SPRUCE Bog Surface Elevation Assessments with SET Instrument Beginning in 2013



This data set reports plot-specific bog surface elevation measurements collected with the SPRUCE Elevation Transect (SET) instrument. The SET instrument is a modified version of the Cahoon et al. (2002) surface elevation table instrument. The device is mounted to fixed stands that are anchored in deep sediments, making it capable of identifying subtle changes in bog surface elevation. Measurements are reported as absolute elevation in meters above mean sea level (amsl) for two locations in each of the SPRUCE experimental treatment plots and additional ambient boardwalk plots -- 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20 and 21. This data set reports measurements collected from June 2013 through August 2023 (2013-06-02 to 2023-08-12). It will be appended annually through 2025 as new data are collected. This data set contains one data file in comma separate (*.csv) format.
Date made availableJan 1 2018



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