Real ORNL Automotive Dynamometer (ROAD) CAN Intrusion Dataset

  • Robert Bridges (Creator)
  • Verma Verma (Creator)
  • Michael D. Iannacone (Creator)
  • Samuel C Hollifield Hollifield (Creator)
  • Pablo Moriano (Creator)
  • Hespeler Steven (Creator)
  • Frank Combs (Creator)
  • Bill Kay (Creator)



The Real ORNL Automotive Dynamometer (ROAD) CAN IDS dataset consistis of over 3.5 hours of one vehicle's CAN data. ROAD contains ambient data recorded during a diverse set of activities, and attacks of increasing stealth with multiple variants and instances of real (i.e. non-simulated) fuzzing, fabrication, unique advanced attacks, and simulated masquerade attacks. In addition to the "raw" CAN format, the data is also provided in a the signal time series format for many of the CAN captures. Authors: Miki E. Verma, Robert A. Bridges, Michael D. Iannacone, Samuel C. Hollifield, Pablo Moriano, Bill Kay, Steven Hespeler and Frank L. Combs Citation: Please cite the paper with full description (preprint, PLoS ONE publication to appear in 2024)
Date made availableDec 28 2020

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