ZrH2 as measured on ARCS for NXS2021



This data is for ZrH2 in an Al can it is measured at room temperature. This data was used for the Neutron and Xray scattering school in 2021. It was measured on the ARCS direct geometry spectrometer at the spallation neutron source. The .nxs files are event files that can be read and processed with Mantid. The nxspe files are auto reduced files that can be read with Mantid, Dave, or Mslice. Both types of files are hdf5 and can be read with any tool that reads hdf5.
Date made availableApr 30 2024
  • 110 Scopus citations
  • The Spallation Neutron Source accelerator system design

    Henderson, S., Abraham, W., Aleksandrov, A., Allen, C., Alonso, J., Anderson, D., Arenius, D., Arthur, T., Assadi, S., Ayers, J., Bach, P., Badea, V., Battle, R., Beebe-Wang, J., Bergmann, B., Bernardin, J., Bhatia, T., Billen, J., Birke, T. & Bjorklund, E. & 295 others, Blaskiewicz, M., Blind, B., Blokland, W., Bookwalter, V., Borovina, D., Bowling, S., Bradley, J., Brantley, C., Brennan, J., Brodowski, J., Brown, S., Brown, R., Bruce, D., Bultman, N., Cameron, P., Campisi, I., Casagrande, F., Catalan-Lasheras, N., Champion, M., Champion, M., Chen, Z., Cheng, D., Cho, Y., Christensen, K., Chu, C., Cleaves, J., Connolly, R., Cote, T., Cousineau, S., Crandall, K., Creel, J., Crofford, M., Cull, P., Cutler, R., Dabney, R., Dalesio, L., Daly, E., Damm, R., Danilov, V., Davino, D., Davis, K., Dawson, C., Day, L., Deibele, C., Delayen, J., Delong, J., Demello, A., Devan, W., Digennaro, R., Dixon, K., Dodson, G., Doleans, M., Doolittle, L., Doss, J., Drury, M., Elliot, T., Ellis, S., Error, J., Fazekas, J., Fedotov, A., Feng, P., Fischer, J., Fox, W., Fuja, R., Funk, W., Galambos, J., Ganni, V., Garnett, R., Geng, X., Gentzlinger, R., Giannella, M., Gibson, P., Gillis, R., Gioia, J., Gordon, J., Gough, R., Greer, J., Gregory, W., Gribble, R., Grice, W., Gurd, D., Gurd, P., Guthrie, A., Hahn, H., Hardek, T., Hardekopf, R., Harrison, J., Hatfield, D., He, P., Hechler, M., Heistermann, F., Helus, S., Hiatt, T., Hicks, S., Hill, J., Hill, J., Hoff, L., Hoff, M., Hogan, J., Holding, M., Holik, P., Holmes, J., Holtkamp, N., Hovater, C., Howell, M., Hseuh, H., Huhn, A., Hunter, T., Ilg, T., Jackson, J., Jain, A., Jason, A., Jeon, D., Johnson, G., Jones, A., Joseph, S., Justice, A., Kang, Y., Kasemir, K., Keller, R., Kersevan, R., Kerstiens, D., Kesselman, M., Kim, S., Kneisel, P., Kravchuk, L., Kuneli, T., Kurennoy, S., Kustom, R., Kwon, S., Ladd, P., Lambiase, R., Lee, Y. Y., Leitner, M., Leung, K. N., Lewis, S., Liaw, C., Lionberger, C., Lo, C. C., Long, C., Ludewig, H., Ludvig, J., Luft, P., Lynch, M., Ma, H., Macgill, R., Macha, K., Madre, B., Mahler, G., Mahoney, K., Maines, J., Mammosser, J., Mann, T., Marneris, I., Marroquin, P., Martineau, R., Matsumoto, K., McCarthy, M., McChesney, C., McGahern, W., McGehee, P., Meng, W., Merz, B., Meyer, R., Meyer, R., Miller, B., Mitchell, R., Mize, J., Monroy, M., Munro, J., Murdoch, G., Musson, J., Nath, S., Nelson, R., Nelson, R., O'Hara, J., Olsen, D., Oren, W., Oshatz, D., Owens, T., Pai, C., Papaphilippou, I., Patterson, N., Patterson, J., Pearson, C., Pelaia, T., Pieck, M., Piller, C., Plawski, T., Plum, M., Pogge, J., Power, J., Powers, T., Preble, J., Prokop, M., Pruyn, J., Purcell, D., Rank, J., Raparia, D., Ratti, A., Reass, W., Reece, K., Rees, D., Regan, A., Regis, M., Reijonen, J., Rej, D., Richards, D., Richied, D., Rode, C., Rodriguez, W., Rodriguez, M., Rohlev, A., Rose, C., Roseberry, T., Rowton, L., Roybal, W., Rust, K., Salazer, G., Sandberg, J., Saunders, J., Schenkel, T., Schneider, W., Schrage, D., Schubert, J., Severino, F., Shafer, R., Shea, T., Shishlo, A., Shoaee, H., Sibley, C., Sims, J., Smee, S., Smith, J., Smith, K., Spitz, R., Staples, J., Stein, P., Stettler, M., Stirbet, M., Stockli, M., Stone, W., Stout, D., Stovall, J., Strelo, W., Strong, H., Sundelin, R., Syversrud, D., Szajbler, M., Takeda, H., Tallerico, P., Tang, J., Tanke, E., Tepikian, S., Thomae, R., Thompson, D., Thomson, D., Thuot, M., Treml, C., Tsoupas, N., Tuozzolo, J., Tuzel, W., Vassioutchenko, A., Virostek, S., Wallig, J., Wanderer, P., Wang, Y., Wang, J. G., Wangler, T., Warren, D., Wei, J., Weiss, D., Welton, R., Weng, J., Weng, W. T., Wezensky, M., White, M., Whitlatch, T., Williams, D., Williams, E., Wilson, K., Wiseman, M., Wood, R., Wright, P., Wu, A., Ybarrolaza, N., Young, K., Young, L., Yourd, R., Zachoszcz, A., Zaltsman, A., Zhang, S., Zhang, W., Zhang, Y. & Zhukov, A., Nov 1 2014, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 763, p. 610-673 64 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    119 Scopus citations
  • Design and operation of the wide angular-range chopper spectrometer ARCS at the Spallation Neutron Source

    Abernathy, D. L., Stone, M. B., Loguillo, M. J., Lucas, M. S., Delaire, O., Tang, X., Lin, J. Y. Y. & Fultz, B., Jan 2012, In: Review of Scientific Instruments. 83, 1, 015114.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    218 Scopus citations

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