SNAP diffraction dataset for 2023 SMC data challenge



The data provided this challenge is ice under high pressure measured using the Spallation Neutrons and Pressure Diffractometer (SNAP) at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The data is stored in a hdf5 file following the NeXus standard and can be read with tools built for either. While the NeXus format is self-describing, there is benefit to explaining some details. The data is stored in a single NXdata entry within a single NXentry. The NXdata has several fields denoting the 3-dimensional data (signal), the axes (D0 is the Qx axis, D1 is the Qy axis, and D2 is the Qz axis), and fields for the uncertainties and masking information. The data can be quickly viewed using the LoadMD algorithm and slice viewer in the Mantid workbench

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