., Crow, L., Cuneo, M., Edwards, M., Herwig, K. W., Jennings, A., Jones, A., Li, L., Meilleur, F., Myles, D. A. A., Robertson, L., Standaert, R., Wonder, A. & Zhao, J. K., Oct 1 2019, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 940, p. 430-434 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    5 Scopus citations
  • Open Access
    9 Scopus citations
  • 2018

    Semi-inclusive π0 target and beam-target asymmetries from 6 GeV electron scattering with CLAS

    Jawalkar, S., Koirala, S., Avakian, H., Bosted, P., Griffioen, K. A., Keith, C., Kuhn, S. E., Adhikari, K. P., Adhikari, S., Adikaram, D., Akbar, Z., Amaryan, M. J., Anefalos Pereira, S., Ball, J., Baltzell, N. A., Battaglieri, M., Batourine, V., Bedlinskiy, I., Biselli, A. S. & Boiarinov, S. & 143 others, Briscoe, W. J., Brock, J., Brooks, W. K., Bültmann, S., Burkert, V. D., Cao, F. T., Carlin, C., Carman, D. S., Celentano, A., Charles, G., Chetry, T., Ciullo, G., Clark, L., Colaneri, L., Cole, P. L., Contalbrigo, M., Cortes, O., Crede, V., D'Angelo, A., Dashyan, N., De Vita, R., De Sanctis, E., Defurne, M., Deur, A., Djalali, C., Ddoge, G., Dupre, R., Egiyan, H., El Alaoui, A., El Fassi, L., Elouadrhiri, L., Eugenio, P., Fedotov, G., Fegan, S., Fersch, R., Filippi, A., Fleming, J. A., Forest, T. A., Fradi, A., Garçon, M., Ghandilyan, Y., Gilfoyle, G. P., Giovanetti, K. L., Girod, F. X., Gleason, C., Gohn, W., Golovatch, E., Gothe, R. W., Guidal, M., Guler, N., Guo, L., Hakobyan, H., Hanretty, C., Harrison, N., Hattawy, M., Heddle, D., Hicks, K., Hollis, G., Holtrop, M., Hughes, S. M., Ilieva, Y., Ireland, D. G., Ishkhanov, B. S., Isupov, E. L., Jenkins, D., Jiang, H., Joo, K., Joosten, S., Keller, D., Khachatryan, G., Khachatryan, M., Khandaker, M., Kim, A., Kim, W., Klein, A., Klein, F. J., Kubarovsky, V., Kuleshov, S. V., Lanza, L., Lenisa, P., Livingston, K., Lu, H. Y., MacGregor, I. J. D., Markov, N., Mayer, M., McCracken, M. E., McKinnon, B., Meyer, C. A., Mineeva, T., Mirazita, M., Mokeev, V., Montgomery, R. A., Movsisyan, A., Munoz Camacho, C., Nadel-Turonski, P., Net, L. A., Niccolai, S., Niculescu, G., Niculescu, I., Osipenko, M., Ostrovidov, A. I., Paremuzyan, R., Park, K., Pasyuk, E., Phelps, E., Phelps, W., Pierce, J., Pisano, S., Pogorelko, O., Price, J. W., Prok, Y., Protopopescu, D., Raue, B. A., Ripani, M., Riser, D., Rizzo, A., Rosner, G., Rossi, P., Sabatié, F., Salgado, C., Schumacher, R. A., Seder, E., Sharabian, Y. G., Simonyan, A., Skorodumina, I., Smith, G. D., Sober, D. I., Sokhan, D., Sparveris, N., Stankovic, I., Strauch, S., Taiuti, M., Ungaro, M., Voskanyan, H., Voutier, E., Walford, N. K., Watts, D. P., Wei, X., Weinstein, L. B., Wood, M. H., Zachariou, N., Zhang, J. & Zhao, Z. W., Jul 10 2018, In: Physics Letters B. 782, p. 662-667 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    10 Scopus citations
  • 2017

    Determination of the proton spin structure functions for 0.05<Q2<5 GeV2 using CLAS

    CLAS Collaboration, Dec 27 2017, In: Physical Review C. 96, 6, 065208.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    47 Scopus citations
  • Neutron crystallographic studies of T4 lysozyme at cryogenic temperature

    Li, L., Shukla, S., Meilleur, F., Standaert, R. F., Pierce, J., Myles, D. A. A. & Cuneo, M. J., Oct 2017, In: Protein Science. 26, 10, p. 2098-2104 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    20 Scopus citations
  • 2010

    Dynamically polarized sample at the spallation neutron source

    Pierce, J., Crabb, D. G., Tomanicek, S., Demarse, N., Maxwell, J., Mulholland, J. & Zhao, J. K., 2010, In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 251, 1, 012088.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    3 Scopus citations
  • Electrical heating for SEOP-based polarized 3He system

    Tong, X., Pierce, J., Lee, W. T., Fleenor, M., Chen, W. C., Jones, G. L. & Robertson, J. L., 2010, In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 251, 1, 012087.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    7 Scopus citations
  • In-situ polarized 3He-based neutron polarization analyzer for SNS magnetism reflectometer

    Lee, W. T., Tong, X., Pierce, J., Fleenor, M., Ismaili, A., Robertson, J. L., Chen, W. C., Gentile, T. R., Hailemariam, A., Goyette, R., Parizzi, A., Lauter, V., Klose, F., Kaiser, H., Lavelle, C., Baxter, D. V., Jones, G. L., Wexler, J. & McCollum, L., 2010, In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 251, 1, 012086.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    6 Scopus citations
  • 2009

    Increasing the pump-up rate to polarize 3He gas using spin-exchange optical pumping method

    Lee, W. T., Tong, X., Rich, D., Liu, Y., Fleenor, M., Ismaili, A., Pierce, J., Hagen, M., Dadras, J. & Robertson, J. L., Sep 1 2009, In: Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter. 404, 17, p. 2670-2672 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    2 Scopus citations